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New Sex Dolls & Heads, Firefly Diary Bodies, Photos, & More

Happy New Year! 2023 has finally come to an end, as 2024’s Year of the Dragon swoops in from above. Quite a lot happened this past year, including video game-inspired dolls, ROS mouths, sucking vaginas, and more. But that’s all in the past now as the sex doll industry keeps moving forward. This week, brands released some new heads and photosets. However since it’s the end of the year, things slowed down a bit. Still, there’s a lot to see so without further ado, let’s bring in the new year with some final bit of news.

JK Doll

After 10 months of silence, JK Doll returned with a new silicone head (JK#16) on their JK7 (160cm) TPE body. If you remember JK Doll, they’re a special Jinsan brand originally dedicated to fantasy or game-related characters (like Wizard, Pyromancer, etc). But ever since their last doll was simply called “Lady,” they apparently ran out of ideas as this one has no name at all. Although this head looks decent, it’s sad to see that they lost their roots.

SE Doll

SE Doll released a new TPE head called Hazel on their tall 168cm body. On a roll with new heads recently, Hazel looks quite sexy with smoky eyes and a cowgirl outfit.

They also shared a new photoset of their silicone 161cm Yuuka. She looks fairly cute here in this bunny maid outfit.

Piper Doll

Piper Doll released a new implanted eyebrows feature for their silicone dolls. Featured on their 150cm Akira, the implanted eyebrows offer a more realistic and natural look.

JY Doll

JY Doll announced their new “ROS” or “oral cavity” 2.0 silicone heads. In a controversial post (allegedly written by AI), JY Doll discussed their dedication to innovation, and shared AI-generated photos that received huge backlash and criticism from the Chinese doll community. 

Apparently, the new JY Doll 2.0 Heads are just heads from the “Orange In” brand (all of which have ROS). I noticed them on the official JY Doll website (CN) listed as their own – maybe they were always made by JY Doll. If you’ve ever looked at “Orange In’s” dolls, half their photosets are AI-generated.

Dolls Castle

Dolls Castle released a new silicone head and body: 168cm F-cup body with Head S17. Although I don’t usually show this brand, this doll actually looks normal and realistic (unlike their usual alien and zombie dolls). I think she looks pretty decent.


Irontech updated their “sucking vagina” feature. Like with their recent Auto-Blow and Electric Hips, they added a control panel onto the body (with speaker). Personally, I’m not a huge fan of adding these buttons and controls onto the body, but it works as intended (although the external sucking vagina seemed like a better idea). Other than the added plate, nothing seems different about it.

They also shared some new photosets from their Villa, but you can look those up yourself. It’s basically more of the same..

Elsa Babe

Elsa Babe released a new head called Chloe Miranda. Part of their unique DHR series which includes Disney-inspired heads, Chloe looks quite distinct and interesting. An unexpected change-up from their usual anime heads.


After quite some time, XYcolo released a new head called Avril. With a European-look, she looks decent and bundled up in these photos.

Firefly Diary

Firefly Diary released 3 new bodies: 159cm E-cup, 161cm A-cup, and 163cm F-cup. All three are “thicc,” with big butts and thick thighs weighing at 35.5kg (78.3 lbs), 39.2 kg (86.4 lbs), and 42 kg (92.6 lbs) respectively. Supposedly, the 163cm body is the same as Irontech’s 164cm body (which isn’t surprising). Interesting new bodies for people who like pear-shaped figures.

Currently, there’s only one photoset of Liuli on the 159cm body. She looks fairly cute in this horned, maid costume. Photos courtesy of RealDollOnline.

159cm E-cup Body

161cm A-cup Body

163cm F-cup Body

And last, these customer photos of the Xifeng head are worth sharing in my opinion. They’ve never shown this head with brown eyes so it’s interesting to see. She seems more natural here than with blue eyes/blonde hair.


Gynoid shared a new car and motorcycle-themed photoset of their Model 20 Mona, as well as the long-awaited, nude full-body photos.


