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Sex Doll News: Irontech 158cm, Tayu Chloe, New Heads & Bodies

After much variety and quirkiness, the amusing month of August nears its end with one final bang. This week, sex doll brands returned with more mixed bags filled with assorted treats. This includes endless new heads and bodies including Irontech Doll’s Socialite body, Fanreal’s African head, Tayu’s Chloe, a Kendra Lust doll, and much more. Without further ado, sit back and relax for August’s grand finale of news.

Irontech released a new silicone “Socialite Body” (158cm). With a slim figure and large breasts, it debuted with 2 new heads: Vanessa and Bailey. Interestingly, this was first teased in June so it took quite a while to come out.

Below are photos of the 158cm Vanessa and Bailey. Originally, I described them as “Barbie-like” but the new makeup seems to have more of a “Bimbo” aesthetic now (like WM’s bimbo doll).

158cm Vanessa

158cm Bailey

More Photosets

With their grand return, Irontech shared 3 new photosets of their 165cm Yeona & Suki, and 163cm Joline. In my opinion, this is the best that Yeona and Suki has ever looked (with cute animal outfits). Meanwhile, Joline has a fancy modern, yet fantasy-look.


Zelex released a new head called GE134 in their Inspiration Series. Apparently, I missed many new heads recently thinking that they were old.. Many of their new heads look similar, but the nice photography of this one stood out.


Speaking of Zelex, JoyLoveDolls (a vendor) opened pre-orders for their Kendra Lust sex doll (made by Zelex). Looking like a muscular MILF, it turned out quite accurately, and could fuel an upcoming “porn star-sex doll replica” train.


Fanreal released the African head that they previously teased called Ellie. She looks quite realistic and appealing in a market that lacks black dolls. They featured her on two bodies (but I’ll just show the 165cm body, and one photo of the 173cm body).

After much anticipation, Tayu released the 156E’s 2nd Western head named Chloe. Another attractive face with a soft smile, and slightly more mature-looking than Jenna. Again, these photos emphasize the body’s nice, round butt. 

“Anti-Vaginal Gaping Design on the 156E body”

Surprisingly, Tayu had more up their sleeve. From another photographer, they shared another set of Chloe (who looks much different), along with Jenna in a lighter skin tone.

They also shared photos of their Naimei head on the 170cm body for the first time. I’m not sure if they resized the head, but it fits well on the taller body.

Jiusheng released a new head called Kaiya on their recent 156B body. Yet another Japanese-inspired head that looks quite cute in this anime cosplay.


EXDOLL unveiled the head that they teased last week. She looks fairly pretty and similar to their other heads.


Yearndoll released a new Y228 head and 166cm body. Like EXDOLL, it looks similar to their other heads, but I like her slight smile (with ROS).

Top Fire Doll returned with 3 new heads, shown on the 163cm body. Starting with Kama, who has an interesting mixed face (Black and Asian?).

Next is Kaia, who looks quite cute with platinum blonde hair. I think she looks a bit like Emma Watson in some photos.

And last is Fay with a very striking face and smoky makeup.

Rosretty (SY Doll)

Rosretty shared new photos of their silicone Head S22, which looks adorably cute on the TPE 160cm body.

Galatea Doll released a new head called JS050. Combined with the background, I quite like her gentle and “cozy” face (although she looks a bit sleepy). While Galatea’s heads are generally a bit boring, I personally like their realistic eyes that don’t look “wide-eyed” like other dolls.

Ban Qu (BQ Doll) released their first Western head called Jier or Jill (B7). Cosplayed as Resident Evil’s Jill, she looks pretty good, but this is definitely a cosplay and not a replica. Disappointedly, they only committed halfway to the cosplay as she lacks Jill Valentine’s wig.


Sankaku (Mandara) Doll released an interesting new head called MA104. If you remember MA103 (which had an anime face), this is apparently a more-realistic version of it. With a mix of anime and realism now, they did something pretty unique (making one of their anime heads more realistic).

Elsa Babe

Speaking of anime dolls, Elsa Babe didn’t release anything this week, but shared photos of their 148cm Utashiro Shiori, who looks quite sexy in this simple outfit.


Bezlya announced their 3rd “influencer-sex doll replica” in collaboration with Gushizhu (@xiaohalami0102). This was an interesting choice as she’s not as well-known (41K Twitter followers) as their previous 2: Anaimiya (4M followers) and Chunmomo (1.1M followers). Her appeal seems to be her anime cosplays and large breasts.

