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WM Doll’s ROS Heads, Irokebijin TPE, JY Doll, & More

Ever since Zelex released their Inspiration Series two weeks ago, it’s been a race among brands to reveal their own oral structure designs. Clearly, they were in development behind-the-scenes, but now it’s crunch-time to release them. At least 6 brands offer them now, 4 of which were released in the past 2 weeks. This trend will surely continue for the next few months. However, there’s much more than just mouth designs in the news this week. There’s also new heads and photosets from the brands you know and love. So, sit back and relax for another week of sex doll news.

Last week, WM Doll revealed their new Real Oral Sex (ROS) mouth design. They plan to release a list of heads that qualify for the ROS update (which includes new and popular existing heads). According to MyRobotDoll, these heads are on the list: #153, 159, 162, 198, 233, 266, 273, 336, 400, 414, 443, and 454. Upgraded heads with ROS will be available in the upcoming weeks or months.

Note: Another vendor told me this head list may not be accurate.

JY Doll released 4 new silicone dolls. First, the 170B Ewan and Jie dolls, which feature two beautiful Asian heads on a realistic new body. Next, we have the 165cm Chika and 158cm Janna, which were noticeably taken by different photographers. All three bodies have considerably different vagina designs.

JY Doll 170cm Ewan
JY Doll 170cm Jie

Irokebijin teased their upcoming 135cm and 140cm TPE bodies with Akane, Abby, Suzu, and Sumire heads (TPE). Irokebijin fans who wanted full-sized TPE versions of their favorite mini dolls will be pleased with this update.

Irontech released a new silicone head called Miyuki on their 166cm body. She has a cute, Japanese-inspired look.

Elsa Babe didn’t release any new dolls but they released factory photos of 2 heads (Kouno Ria & Ivanka Ricci) that are worth sharing. A few months ago, they shared new photos their Cat and Dog heads but no Bunny head. Well, now they have new photos of the Bunny head (Aida Rina) to complete the furry exhibit.


Zelex released a new head called GE94 for their Inspiration Series. It’s the soft silicone version of Head GE45, with an upgraded mouth. According to RealDollOnline, Head GE07 (Yvonne) is next on the list. Zelex also shared photos of 2 vaginal textures and 3 removeable labia designs to choose from. Courtesy: RealDollOnline

TAYU revealed a new head called Momoko or Peach (A8). It’s unclear what the video on the left was meant to compare. Different makeup or skin tones? Meanwhile, the other video shows the head on a 161cm body.

SHEDOLL is yet another brand with oral structure and moveable jaws, which I never noticed until now. They released the soft silicone Lowe 2.0 head about a month ago, which is their only head with a moveable jaw.

XYcolo released a new head called Ruoruo (or Nora) on their 153cm LB body. The head is somewhat cute and looks similar to their previous Nainai head. Personally, I think the head seems too small for the body.

Game Lady hasn’t released any dolls in a while. I received a copyright infringement notice by Capcom Co., Ltd. to remove photos of Game Lady’s Jill and Ada-inspired dolls. Of course, I had to comply. Even though Game Lady is highly incognito (no email or website) and probably can’t be stopped, it seems game companies are targeting vendors and blogs now. At least Capcom is. This could be related to Game Lady’s silence lately.

That wraps up another week of sex doll news. Realistic oral structure and moveable jaws are still the hottest trend. Irokebijin made a good business decision to convert their full-sized silicone dolls into TPE, while other brands continued releasing new heads. Innovations are coming slowly and steadily as expected, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Slow and steady wins the race. Interestingly, most brands already had oral structure designs; they just kept it under wraps until other brands started releasing them. Once they’re all released, what secret innovation will brands reveal next? Only time will tell. Stay tuned for more sex doll news.

Thoughts on this week’s sex doll news? Comment below!

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Crazedcat

    In the TAYU Momoka head video, I think the 2 heads are to show the two different head sizes…one for the 148cm body and the other for taller models.

    1. Crazedcat

      Found out today from a vendor I’m purchasing a Tayu from that the difference between the two new heads is skin tone. The one on the left is Tayu’s new “peach” skin tone.

      1. Steven

        Hi Crazedcat,
        Thanks for the info. I didn’t know TAYU had a new skin tone so that makes sense.

        1. Crazedcat

          I messed up, myrobotdoll (verified Tayu vendor) said the NAME of the new head is “Peach” and that the head is available for all size dolls. Tayu also just tweeted about it. Sorry for the confusion.

          1. Steven

            Thanks for the update. Kumadoll called the head Momoko, which in Japanese translates to something like “Peach child.” I corrected it although it still doesn’t explain the comparison video. 😂

  2. Steven

    I noticed many people are discussing the Game Lady news. Capcom sent me a Copyright Infringement Notice and I assume they sent it to other websites and vendors as well. However, I suspect many vendors (especially ones that aren’t based in the US or Japan) will simply ignore it. I spoke with people more knowledgeable about copyright than me, and they all advised me to remove the photos. Better safe than sorry. This probably won’t affect Game Lady or international vendors (although GLD may avoid Capcom characters in the future). I don’t know if Capcom actually plans to sue or not.

  3. ItsAme

    Can’t wait for JY to get on the moveable jaw train.

      1. ItsAme

        Interesting, I don’t recall seeing that one. Though it seems like their newer silicone heads don’t even have oral functionality at all (and I’m gonna assume no moveable jaws).

        1. Steven

          I believe only the YunXi head I showed has a moveable jaw. None of their other heads have moveable jaws.

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