Robots and “catgirl robots” are trending in the news after Elon Musk successfully bought Twitter a few days ago. What started as a joke about “catgirl sex robots” quickly turned into a potential phenomenon after Musk confirmed their inevitability. But did you know one company already developed a catgirl robot? Lilium Robotics is a small company based in British Columbia, Canada that has been developing catgirl robots for over 2 years. They are supported by advisors from The University of British Columbia as well as corporate interests, and have produced many prototypes over the years. In March 2022, they began accepting pre-orders for their robot named “Lily Mini,” a 100cm robot cat girl, dubbed “The World’s First Robotic Cat Girl.”

Sex doll manufacturers such as Real Doll and DS Doll Robotics have been working on robotic sex dolls for years now. Unfortunately, neither Real Doll nor DS Doll Robotics have made much progress in a fully functional robot from head-to-toe. Possibly due to the size, weight, and design of the robot, their progress has been severely limited. Lilium Robotics, however, made surprisingly fast progress with their small and lightweight Lily Mini. Created by Kevin Wang, Master of Biomedical Engineering, Lily Mini greatly differs from Real Doll and DS Doll’s prototype. Lily Mini is partially 3d printed and does not have a complete silicone exterior like regular sex dolls. She consists of both hard and soft areas, standard AI, and a fully movable body. Lilium Robotics is currently working on a larger, 150cm version of Lily.
Lilium Robot Cat Girl - Body Demo 1
Lilium Robot Cat Girl - Chatbot and Software
Specifications for Lily Mini (from their website):
- Height: 100cm (3’3″)
- Weight: 5kg (11 lbs)
- Motorized Arms, legs, torso with wide movement range
- Dual Eye Cameras
- Speaker and Microphone
- Soft Skin for Face and Body
- App for control
- Onboard Computer
- Price 1500$ – 2000$
Additional features:
- Durable and every component is replaceable
- Arms can lift 0.5kg payload
- AI Chatbot
- Audiobook reader
- Open source

Optional: Lily Mini is Sex-Compatible
And the moment you’ve all been waiting for… Yes, you can have sex with her. She is a sex robot after all. Her mouth has a soft oral cavity (2″ depth), and she has a vaginal insert (7″ depth). Her face, breasts, vagina, and feet are all soft. She has multiple sex positions programmed and can make sex sounds.

A few potential cons I noticed:
- Small size (100cm) until the bigger version comes out
- Needs to be plugged in to function
- The face is not very attractive (personal preference)
- Movement is controlled by an app- she does not move on her own
- Can’t stand or walk (to be fair, no human-like robot can do this yet)
- Limitations in AI software
- No reviews and untested by consumers
The $1500-2000 price seems a bit expensive, but it’s not too bad given this is the first full-body (sex) robot made in Canada. However, since there are no reviews, it is still a risky investment. Although the robot cannot move on her own (not self-aware), she can be controlled to take on many positions via an app and has chatbot AI. She can even read e-books. Because her software is open source, many people can actively contribute to it. If you’re looking for a sex doll or robot, this is probably not the best choice, but it’s certainly an interesting product for tech-enthusiasts.
You can find out more about Lilium Robotics here. Celesdolls is not affiliated with Lilium Robotics. Lilium Robotics has made some changes, such as name and price of the robot, since this post was published.
In-depth overview of Lilium Robotic’s project by the founder here.
Thoughts about Lilium Robotics’ Lily Mini catgirl robot or sex robots in general? Comment below!
That’s not a robot. That’s a clinky poorly made doll with GI Joe joints using a 3D printer. Like everything else from China, it’s cheaply made, overpriced and full of lies.
You can find premium silicone dolls, also made from china, that are much better quality, they look 1000x better, and they are still cheaper.
Wow! They did it boys! 🙌