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How To Tell If a Sex Doll Website is Legit?

After long hours of searching, you finally found the perfect sex doll. She has a pretty face, sexy body, and you can’t wait to own her. There’s just one problem: You never heard of the website and don’t know if you’re getting scammed or not. Are they legit?

Did you know that 90% of sex doll websites sell counterfeit/imitation products? Keep reading to learn about red flags, and how to tell whether a website is legitimate or not.

1. Do Not Buy From Aliexpress/Alibaba, Ebay, or Amazon

Top sex doll brands DON’T sell on marketplace websites like as Aliexpress, Temu, Ebay, or Amazon. These are free-for-all marketplaces where people can sell anything. 99% of the time, they’re selling cheap imitations with stolen photos. (Imagine buying Adidas shoes on Aliexpress, and you receive low-quality “Abibas” shoes – that’s basically what knockoff dolls are like)

2. Check For Legitimate Prices

Price is a good indicator of whether a website is trustworthy or not. Sex dolls under $1000 are clear signs of a scam (unless it’s a mini-doll). Name-brand TPE dolls usually sell for around $1500-$2000+ (depending on the brand and size), while silicone dolls are usually around $2000-$5000+.

I recommend visiting some reputable stores here to get an idea of brands and prices.

3. Brand Names Are Shown

Authentic sex dolls all have a brand, such as WM Doll, Piper Doll, JY Doll, etc. Since these brands are popular and well-known, there’s no reason for a legit vendor to hide them. Websites that don’t list brand names are usually selling knockoff, generic, or unbranded dolls (with stolen photos). If a website lists themselves as the brand (when the photos clearly belong to another brand), that’s a clear indication of counterfeit or knockoff dolls.

4. Good English/Grammar

This only applies to sex doll stores in English. Usually the English and grammar can be an indication of whether a website is trustworthy. There’s nothing wrong with a few typos, but primarily bad English and grammar is probably a red flag. Many Chinese marketplace or knockoff doll sellers create English websites to sell to the West, but their poor English makes it obvious. Avoid expensive mistakes by choosing a vendor you can actually understand.

5. Fast and Good Customer Service

Before buying from a website, always contact their customer support first, preferably through email. Most websites have live chat, but they may not always be online. Ask them any questions you have, and see how quickly and well they respond. It’s also great if they have a phone number, and you can try calling them. If they reply fast, answer all your questions in detail, and are professional and polite, that’s definitely a good sign.

Other Tips

Here are some additional common red flags to look out for:

  • Height Options: If the customization options have height options, that’s usually a red flag. The photos show a specific doll, and height options would be misleading.
  • Specification Tables in the Description: If you see a table in the description showing the specifications of many different heights (usually comparing 6 or 8 different heights), it’s probably a marketplace seller.
  • Fake Reviews: Most customers don’t leave reviews. If there’s an unusually high amounts of reviews (like 10+ on several dolls), then the reviews are probably fake. Fake reviews usually consist of short undetailed reviews, female reviewer names (from name generators), reviewers from many different countries, or reviewer names like A***n (common “name censoring” on Chinese marketplaces).
  • Incorrect Customization Options: Every brand has their own set of customization options. If a website uses the same or wrong customization options for various brands, then the dolls probably aren’t authentic.
  • Keyword-Filled Doll Names: Websites that name their dolls with a ton of keywords like “160cm Real TPE Sexy Big Breast Silicone Sex Doll” are usually Chinese marketplace sellers.
  • “Same Doll As the Photos”: Aliexpress sellers love to write something like “You will 100% get the same doll as the photos.” It’s super common in their descriptions. Meanwhile, trustworthy vendors will never say this.
  • Low, Low Prices: Again, I want to emphasize that websites where most dolls are under $1000 are knockoff doll sites. The only authentic dolls under $1000 are Kimber Doll, mini dolls, and some specific low-end brands. There’s no such thing as a huge sale that drops a doll’s price by more than half.
  • Weird Domain Names: While it’s not always true, sometimes weird domain names are a sign. Names that don’t make sense (like sexdollon), have a bunch of random letters put together (like ldoex), or a bunch of keywords thrown together (like topbestsexdoll, although this isn’t always true because some legit stores are named like this) can sometimes give off red flags.
  • Stolen Content: Many knockoff doll sellers (and scammers) steal content from other websites. If a website clearly has bad English, yet their doll descriptions are written in perfect English, then it was probably stolen/copy-and-pasted from another website. You can copy-and-paste some sentences into Google to find out if it was stolen. I noticed that a lot of doll descriptions and About Us sections are copy-and-pasted.
  • Fake Sales Tactics: Avoid websites with plugins that say “x sold in the last 24 hours,””x people are watching this item,” unnecessary countdown timers, etc. Those are fake, deceptive, and unprofessional.

