After long hours of searching, you finally found the perfect sex doll. She has a pretty face, sexy body, and you can’t wait to own her. There’s just one problem: You never heard of the website and don’t know if you’re getting scammed or not. Are they legit?
Did you know that 90% of sex doll websites sell counterfeit/imitation products? Keep reading to learn about red flags, and how to tell whether a website is legitimate or not.
1. Do Not Buy From Aliexpress/Alibaba, Ebay, or Amazon
Top sex doll brands DON’T sell on marketplace websites like as Aliexpress, Temu, Ebay, or Amazon. These are free-for-all marketplaces where people can sell anything. 99% of the time, they’re selling cheap imitations with stolen photos. (Imagine buying Adidas shoes on Aliexpress, and you receive low-quality “Abibas” shoes – that’s basically what knockoff dolls are like)
2. Check For Legitimate Prices
Price is a good indicator of whether a website is trustworthy or not. Sex dolls under $1000 are clear signs of a scam (unless it’s a mini-doll). Name-brand TPE dolls usually sell for around $1500-$2000+ (depending on the brand and size), while silicone dolls are usually around $2000-$5000+.
I recommend visiting some reputable stores here to get an idea of brands and prices.
3. Brand Names Are Shown
Authentic sex dolls all have a brand, such as WM Doll, Piper Doll, JY Doll, etc. Since these brands are popular and well-known, there’s no reason for a legit vendor to hide them. Websites that don’t list brand names are usually selling knockoff, generic, or unbranded dolls (with stolen photos). If a website lists themselves as the brand (when the photos clearly belong to another brand), that’s a clear indication of counterfeit or knockoff dolls.
4. Good English/Grammar
This only applies to sex doll stores in English. Usually the English and grammar can be an indication of whether a website is trustworthy. There’s nothing wrong with a few typos, but primarily bad English and grammar is probably a red flag. Many Chinese marketplace or knockoff doll sellers create English websites to sell to the West, but their poor English makes it obvious. Avoid expensive mistakes by choosing a vendor you can actually understand.
5. Fast and Good Customer Service
Before buying from a website, always contact their customer support first, preferably through email. Most websites have live chat, but they may not always be online. Ask them any questions you have, and see how quickly and well they respond. It’s also great if they have a phone number, and you can try calling them. If they reply fast, answer all your questions in detail, and are professional and polite, that’s definitely a good sign.
Other Tips
Here are some additional common red flags to look out for:
- Height Options: If the customization options have height options, that’s usually a red flag. The photos show a specific doll, and height options would be misleading.
- Specification Tables in the Description: If you see a table in the description showing the specifications of many different heights (usually comparing 6 or 8 different heights), it’s probably a marketplace seller.
- Fake Reviews: Most customers don’t leave reviews. If there’s an unusually high amounts of reviews (like 10+ on several dolls), then the reviews are probably fake. Fake reviews usually consist of short undetailed reviews, female reviewer names (from name generators), reviewers from many different countries, or reviewer names like A***n (common “name censoring” on Chinese marketplaces).
- Incorrect Customization Options: Every brand has their own set of customization options. If a website uses the same or wrong customization options for various brands, then the dolls probably aren’t authentic.
- Keyword-Filled Doll Names: Websites that name their dolls with a ton of keywords like “160cm Real TPE Sexy Big Breast Silicone Sex Doll” are usually Chinese marketplace sellers.
- “Same Doll As the Photos”: Aliexpress sellers love to write something like “You will 100% get the same doll as the photos.” It’s super common in their descriptions. Meanwhile, trustworthy vendors will never say this.
- Low, Low Prices: Again, I want to emphasize that websites where most dolls are under $1000 are knockoff doll sites. The only authentic dolls under $1000 are Kimber Doll, mini dolls, and some specific low-end brands. There’s no such thing as a huge sale that drops a doll’s price by more than half.
