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Sex Doll News, New Heads & Bodies, Christmas Photos, & More

As Thanksgiving comes to an end, sex doll brands already have their eyes set on Christmas. This week, brands shared many Christmas and wintery-themed photos. I guess Christmas came early this year. There was a little of everything, including new heads, bodies, torsos, mini dolls, and seamless neck dolls. Without further ado, warm up by the fire as we celebrate a sex doll Christmas in November.

Angel Kiss

Angel Kiss released a new AK20 (164cm) body with Head LS#50. Christmas arrived early in an alternate universe where Dorothy wakes up in the North Pole? The new body looks fairly standard and well-proportioned, weighing at 29 kg (64 lbs).

SE Doll

Following the holiday spirit, SE Doll shared a new photoset of their 161cm Melody. She looks quite sexy in this white, Christmas-themed set.

JY Doll

JY Doll released a new silicone 150cm body with Yunxi head. Originally, Yunxi was on the 161cm-168cm bodies, so this head was most likely scaled-down. This petite body is a nice balance between height and weight, weighing around 26 kg (57 lbs).

They also released a bunch of mini dolls that they showed off at the recent Guangzhou expo. They’re all colorful anime heads on the 123cm body, with the last one on the 125cm body.

Piper Doll

Last week, Mizuwali shared photos of the silicone 140cm Ariel with new makeup before getting suspended on Twitter. The photos are officially out, as well as the 150cm Jessica with new makeup. Particularly, Jessica looks quite interesting with the new makeup.


Irontech released a new silicone 159cm body, showcased with the S13 Celine head. With a futuristic theme, this new busty, curvy, and well-rounded body is definitely Irontech’s classic style. Although it looks fairly typical, it weighs a whopping 44.76 kg (98.7 lbs).

They also released 2 new heads (S42 Lexi and S46 Heidi) on their 162cm Minus body. Heidi was teased at the recent Guangzhou expo, but I didn’t realize she was actually new. They both look very pretty.

Additionally, Irontech released an oral heating function for their silicone heads. They’re the 2nd brand to release this feature – the first being Angel Kiss back in August. An interesting feature in combination with their ROS.

Elsa Babe

Elsa Babe released a new anime head called Asakura Naomi. With a cute tongue sticking out, this is yet another adorable anime head from them. I think this head will sell very well.


Fanreal scaled-down their Maria head (originally on the 170cm) for their 155cm, 157cm, and 158cm bodies. If you wanted Maria on one of their shorter bodies, now she’ll fit properly.

Video Courtesy: BetterLoveDoll (Far Right is the Original Size)


MLW released 2 torso dolls: 66cm (T1) and 61cm (T2). 1-2 months ago, they teased factory photos of these torsos, which didn’t get much attention. Weighing a manageable 16 kg (35 lbs), torso T1 is featured with Chiharu head. I won’t show T2, but it has slightly different proportions without the arms (yet still weighs the same).

XT Doll

XT Doll released a new head called Xueer. A somewhat odd name, possibly inspired by a Chinese singer and actress named Kong Xueer. I think she looks decent.

They also released the “Zero Reverse Thrust” torso/hip that they teased before. Normally, I don’t show torsos (without heads), but this interesting technology (I showed a video before) supposedly doesn’t apply outward pressure on your penis. It looks pretty realistic.


Circling back to the winter/Christmas theme, Tayu shared a new photoset of their 158C+ Riley in these sexy and snowy photos.

Firefly Diary

Firefly Diary announced that they’re adding oral structure and moveable jaw to all their heads. They plan to make it a standard, and it’ll be free of charge. So far, it’s only available on their Lian head.


Similar to Gynoid a while back, SHEDOLL opened up an exhibition hall to the public. It’s unclear where or how big it is, but they have a relatively large variety of dolls on display. An interesting idea that allows potential customers to see and feel the dolls in-person before purchase. But of course, it’s only in China.

Unexpectedly, Cooby Doll (a random brand I only showed once before) released 2 integrated (seamless neck) silicone dolls. First is the 168cm Diana, which is part of their “Ultra Light Pro” series. Weighing at a reasonable 34 kg (75 lbs), she looks decent with “ROS” mouth. Sadly, this photographer isn’t the greatest at posing, but the photos were good enough (with only 2 poses).

Next, they also released an integrated 163cm body with Head AI (named Kanami, Yoshima, & Narita in 3 different photosets). This head also looks fairly cute, with a rather large butt. Probably the same photographer, the poses were very limited with no nude photos. She only weighs 27 kg (60 lbs).

That wraps up an unexpectedly long week of news. It started off fairly quiet, but then the photos started rolling in. After a rather bare previous week, it’s nice to see so many new releases all at once. With the year quickly coming to an end, it seems we didn’t get all the crazy AI and robotics some people had hoped for. Rather, we got some improvements, ROS becoming a standard, sucking mouths and vaginas, and more variety in heads and bodies. Seamless neck dolls also seem to be a growing trend. Anyway, expect to see a lot more Christmas photos coming soon, as brands really like those. As always, stay tuned for more sex doll news.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Some Guy Who Posts Things

    Where did you get those photos of Silicone Jessica? I used to follow Mizuwali on Twitter, but can’t find any new info out since his account termination.

    1. Steven

      Hi Some Guy,
      Luckily, I still have access to their photos since I used to be a vendor. Apparently, they also have silicone 150cm Jennie that I’ve never seen before. I’ll share the photos later when I have time.

  2. Jackson

    This is awesome thanks man!!!

    Cooby Doll heads were very nice!

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