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Sino Doll Releases RRS+ Makeup, Mikiu, Miteng Dolls

On August 26, 2022, Sino Doll released their new RRS+ makeup, an upgrade of their famous RRS makeup. Apparently 365 days in the making, Sino Doll put their Top-sino line on hold for half a year to work on this. They aimed to enhance the finest details to achieve maximum realism for their dolls. They called this innovation, “0.1mm visual precision.” However, not only did they refine their makeup, but also their sex doll molds. New Top-sino dolls will have more realistic mini-details and a new oral cavity design. Together with the RRS+ release, they also debuted 2 new bodies (T160 and T164) and 2 new heads (Mikui and Miteng).

Sino Doll Top-sino 160cm H-cup T21 Mikui RRS+

Sino Doll Top-sino 164cm T22 Miteng RRS+

Sino Doll RRS vs RRS+ Makeup (Miteng & Mikui)

These photos provide a side-by-side comparison of the RRS and RRS+ makeup. The difference is noticeable. However, because they used 2 different heads, it’s not as useful as comparing the same head.

New Oral Cavity Design

The new RRS+ makeup was an interesting release from Sino Doll. From the photos, it’s clear that the RRS+ makeup results in more realistic skin texture, and therefore, a hyper-realistic appearance. The new sculpts also look fairly realistic, including the oral cavity design. However, there has always been two flaws with Sino Doll’s makeup or body paint; it’s expensive and temporary. It was designed more for photography than for cuddling otherwise you will rub the costly makeup off.

Was this level of detail worth the 365 days Sino Doll spent working on this? The improved molds are beneficial, but unless people have the money, the temporary RRS+ makeup (which costs about ~$1000 extra) will be overpriced for most. I like Sino Doll’s level of details, but I personally think they put too much emphasis on their makeup and body paint. While the makeup does look very realistic, it’s more for photographers than the average doll owner. Hopefully they find a way to make the makeup more permanent. Otherwise, the new dolls look quite beautiful.

Interested in Sino Dolls? My Robot Doll is the most trusted Top-sino doll vendor in the West.

Thoughts on the new Sino Doll’s RRS+ makeup, and 160cm Mikui and 164cm Miteng dolls? Comment below!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Taneras

    Wild levels of detail. But as you point out, the RSS/RSS+ makeup upgrades aren’t aimed at your average doll owner. Even if I wouldn’t put it on my shortlist of purchase considerations, it’s still amazing to see how far these companies are pushing the craft. I’d like to peep forward 10-20 years to see what advancements will be made.

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