- Weird Domain Names: While it’s not always true, sometimes weird domain names are a sign. Names that don’t make sense (like sexdollon), have a bunch of random letters put together (like ldoex), or a bunch of keywords thrown together (like topbestsexdoll, although this isn’t always true because some legit stores are named like this) can sometimes give off red flags.
- Stolen Content: Many knockoff doll sellers (and scammers) steal content from other websites. If a website clearly has bad English, yet their doll descriptions are written in perfect English, then it was probably stolen/copy-and-pasted from another website. You can copy-and-paste some sentences into Google to find out if it was stolen. I noticed that a lot of doll descriptions and About Us sections are copy-and-pasted.
- Fake Sales Tactics: Avoid websites with plugins that say “x sold in the last 24 hours,””x people are watching this item,” unnecessary countdown timers, etc. Those are fake, deceptive, and unprofessional.
The more you visit and browse trustworthy websites, the more you’ll recognize different brands, dolls, specifications, prices, and customization options. These can all help you distinguish legit websites from scam ones. Price is usually the easiest way to tell if a website sells authentic or knockoff dolls. Don’t buy a $500 sex doll and expect to receive an authentic one. You get what you pay for, and it 100% won’t be authentic at that price.
Some Visual Examples
Small Update (2024)
A lot has changed over the last 5 years in the sex doll industry. While most of the above still holds true today, there’s one important new trend worth mentioning. Nowadays, many brands (including name-brands like WM, Irontech, etc.) mass-produce and ship dolls to various warehouses that vendors can draw from. This practice greatly reduced doll prices (mainly in-stock TPE dolls), resulting in name-brands in the lower $1000 range, and smaller brands under $1000. This means that low prices, and even full-sized dolls under $1000, aren’t automatically red-flags anymore, but that’s just one of the many factors to consider.
Found a website and would like to know whether it’s legit or not? Feel free to comment below and I can give my opinion on it.
Trusted Sex Doll Websites
You can also find our list of trustworthy sex doll websites here: Trusted Sex Doll Websites
Is legit?
They’re a very well-known knockoff doll seller. Pretty much all stolen photos, and you’ll receive something much different from the photos.
Above you have as “Example of an authentic doll seller”. Does that mean that you approve of the site? Their customized WM Doll prices are rather low, around $1,500 with two heads.
For the example, I used RLSD, which is a legit vendor (sells authentic dolls). However, I don’t endorse or promote them. At the time I wrote this (2019), they were WM Doll’s favorite vendor. Anyway, a lot has changed over the last 5-6 years. While most of the info here is still correct, prices have generally gone down. Many brands mass-produce (and ship-by-sea) in-stock dolls into warehouses that vendors can draw from, which lowered the prices. Made-on-order doll prices have also gone down (I noticed this more on TPE dolls, maybe because of the rise of silicone dolls). With other factors like vendor competition (and I believe both RLSD and WM have greatly declined in sales), those prices are actually possible. Just less profit for the vendor.
Is finelovedolls a legit site?
They’re legit but I heard mixed reviews about them. Though to be fair, I haven’t seen much reviews on them recently. Just one bad experience someone told me about 1-2 years ago.
I’m the US, what sites do you recommend? Preferably ones that accept paypal.
I have a list of vendors that I recommend here:
It doesn’t matter if they’re based in the US or not, as long as they sell globally. Ironically, I’ve had the most problems with US-based vendors (edit: removed specific names). Many of them do it as a side-gig (or don’t take it seriously), but there are still some good ones.. Dollface is good but doesn’t have a website, and The Doll Channel doesn’t have PayPal. Some vendors randomly get banned from PayPal (usually ones selling smaller dolls) so it’s kind of random. Anyway, check out my list. You can also look at Dollforum’s list for more options but I don’t endorse all the ones there.
Trying to verify AXB for 140cm purchase. Direct okay? Would like The Doll Channel to bring in first for inspection, but not hearing back from emails.
Hi Gary. I answered this many times already. Please see here:
You probably have to call The Doll Channel because sometimes they don’t reply to emails.