You are currently viewing Doll House 168’s New Silicone 140cm Shiori Anime Doll

Doll House 168’s New Silicone 140cm Shiori Anime Doll

On December 14, 2020, Doll House 168 officially released their new 140cm silicone Shiori anime sex doll. Mizuwali had teased her during his 140cm silicone Lazuli reveal, but it is now available for sale. The new Shiori doll uses the same body as the 140cm silicone Lazuli, and currently comes in 2 head choices, simply named A and B.

140cm Silicone Shiori with Head A

140cm Silicone Shiori with Head B

The new Shiori will weigh 23kg (50 lbs), be 140cm tall, and will only be available in Silicone (or until an affordable TPE version comes out). You can find her on any website that offers Doll House 168.

Thoughts on the new 140cm Shiori anime doll? Leave your comments below!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. SK

    If they come out with a TPE version, I’m so there.

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