The more you visit and browse trustworthy websites, the more you’ll recognize different brands, dolls, specifications, prices, and customization options. These can all help you distinguish legit websites from scam ones. Price is usually the easiest way to tell if a website sells authentic or knockoff dolls. Don’t buy a $500 sex doll and expect to receive an authentic one. You get what you pay for, and it 100% won’t be authentic at that price.

Some Visual Examples

Small Update (2024)

A lot has changed over the last 5 years in the sex doll industry. While most of the above still holds true today, there’s one important new trend worth mentioning. Nowadays, many brands (including name-brands like WM, Irontech, etc.) mass-produce and ship dolls to various warehouses that vendors can draw from. This practice greatly reduced doll prices (mainly in-stock TPE dolls), resulting in name-brands in the lower $1000 range, and smaller brands under $1000. This means that low prices, and even full-sized dolls under $1000, aren’t automatically red-flags anymore, but that’s just one of the many factors to consider.


Found a website and would like to know whether it’s legit or not? Feel free to comment below and I can give my opinion on it.

Trusted Sex Doll Websites

You can also find our list of trustworthy sex doll websites here: Trusted Sex Doll Websites

This Post Has 517 Comments

  1. Zayne

    Hey Steven,
    For the past couple of years I have been wanting to purchase a sex doll, but still can’t fully decided on which site to buy from for multiple reasons. $$ (I’m not rich by any means. it takes me several months just to save one thousand dollars), and which sites are legit are the 2 main factors. it would be my first doll ever. I would like your insight for the following 4 doll sites.
    I should pre-warn you that only sells male dolls. if this is something that you are not comfortable with, I will understand. but if you have no problem with it, I would appreciate your insight. on a positive note, their prices for TPE dolls are comparable to other legit sites. but on the negative side, there are no brand names given. also, in your blog you say that buyers never give reviews. this site has a ton of reviews. so should I assume that site is fake based on this factor alone? there are links (on the doll’s pages) to youtube for their dolls that buyers have purchased. also, the site says that they are located in the USA (Oregon) and do not outsource.

    On a side note, you said that thedollchannel is a site that you trust. I have contacted that site several times, either directly by email, or through the site. but the site’s owner NEVER replies. he appears to be too ”busy” making youtube conference/zoom videos with his buddies (he has a ton of those on his channel). and all the comments he gets in his vids, he never responds to. so I gave up attempting to ever be able to buy from him. just too risky, since he won’t reply.

    1. Steven

      Hi Zayne,
      Out of those websites SpartanLover and are legit. SpartanLover hides their brands (which I don’t like) but I’m pretty sure they are legit. While it is true that most legit vendors don’t have many doll reviews, SpartanLover is different because they seem to offer an incentive for their customers to leave a review (which is smart imo, most vendors don’t do this) resulting in a lot of reviews. It does skew the reviews in their favor but they are not necessarily fake. As for TheDollChannel, yes they are very busy from what I heard, but Ricky has his personal phone number on his website and usually answers all his phone calls. Have you tried contacting him by phone?

  2. Tracey

    Thank You for info. I thought I was posting on silicone vs. tpe page but something went wrong on my end. Truly sorry about that.

    1. Steven

      No problem. You can post anywhere on my website and I will see it. People ask random questions here all the time. It’s fine.

  3. Tracey

    Kimber Doll representative is telling me it is not necessary to oil her after arrival. She says oil after a month or two to keep her fresh. Some online guides say clean and oil after arrival. What do you think?

    1. Steven

      Hi Tracey,
      Dolls usually don’t need to be oiled when they first arrive. Kimber Doll is right in this case (unless you get a doll that has been sitting in a box for months and has dried up). TPE naturally has oil in it. After production, dolls are already oiled and at their maximum oil capacity. Some dolls may feel noticably oily when they first arrive. TPE gradually loses oil over time, so it’s recommended to oil every few months to replenish the oil, but you won’t have to oil when a doll first arrives. There is some misinformation out there where people think they have to oil and powder their dolls everytime they clean it, but it’s actually not necessary (unless you over-clean it and strip away all the oil). It probably won’t hurt, but over-oiling can have some negative effects if done too much.

