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New Sex Doll Heads & Bodies, Cute Dolls, AIO, Photos, & More

April has come to an end. What started as a relatively slow month, ended with a small bang. This week, sex doll brands released many new heads, bodies, and photos, but the highlight was really the variety. From cute heads and realistic bodies, to AIO and robotics, to nightmare-fueled monstrosities, this week had a little of everything. Stay tuned to see RealDoll’s unexpected return, behind-the-scenes footage of SGD Studio’s Tifa, and a new “Piper Doll?” Without further ado, let’s wrap up April with a final bit of news.

Angel Kiss

Angel Kiss shared a new photoset of their AK7 (162cm) body with Head LS45. She looks surprisingly cute here.

SE Doll

SE Doll shared a new photoset of their new 163cm body from last week. This time, Hazel brings out a cuter side of this strong and thick body.

They also shared new photos of their silicone 161cm Annika. These simple yet charming photos highlight her soft expression and meek smile.

Irontech Doll

Irontech Doll shared some videos of their Ultra Soft 160cm body with gel breasts and butt. Although there are multiple softness options (for breasts and butt), they didn’t specify which ones. Most likely, it’s the softest option of both (ask to be sure), which looks very jiggly, if not a little too soft.

Elsa Babe

Elsa Babe released a new anime head called Takeuchi Yuki. With a wink and little fangs, she looks pretty cute.


SHEDOLL released a new head called April on their 163cm H-cup body. Looking very familiar (probably just similar to their usual style), she’s very pretty nonetheless. Like their recent Rose 2.0, she has oral structure and movable jaw. As I found out, their 2.0 heads basically mean “ROS.”

Also, one of their latest features are toe joints (articulated toes), available on the 158cm, 163cm, and 165cm bodies. It’s about time that more brands added this feature.

XT Doll

Recently, XT Doll released something similar, except their toes are just wired. Still, wired toes are better than floppy ones.


Months since their last female doll, Qita returned with 2 new bodies and heads. First, their new silicone 166cm body (more photos further down) is their most realistic thus far with fine details and skin texture. They debuted this body with their new Xiaoye head.

These photos give a closer look at the finer details of the new 166cm body.

Next, they released a new 163cm body and Jinny head. At first, I thought this was a mini doll, but the chair and luggage are apparently to scale. Interesting anime-like design.


After reading that RealDoll supposedly ran out of R&D funds in October 2023, I assumed that their robotics development had halted. However, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Interviewed by the Las Vegas Review-Journal, they revealed their latest robotics progress, which although still imperfect, is probably still the most advanced robot in the market. From their website (Realbotix), their main target is business and professional use (information delivery).

Real Girl

Real Girl released a new seamless neck (AIO) doll: the 130cm E-cup Kiki. At first glance, she greatly resembles Doll Forever’s style – and the factory photos more-or-less confirm it’s from Piper Doll. Since Real Girl contracts various factories, this is cool to see, especially since Piper Doll hasn’t released anything in a while.

SY Doll

For BBW lovers, SY Doll released a new silicone 156cm body (with new heads as well). She’s busty and thick with a thin waist and hour-glass figure. Weighing at 47 kg (104 lbs), she’s a bit heavy for most people to handle, but light work compared to what’s about to come next..

Dolls Castle

It isn’t Halloween but Dolls Castle released 3 new monstrosities (that I wasn’t sure whether to show or not..). For those who thought 45+ kg (100+ lbs) dolls were heavy, Dolls Castle decided to double it. Apparently designed by an Austrian TDF member, Dolls Castle officially released the heaviest doll in existence (and she’s only 110cm tall). With gigantic breasts (216cm bust) and penetrable nipples, she supposedly weighs a massive 100 kg (220 lbs)! Like with Climax Doll last week, they maxed out her assets with like 80 kg of breasts, which stunted her height. I wish that’s where it ended, but knowing Dolls Castle, they had to throw in a “prolapsed vagina” (which they call a penis) and giant clit.

At least the weird part is over right? Well, it’s never over for Dolls Castle.. They also released this 90cm mini doll with a super muscular, half-human, half-horse body. Reminds me of Climax Doll’s mini horse doll, but absolutely jacked.