A final bit of random news. Manyou, the company behind or related to SGD Studio, opened preorders for an upcoming 76cm silicone figure based on the JAV actress, Fukada Eimi. Detail-wise, she looks very similar to SGD Studio’s Tifa 2.0, and greatly resembles the actress. It makes me wonder why other brands, like Sino Doll’s JAV-licensed heads, don’t resemble the stars as closely as this.. Maybe it’s only possible on figures.. Or maybe this is CGI, but the Tifa figure looked somewhat similar to this.

In collaboration with Max Milk Studio, preorders end on January 26, 2024, and the supposed release date is Q1 2025. If it’s not a typo, then that’s a 1 year wait for release.. I wouldn’t recommend it.


That wraps up the last week of 2023. It was fairly quiet, but expected at the end of the year. Still, there were some interesting new heads and bodies to see. Overall, 2023 was the year of video game-inspired dolls, ROS mouths, internal and external sucking mouths and vaginas, and an endless variety of new heads and bodies. Let’s not forget the important trend toward softer material, lighter weight, and increased realism/details. ROS heads, silicone heads with oral function, and articulated fingers are all more-or-less a standard now.

As for robotics, unfortunately, that didn’t advance very far. Rather than AI heads, we got AI(-generated) photos instead. Some random brands like CST Doll started working on robots, while the leading “sex robot” brands like RealDoll and EXDOLL all slowly faded away. EXDOLL settled for an animatronics museum, while RealDoll ran out of funds and stopped all R&D quite a while ago. Is there any hope left for “sex robots?” Anyway, here’s to more innovations and upgrades in 2024. Let’s see what the sex doll industry can achieve in the new year. Any predictions or suggestions?

Thoughts on the last week of 2023’s sex doll news? Comment below!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. IconOkee

    Wow sedoll’s tpe kinda look better than their silicone. I hope sgd’s tifa doll releases no later than q1. I can’t believe I expected them to ship their stuff this month

  2. Erick

    The irontech and firefly diary conspiracy it’s funny, and yes, that 164cm body looks like that of irontech’s. Not a complaint, i bought that body because it’s beautiful.

    Wow, what a shock to know about real-doll robotics turned down, it was obvious, those robots were soooo expensive and so little good looking, let alone functional, it was a battery fueled cringe-nightmare.

    Doll brands will never ever be able to develope sex robots alone, EVER! they need to team up with real robotic developers, or (what will most likely will happen) robotics will grow so much that functional robotic technology will be cheap and open everywhere to add to sex dolls.

    I remember back in the 90’s we used to imagine wireless headphones, then airpods came along, and now i’ve seen decent quiality replicas of them sold for under $5 usd and made by many chinise factories, sold at any chinise store and even in streets by huge volumes: so mp3 devices, so complexity watches and smart watches and smart devices. But for robots, we will have to wait around 50 years.

    1. Jackson

      Yeah that’s probably likely!

  3. Stephan

    I notice one company that doesn’t get talked about much is ai-tech. When it comes to robotics they seem the best under $5,000, and their talking head is at least trainable.

    Also they say their heating system works. Advertised as safe, solid state, auto shut-off.

    Can we have some comments on ai-tech for the robotics roundup?

    1. Steven

      Hi Stephan,
      I remember AI-Tech, but it’s not easy finding info on them. They used to be on TDF, but left a few years ago. I don’t think they have any social media at all now. From what I remember, their AI head was fairly simplistic, and their doll selection still looks the same as before. No clue if they had any updates since I last saw them. If you have any new updates on them, please let me know. 🙂

  4. Jackson

    Happy New Year!

    It’s good to see JY innovate, albeit very slowly 🐌!
    Irontech’s new sucking vagina feature seems pretty innovative.
    Firefly’s oni doll was pretty damn sexy!!!
    Gynoid model looked sexy asf!

    Hopefully this year 2024 Sex Robotics will be a bit better! They may even be able to walk a bit, or just move their arms and legs.

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