  4. Jay

    Hello Steven, is sexangelbaby legit website to buy a doll or is it knockoffs?

    1. Steven

      Hi Jay,
      They are definitely not legit. In addition to their strange name, all their photos are basically stolen and their prices are way too cheap. The fact that they photoshopped their logo onto the background of a RealDoll photo just makes them very untrustworthy and shameless. Their dolls are knockoffs but they are even more shady than most knockoff sellers. I wouldn’t risk ordering from them.

  5. John

    Is legit

    1. Steven

      Hi John,
      I didn’t consider them to be legit in the past, but it looks like they made a lot of changes on their website since then. It’s actually hard to tell and can go either way. The dolls under $1000 seem too cheap, and the lack of brand names are always a bad sign. I don’t know if their dolls are authentic or not, but I know people have received dolls from them. The decision is ultimately up to you. I wouldn’t consider them super trustworthy but I haven’t heard much about them either. You can try asking them for factory photos of their dolls to see what they look like. Basically, it can go either way.. If you’re buying a WM Doll, all WM Dolls come with an anti-fake code inside to prove it’s authentic, so that’s one way to know but you won’t know until you receive it.

  6. Tracey

    Thank You. I had already found a few guides online but just wanted your expertise in this manner.I will have to ask seller whether she is tpe or silicone because it doesn’t say in description. She is an in stock doll so I definitely need to know to protect her from harm.

  7. Tracey

    First off, Steven, thank you so much for helping us newbies with your expertise on buying a new doll. I wish i would have done my research last year with first stimulus check. I got burned with knockoff from Aliexpress. This time Im going to purchase from your aquaintance in San Antonio. My question is, is there a guide for proper care of our girls from day one and all maintenance thereafter?

    1. Steven

      Hi Tracey,
      I have a care and maintenance guide on my blog, but it might be a little outdated so I will have to revisit it. You can find it here: Most vendors can provide information if you ask them (there’s also a lot of guides on Google). First, it depends on whether the doll is TPE or silicone. Silicone dolls don’t really need much maintenance. In terms of care, the eyelashes and hands are the most delicate part of the doll, so be careful around those areas. My guide has all the cleaning and other care information so I don’t want to re-type it all here. I recommend reading that and some other guides online.

        1. Steven

          Hi Swetty,
          I can’t read the language on that website, but it looks legit to me. The prices don’t seem too low, and all the dolls are listed as the right brands with the correct brand customization options. I don’t have experience with them and never heard of them before, but they look legit.

          1. Swetty

            Ok:) thnx. Waited over a month and it still says uder treatment. Thnx for the fast reply!

            1. Steven

              Yes, I used the English translation and everything looks legit with that website. I recommend contacting the vendor for updates on your order. You paid a lot of money and they are there to serve you so don’t be afraid to contact them. Good luck.

          2. Swetty

            Btw. There is a flag with the language selector. So u got english and dutch and the nordic languages.

  8. romeo

    Can you verify or review VSDolls
    originial price of some dolls are over 2,000 but on sale for 50% off bringing a 5’2 doll to a low price of $600
    also mini doll 3’3 on sale for $400

    reviews look fake

    dolls claiming to be VM dolls but you sad VM dolls arent cheap

    customer service replys fast but sounds fake

    are these knockoff dolls
    do they steal your money and never send you anything
    or is this legit and im just paranoid

    1. Steven

      Hi Romeo,
      VSDolls sells knockoff dolls. Their prices make it very obvious. Full-sized dolls under $1000 is a very big red flag, and there’s no such thing as a 70-80% off sale. The original price means nothing in this case. I consider them scammers because they list their dolls under real brands but they are clearly selling knockoff dolls. Their “WM Dolls” are not real WM Dolls. They also check off almost every red flag described in my post.
      If you take a gamble and order from them, they will most likely send you a doll. It just won’t be the doll in the photos. You can contact them and ask them for factory photos of the doll you want to see what it really looks like. The quality will be a gamble, and it’s up to you whether you want to take the risk or not.

  9. Tracey

    Are all small dolls under 100 cm using wire skeleton instead of metal? And if so, what is the difference in range of motion?

    1. Steven

      Hi Tracey,
      It depends on the brand and model. Many dolls under 100cm have a metal skeleton, but some have a wire skeleton like the JM 65cm Chloe. Check the specifications to be sure. A metal skeleton bends similar to a human, although slightly more limited, while a wire skeleton can bend in any direction like a metal wire and has no joints.