Last, they released whatever this is. It’s a 22cm masturbator with a very unique design. Shaped like a woman with gigantic breasts (w/ penetrable nipples) and an equally oversized vagina, it’s still not as weird as their fish head. Although I like Dolls Castle’s wild imagination, I wonder if people actually buy these designs.

Now, back to some normal-looking dolls..

Climax Doll

Climax Doll released a new head called Harriet on their slightly-BBW Torso #874. She looks pretty cute for a Climax Doll.

Chaoying / MYDOLL

Chaoying or Mydoll, a brand I haven’t covered (except at expos), released their latest Nano-skin Version 4.0. According to them, this “nano skin perfectly replicates the delicate skin of an 18-year-old girl.” Appearance-wise, it definitely looks realistic, but I can’t really say in terms of feel. Additionally, she comes with their 4th gen body-heating system and 2nd gen “cloud-like” silicone (softer and less oily).

They show their original silicone first, and then the new version.

Yue Interactive (or Cooby Doll) released a new seamless neck doll: the 145cm G-cup Kexin. If you remember, this is the brand with the downward oral cavity (and the “oral-to-anal cleaning”). Despite being fairly unknown, I quite like their innovative ideas. This doll weighs 23-26 kg (50-57 lbs) with weight-reduction or super weight-reduction.

Although this video is old, she looks like the new doll above.

They also shared new photos of their original 168cm YuXuan. Since the previous photoset was pretty lackluster (2 poses that barely showed anything), these are worth seeing. Unfortunately, the nude photos are censored so I didn’t include them.

And last, here are some customer photos of this doll.

SGD Studio

Last but not least, an update on SGD Studio’s Tifa. Guo Da (from KD Doll) visited their factory and made an interesting behind-the-scenes video. Here, you can see the intricate work that goes into each figure, which resulted in several delays. I added some poorly-translated English subtitles, but due to some issues, I don’t have time to fix it. It’s understandable enough for now..

Original (@kd-doll):


That wraps up another week of sex doll news. There was a lot to see this week, from new heads and bodies, to robotics and toes, to Dolls Castle’s abominations. Not to mention, new AIO dolls and unexpected RealDoll news. Like many robotics brands, it seems they’re moving away from the sexual aspect, and focusing on business and professional applications. EXDOLL Robotics did the same thing recently – from their animatronics museum to business settings, as with CST Doll. Until they get more advanced, that’s kind of their main utility for now.. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed all the unexpected variety this week. Now, we wait and see what May brings. Until next time!

Thoughts on April’s last week of sex doll news? Comment below!

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. IconOkee

    Se doll really knows how make tpe dolls look more expensive. Maybe those squintmaxxers were on to something. A Positive canthal tilt on the dolls castle might make their dolls look better

  2. Rass

    Awesome post!

  3. hqwebsite

    I was expecting more artist working on the backlog at the SGD Studio. This will take a while…

  4. Jackson

    That SheDoll looked nice, articulated toes are cool

    RealDoll robot looks cool but I couldn’t see its legs or arms move.

    Blond SY BBW Doll looked good!

    And that Doll Castle! Wtf!?? That big boobed doll, with the big clit and dick is night mare fuel

    MY Doll Nano skin is so interesting! I wonder how that works? Does it break easily?

    I really like Cooby Doll’s innovations! YuXuan looked hot!

    I truly hope for more innovation in doll robotics soon. Probably 2030.

  5. Steven

    Very lengthy post this week, even after I removed some stuff.. Enjoy 🙂

  6. kar

    Robot from Real Doll, it’s impressive, I won’t even try to find out the cost. she’s amazing.

    Toe joints, this is the missing link, when will others start implementing this?

    But as for the horror stories from the castle of dolls, I don’t want to offend anyone, but I dare to suggest that there are two types of people in the sex doll industry. One type is aesthetes who appreciate the beauty of a doll, enjoy its appearance and, of course, sex with it; they see in an artificial woman that beauty that, if found in a real woman, is too expensive. the second type are perverts who don’t care which hole they stick their dick into.

    1. Jackson

      Lol I’m kinda inclined to agree with that statement.

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