Orient Industry

Last but not least, Orient Industry – one of the first (and few) Japanese doll makers dating back to 1977 – is shutting down. Along with the founder’s retirement, their business, showroom, and factory will permanently close in 1-2 months. Sad to see one of the OG brands shut down, but like many Japanese brands, they never quite adapted, improved, or released anything in a long time.

A Look Back at Some of Their Dolls


That wraps up August’s grand finale (technically August isn’t over, but the next time we meet is in September). Despite a slow start, Anime August finished with a bang, full of news and variety. While there wasn’t much innovation, there were plenty of new heads and bodies to choose from. Trending this week was the continuation of “influencer and porn star replica dolls” (many of which are still in the works). I believe one from Real Lady is coming very soon. It’s interesting to see them come out, but I wonder how well they actually sell.

As the industry moves quickly, it’s expected that some brands will fall behind. There are so many brands that I haven’t heard from in a long time. This week, we have a moment of silence for Orient Industry (1977-2024), one of the sex doll pioneers with many beautiful Japanese dolls. Unfortunately, like many brands (especially Japanese brands), they went quiet after some time and couldn’t stand out in a rapidly-growing market (dominated by Chinese brands). Due to their old-school nature and lack of marketing, most people probably have never even heard of them. In this competitive market, which brands will triumph, and which ones will fall next? Until next time!

Thoughts on August’s grand finale of sex doll news? Comment below!

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Keith

    Hey where can I go to order SankakuDoll?

    1. Steven

      They’re mainly marketed in Japan. I thought some Japanese vendors like Kumadoll carried them, but apparently not..

  2. Titan

    Ive also been searching for a muscular silicone body doll for a while. Thanks to this site i was able to find out about Kendra lust doll. never ordered from JLD before but decided to take the risk anyways. Already got mine pre-ordered

  3. Roman

    Kendra lust by JLD is something! Give me two! How tall is she? Are there similar bodies from other manufacturers? I’ve been looking for a silicone figure like this for a long time.
    Please make a post about muscular bodies.

    1. Steven

      The doll is supposedly 163cm tall (which is her actual height). There are some other muscular bodies out there but I can’t remember them off the top of my head. They’re not very common. The only one I remember recently is the one from SEDOLL (163cm D-cup), but that’s only in TPE I think. In fact, I think most muscular bodies available are in TPE.

  4. 4891d

    Thank you for this blog!
    I discovered it recently but I’m gradually discovering the old releases. It’s exciting to see how the doll market has evolved in recent years.
    I like to go back in time on TDF by looking at old threads and old albums (in this case, we can go back to 2001, which seems to be almost prehistory for love dolls). Your blog provides an extremely practical and pleasant summary to consult. Thanks again!

    1. Steven

      No problem and welcome to my blog. 🙂

      The market has definitely evolved a lot in recent years, and I believe we’re still in the early stages. Imagine what dolls will look like in another 20 years.. Since the market moves so quickly, I like to share all the new releases every week – to stay up to date, and it does also provide a history of how far dolls have come. Glad you enjoy my summaries. 🙂

  5. Rass

    Iron tech tried that Elsa Babe look, more brands need to try it. Or more variety in looks not just perfect simple or cute faces. Few brands have that lump look of Zelex Lisa for example. Also faces with more detail and captivating eyes type of bone structure.
    Still no news of Real Doll’s heads….

    1. Steven

      Real Lady is definitely taking their sweet time, but they recently teased their 162cm body so it’s probably coming out soon.

      I think the simple, smooth, and cute faces are safe designs (based on Asian and general beauty standards). But because of that, many new heads look the same or too similar nowadays. Sometimes with dolls, adding too much detail can have side-effects though (can make them look old or uncanny like some Sino heads), but we definitely need more unique heads. As you said, there’s more than enough of the simple and cute faces.

  6. pipipopo

    And again, no dolls in the 120-130cm range 🙁

    1. Steven

      I think Piper Doll and Irokebijin are the few brands that still focus in that range. Probably with weight-reduction technology and import laws in certain places, most brands are focusing on 148cm and up now.

  7. Jackson

    EX Doll looked nice.

    Top Fire Blasian face is something new! You don’t see many blasian faces in dolls

    I also like realistic eyes with my dolls

    Thanks for the post Steven!

    1. Steven

      No problem. Always cool to see unique designs to mix things up. A little something for everyone. 🙂

  8. Richard

    Joline is pretty cute.

    It’s unfortunate about Orient Industry. They were my first exposure to sex dolls alongside DSDOLL/EXDOLL

    1. Steven

      Yep, sad to see them go. I think the brand that got me into sex dolls was 4Woods. That was a long time ago, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re the next to go..

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