  10. Tracey

    Is dollpodium legit or selling knockoffs?

    1. Steven

      Hi Tracey,
      They are selling knockoffs. Low prices and lack of brand names are the biggest red flags. Most of their photos are taken from JY Doll, AF Doll, WM Doll, and Aibei. The ones from Aibei could be legit since the Aibei factory makes lots of knockoff dolls, but all the other brands are probably knockoffs. They do not specifically say “Aibei,” I just recognize them from the photos, but don’t know if those are even authentic.

  11. Ed

    What is your take on Several look realistic that are under 1000.

    1. Steven

      Hi Ed,
      Acsexdolls is a knockoff doll seller. Their website raises many red flags such as prices are too low, lack of brand names, and height options. All their photos are stolen from other brands so what you see is not what you get. Most of their photos are from WM Doll. Also that “Customer Review” section on their main page with the stock photos as customer profile pics should be a big giveaway that their reviews are fake. You can take a gamble on them if you want, but their dolls are not authentic.

      1. Ed

        When you say authentic do you mean there are more respected Brands and your warning against getting a non brand named item or are you saying that what arrives in the mail is not what is pictured? thanks for being available to answer questions

        1. Steven

          Hi Ed,
          Authentic means it is a product that was designed, made, and the photos were taken by an original company. For example, most of the dolls on Acsexdolls are photos of WM Dolls, but they are not actually selling WM Dolls. They simply stole the photos and are selling imitations. An example is like buying a real/authentic Apple Iphone vs buying a Chinese knockoff of an Apple Iphone for half the price. The knockoff might look similar, but it’s not a real iPhone. It’s basically like a generic product from China (if you’ve ever bought any). Some are ok and some break fast or are low quality. The main point here is that the photos you see were stolen from the original brand. You are looking at WM’s photos and not the knockoff/generic photos so you don’t know what it actually looks like. You can ask them for factory photos of their dolls. Just keep in mind that they are copies, and not the doll in the listed photos.

  12. Gregg

    Hey Steven, I was wondering if is legit? I did see something in the comments but I can’t find it.

    1. Steven

      Hi Gregg,
      Yes, Kimber Doll is legit. I recommend them as an affordable, beginner doll.

      1. Gregg

        Thank you for responding so quick! I also forgot to ask what about They seem legit… I have checked out there site and I did find one particular doll I liked. Seems a great deal. One thing I noticed, it always says 2 sold in 16 Hours. Don’t know if that’s legit or fake. Callie 140cm (4ft 6)Thanks

        1. Steven

          Hi Gregg,
          Absolutesexdoll sells knockoff dolls, basically imitations/counterfeits of what you see in the photos. That doll is the WM Doll 140cm D-cup Head #36. If you want an authentic one, most vendors in my trusted vendors list should have her (but she costs $1000+). The “x sold in the last 24 hours” is just a fake sales tactic, like countdown timers. It is a dishonest practice but many sites have them.

          1. Gregg

            Yah I decided to stay away from them. But as far as the Kimberdoll….what is there real location? I see Australia and California…also I’m on my phone and it says $500, but on my desktop its saying $612…..dont know which one it is…So i inquired about it….both under USD

            1. Steven

              Kimber Doll is an Australian company with warehouses in the US, UK, and Australia. There might be a shipping fee. I’m not sure.

          2. Gregg

            Nevermind Steve, I apologize but I did not realize I was on Haha

    1. Steven

      Hi Primet,
      They sell hip/ass toys which I don’t know too much about. From my research, they seem to be legit. It is owned by someone named Carlos who used to be on The Doll Forum. There isn’t much recent information about them. You will have to do your own research because I don’t really know. Make sure you contact them before ordering.

  13. Kevin

    Nice site! and than you for all your hard work! What are your thoughts on

    1. Steven

      Hi Kevin,
      Their prices are way too low to be authentic. The height options, customization options, and specification tables indicate that they are selling knockoff dolls from places such as Aliexpress. The lower part of their website (and About Us page) claim they work with top brands like WM Doll, Sino Doll, etc which is a complete lie (based on the prices) and would make them scammers. All their photos are stolen from other brands so you really don’t know what you’re going to get. I also noticed they copy-and-pasted their doll descriptions from Siliconwives. Very dishonest seller.. I would not recommend ordering from them.

