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Game Lady Releases Lightning Sex Doll (Final Fantasy XIII)

On September 7, 2023, Game Lady Doll released their newest Head #19, inspired by Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII. Showcased on their recent 171cm body, this release came as a surprise, yet not unexpected. Although she was never teased, Game Lady is known for creating Final Fantasy characters. When this body first came out, I thought it would be the perfect body for Lightning, and here we are. Facially, she greatly resembles Lightning, although more-so the cover art than the in-game model. The tall, athletic body fits her well, although the breasts are on the bigger side for the character. Overall, they did a great job with the sculpt, cosplay, and promo photos.

Game Lady Doll 171cm Body with Head No. 19

Factory Photos

After a rather slow year for Game Lady, they’re starting to pick up steam again. In less than two months, they released 4 new heads (although 2 were just upgraded mouths) and a new body. Although Final Fantasy XIII is a somewhat controversial title, I’m sure that Lightning is on many people’s “waifu list.” This was both a good character choice and well-designed sculpt. After all, Lightning was rank #7 on their Character Contest a few months ago so many people will be happy to see her. I also think Bayonetta will work on this body, but would Game Lady pursue a Nintendo character? Anything is possible at this point. I guess we can only wait to find out.

You can find Game Lady Doll at the trusted vendors: SexDolls-Shop, MyRobotDoll, and SiliconeLovers.

Thoughts on Game Lady’s new Head #19? Comment below!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. IconOkee

    Looks just like her. It’s a shame gamelady ankles can’t rotate.

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