      1. Guts

        Hi Steven is Thedollchannel legit?

  14. Paul

    Hi Steven is the website legit? I mean the prices for theses torsos are pretty low.

    Thank you

    1. Steven

      Hi Paul,
      They sell primarily sex torsos which I don’t know too much about. There’s no information about them online and their name looks like a bunch of random letters put together, which is not a good sign in my opinion. They also have an unrealistically high amount of product reviews (with new reviews everyday on every product) despite having no online presence. That seems sketchy. It’s ultimately up to you, but it seems risky to me.

      1. Paul

        Thank you for your reply. I don’t think I will take the risk. Too dodgy. Thank you for the advice Steven.

  15. JAY

    Howdy Michael,
    Been looking into sex dolls, now I’m getting emails for and I’m thinking it’s a scam site. Was wondering what you think?

    1. Steven

      Hi Jay,
      Shoppingdolls has been doing a lot of advertising lately. They are not trustworthy in my opinion. All their dolls appear to be counterfeits based on the price. The dolls in their Discount section are clearly knockoffs and because they pretend that those dolls are “WM,” that makes them scammers. Some brands that they sell could be authentic, but definitely not the WM Dolls, and that dishonesty is enough not to trust them. From the customization options, it looks like all their dolls come from the same factory despite supposedly being different brands. They also claim to be a manufacturer so they’re clearly selling knockoff dolls.

  16. Ace

    Hi Steven,

    Would you say this site/provider is trustworthy?

    Their pre-builts seems to have a similar price range on what you stated. However, when it come to making your own, the prices drastically drops making it a much more viable option. Seems too good to be true (hopefully not but wishful thinking I guess, haha). From what I can understand they make their own dolls so they don’t really sell other brand dolls like others have mentioned. What are your thoughts? Thanks.

    1. Steven

      Hi Ace,
      They don’t make their own dolls. 99.9% of sex doll websites are vendors, not manufacturers, but the ones in China always pretend to be manufacturers. Most real manufacturers can’t actually speak English. These sites get their dolls from a factory in China and pretend to be manufacturers. I recognize photos from many different brands such as SY Doll, WM, Irontech, and JY Doll. They are probably not authentic. Based on the prices, “Ship from” locations, height options, and specifications tables, they look like dropshippers from Aliexpress. I personally wouldn’t order from them. Lots of red flags tell me they are selling cheap dolls from Aliexpress. Also no brand names and the same height options on every doll mean they are probably knockoffs with stolen photos.

      1. Ace

        Ah I see. Thank you for the reply and the quick lesson.

  17. Raul

    Hello Steven, I was looking for sites that sold flat-chested 100cm sex dolls and I found this:
    I followed your guide as best I could, but I’m confused. They look legit, they say they’re in Swinton, Manchester, but they’re in China too, so I don’t know what to believe. Are they legit or not?

    1. Steven

      Hi Raul,
      Most trusted, Western vendors don’t carry mini dolls, especially flat-chested ones, so the only place you can find them is on these more sketchy websites. I heard of some people receiving dolls from Littlesexdolls so it’s not a complete scam, but I don’t know if the quality is any good. Even though they are incorporated in Manchester, I’m pretty sure they’re really in China because small sex dolls are illegal in the UK. They would get in trouble for selling and importing them. You can always take a gamble on them. It’s up to you, but make sure you contact them first and ask to see factory photos of their dolls, among other questions. The only trusted US vendor I know that sells small dolls is TheDollChannel.

      1. Raul

        Hey Steven, I actually found a commenter here, down here in the comments, who made a purchase in littlesexdolls, turns out they can’t be trusted. All in all, it was a terrible experience for our friend James, so I’ll stay away from them. Thank goodness for TheDollChannel, here’s to hope they stay in business for many years.

  18. Q

    Is Earth’s Erotics a fake seller of name brand dolls like WM and other famous makers just wondering if the stuff they are selling is real before I order ????

    1. Steven

      Hi Q,
      I looked at their website and they look legit to me. Everything looks about right and I don’t see any red flags. However, their prices aren’t anything special so if you want to be completely safe, you can check out the websites I recommend here: Otherwise, Earth Erotic looks legit.

  19. Adam

    Hello Steven,
    I’m wondering what you’re thoughts on are, are they reputable? They are advertising a few mini 125cm dolls for $300 was $790.
    Gives all information about body measurements and dolls in stock. The doll is Natalie – School girl
    Any help is appreciated, thank you

    1. Steven

      Hi Adam,
      I wouldn’t consider them trustworthy. They at least aren’t reputable since there’s no information about them online. Based on the low prices, most of their dolls are knockoffs of WM Doll. Basically, they use stolen photos from other brands and sell cheap, imitations of them. The crossed-out original prices mean nothing. Those numbers are just made up. I’m not sure what brand the “Natalie” doll is, could possibly be Aibei. The problem with these sites are they’re just random people dropshipping dolls so you don’t know what you’re going to get. They’re not manufacturers as they claim. Because the photos are stolen, the height of the doll in the photo might also not be what you think. I found another website listing that doll as a 153cm Cosdoll brand, which is another imitation brand. Ask them for factory photos of the doll. Ordering from these websites are always a gamble because you don’t know where they’re getting their dolls from, or if they are just outright scammers.

  20. Ken

    Where would you recommend I purchase a flight case with foam inserts for my doll?

    1. Steven

      Hi Ken,
      It’s up to you. Flight cases add more protection for the doll during shipping, and can be used to store and hide the doll. However, they are very expensive due to the size, weight, and international shipping costs. It comes down to whether you think the extra cost is worth it or not. There’s no negatives to getting one other than the cost.

      1. Ken

        Thanks, do you have any suggestions on where can purchase one for a good price?

        1. Steven

          You can purchase one to ship with the doll, which as I mentioned, is quite expensive. I don’t know where else you can get a similar flight case. Many people have tried looking for storage cases for their dolls. I’ve seen ones that look like furniture, golf travel bags, and even tree storage bags. Some people just hang the doll and put a cover over it (like a wedding dress garment bag), which is probably the best way to store a doll long-term. Unfortunately, I don’t know of any similar-looking flight cases in domestic markets. You might have to do some digging around.

  21. Deon

    Hey Steven. I was looking into purchasing a doll from “”, but I’m unsure of them. What’s your thoughts on this site? They also offer split payments, but still unsure.

    1. Steven

      Hi Deon,
      Absolutesexdoll sells knockoff dolls. Their photos are stolen mostly from WM Doll and JY Doll so you will an imitation of what you see in the photos. I don’t know if their quality is good or not but their very low prices are not a good sign.

  22. Piere

    Hello Steven

    As you are specialist I am asking about this site:

    It is KNETSCH shop. It has all positive feedbacks on products, also found this review here:

    Still not sure it is legit or not since they have huge traffic and hundreds of reviews & orders. Seems 100 % legit and they also have EU stock options. Could not find anything on DollForum about this KNETSCH store, which I find strange as they have good prices on dolls and many of sales. Seems like too good to be true as they sell these dolls for 600 USD where . Been eyeing these models:

    1. Steven

      Hi Piere,
      KNETSCH, like most sellers on Aliexpress, sell knockoff dolls, which are basically cheap, counterfeits of the photos. They used to steal photos from WM Doll, but it looks like they replaced them all with imitation doll photos posed to look like WM Dolls, like the ones from SY Doll. You will get a doll, but it might not be good quality, plus most Aliexpress reviews are fake. The review on that site is also fake. You can tell they don’t know anything about sex dolls or the difference between a manufacturer, brand, and vendor. Every review is just the same generic description. You can order from them if you want, just don’t expect an authentic doll. The JY Doll, 6YE, and other brands they sell are probably all knockoffs based on the price. From my research, their dolls are Entity Dolls, which is from the most common counterfeit doll factory. Not necessarily bad quality, just very inconsistent and lower end-mediocre quality.
      As for the two dolls you shared, the first is a doll that appears on Aliexpress a lot. It is by AIBEI, a popular Chinese brand that isn’t very well-known in the West. Not many vendors carry AIBEI, but I found them on MyRobotDoll. The 2nd doll is an imitation of the WM Doll 166cm C-cup Head #273. Ultimately it’s up to you. You can contact the seller for factory photos of the dolls, but it’s always a gamble ordering knockoff dolls. For some people it’s good enough for the price, while others would rather spend more for an authentic one. On Aliexpress, you never know what you’re going to get.

      1. Piere

        Steven, thank you for taking time replying with your knowledge. It all makes sense, that it is a gamble ordering from Aliexpress at all times. It’s just hard to believe all the positive reviews there are not to be trusted and how far Chinese sellers go with counterfeiting dolls.

      2. Harold

        appreciate the energy you sacrifice to help us out with advice. I almost fell for the stolen photos fraud, I had no idea it was such a tough job to find legit sellers. only 10% that don’t sell counterfeit, imitation, lower quality, fakes or are scams, eh?? you saved me, cheers, man.

  23. Aaron

    Does anyone know if IRealDoll is legit?

    1. Steven

      Hi Aaron,
      They are probably not legit. No mention of brand names, incorrect customization options, and their poorly written About Us section is enough for me not to trust them. Their warehouse dolls are also knockoff dolls based on the price.

  24. terry

    Hi Steven,

    i have the option of purchasing my doll from tenderdolls (uk based, custom fees to canada) which you already refer to as legit, or to order directly from doll forever (no custom fees?) for almost the same price
    what would you do?

    1. Steven

      Hi Terry,
      I recommend ordering from a vendor (instead of directly from the manufacturer) for more buyer protection and better customer service. Many brands focus on manufacturing and vendor sales, and don’t often deal with customers directly. I know I emailed Doll Forever in the past via their website email and they never replied. I’m not from Canada, but are you sure one has customs fees and the other doesn’t, because Doll Forever handles the shipping no matter who you order from (assuming it’s not in-stock). Most of the websites I recommend here carry Doll Forever so you can try asking them and comparing prices. Sexdolls-shop is in Canada, but the custom dolls ship from China as usual.

      1. terry

        Thank you Steven! ill give you a hint on how to get a reply from doll forever: buy something cheap from there store!
        they are answering my questions but it can take some time
        ill be following your advice like i always do
        DF are now accepting paypal but payment must be sent as “for a friend” without any protection coverage
        thanks again

  25. Ken

    Is a legitimate website to purchase from? Thanks

    1. Steven

      Hi Ken,
      I personally don’t think Kanadoll is trustworthy. Some of their dolls could be authentic, but many of them are listed as the wrong brand. For example, their Piper and Sino Dolls are listed as WM Doll. They are not very clear about brand names, and have their own line of knockoff dolls. Something just feels off about their website, like it has a very Chinese feel to it. If you are looking at popular doll brands like WM Doll, there are more trustworthy websites to order from. I have a list of trusted websites here:

  26. Jacob

    Hey, whatโ€™s your thoughts on

    1. Steven

      Hi Jacob,
      They are not legit. A lot of their text is copy-and-pasted from other websites, prices are too low, incorrect customization options and lack of brand names. Everything is wrong with that website and I would not recommend it to anyone.

  27. Caleb

    Hi Steven,

    Im looking for full body sex dolls for cheapest i can get. Hard to find because im not sure which sites are legit or not. And im pretty sure but can you tell me if is no good.

    Thank you.

    1. Steven

      Hi Caleb,
      I don’t really trust Littlesexdolls. Some of their dolls are WM knockoffs but I haven’t seen most of their dolls before. Based on the low prices, they might be low quality dolls using stolen photos. If you want to take a chance, ask them for factory photos of the dolls to see what they really look like.
      If you live in the US, UK, or Australia, KimberDoll is the cheapest, good quality full-sized doll.

    2. James

      No, little sex dolls website is not to be trusted. Ordered a doll. Took a month to get after checking on it every day after 2 weeks. Doll came with broken legs in a pristine cardboard box. Had to trick customer help to talk to me. When I got through after a few days. They offered me $30 compensation. I had to contact fedex again and start my own damaged claim. Then after I let them know this, magically they was able to send another doll. Never kept none of there promises until they got caught red-handed. They said there sending another doll but no email or tracking number as of now. I hope this helps others.

      1. James

        2nd package was sented through UPS. It was late too. I returned to sender. When UPS let lit know. This seller changed the delivery status to 2 day. I asked for pre- inspection pictures on the replacement. They didn’t send any. After all this, they wanted to give a partial refund because they spent too much money. I had to tell them I was going to take legal action. Finally got my refund at day 49. I’m a first time customer, this is how I was treated. I hope this helps someone out there what you will go through with this seller.

  28. Paul

    Hey Steve could you tell me if is legit?

    Thank you

  29. Paul

    Hi Steve, could you give me heads up on these companies?,,, Thank you.

    1. Steven

      Hi Paul,
      They are all legit except for lucidtoys. is the official website of the SiliDoll brand. The other 2 are vendors (retailers).

      1. louis

        hey steven is a good one i wana pay for a custom one

  30. Kenn

    Can you tell if is legit or not?

    1. Steven

      Hi Kenn,
      It used to be more obvious that uloversdoll sold knockoff dolls. It’s possible they sell some authentic dolls now, but I feel like there’s still a high probability that they sell counterfeit dolls based on their prices. They are not a website I would consider trustworthy.

    1. Steven

      Hi Jessica,
      Based on their prices, they sell knockoff dolls, not the authentic dolls in the photos. I don’t know what you will get if you order from them. The dolls in most their photos are WM Dolls that usually costs twice the price.

  31. Gerald

    Hello…Wanting to know if is a legit company.
    Thank you.

    1. Steven

      Hi Gerald,
      I never heard of them but they sell sex torsos and not sex dolls. It looks like they are just selling things from Aliexpress/Alibaba. One of the toys has that classic pink and white censorship icon from Aliexpress. There’s also no About Us section or any information about them online. I would be hesitant ordering from them.

      1. Gerald

        Thank you for your advice. Was very interested in the 25 inch fantasia. I’ll keep looking.

        Thanks again.

    1. Steven

      Hi Dee,
      TheSilverDoll, LoveDollPalace, and Dollsclub are legit. The prices on Dollsclub can be misleading because they select the smallest height by default. Realnwdoll is not legit. Erotic-dolls might be legit but they don’t list the brand names, so I wouldn’t really trust them.

        1. Steven

          Kikdolls sells a lot of cheap, no-brand dolls. It looks like they added some name-brand dolls since I last checked, but I personally wouldn’t order a name-brand doll from them since they used to sell knockoff dolls. I also looked at their WM Dolls, and the customization options are not entirely correct. The wigs are wrong and they are missing some options.

  32. Ayden

    Does anyone know if is legit? The prices sure seem so but any conformation would help. Thanks!

    1. Steven

      Hi Ayden,
      They sell counterfeit/knockoff dolls. It’s easy to tell from their low prices, and they use photos of WM and JY Dolls but relabel them as their own brand (Xqueen), indicating that they are copies. Buying from them is a gamble, and their prices aren’t even that good for a knockoff doll. I would probably avoid them.

    2. Brandon

      I purchased two dolls from them so far: a JY doll and most recently, a 6Ye doll. I also own a WM doll and another JY doll from another company (the more expensive SRSD). The quality between all four dolls is about the same, though the WM doll from SRSD was the best packaged one. All four dolls have gel-implanted breasts, but the best one (by far) is the JY doll I got through XQueen. It is strange the more expensive JY one I bought from SRSD didn’t have the same “feel”. As far as customer support, XQueen is miles above SRSD. It seems that both XQueen and SRSD are distributors for the name competing brands, since none of the four dolls varied much in quality (though I’d say the WM heads are slightly better quality). One of the important factors for me in making a decision on such purchases is communication and customer service, and XQueen are total PROS….”Cindy” always got back to me in less than a day and was always polite and helpful.

  33. Zen

    It’s a shame that AbsoluteSexDoll is a scam sight to your knowledge. I was looking forward to buying from them I’ll try your two recommended sights an browse there.

    1. Brandon

      Avoid AbsoluteSexDoll like the plague! I paid $1000 for a doll (about $1400-1800 on other websites) thinking I was getting a good deal, but it was the WORST online purchase/customer support experience I’ve ever had. It all started when the idiots neglected to include the Customs documentation, which added weeks more to the delivery… The gel-implants were very firm and not life-like at all; the metal skeleton protruded through the left foot; and the head did not match the picture of the one I ordered and was of very poor quality. Since they would not make good on the junk they sent me, I actually threw the doll away at the dump in its original box and left them the worst review I could – an AboluteWaste of money and time.

    1. Steven

      Hi Panleot,
      Kanadoll could be legit but I don’t really trust them. I found a lot of red flags on their site in the past. That doll is a WM Doll. All the vendors I recommend sell WM Doll, but they may not have that exact model listed. If you contact them, they should be able to add it for you. You can find my list of recommended vendors here:

      1. Panleot

        Thank you so much for the response! It’s greatly appreciated

  34. ward

    Hi steven,
    I was looking to buy my first doll and after learning there are so many scam websites, I found this website called tenderdolls
    I read some reviews on different kinds of ‘review websites’ and they all say its pretty legit.
    But the reviews where SO good that it makes me scaptical and i can’t find them on the doll forum.

    1. Steven

      Hi Ward,
      TenderDolls is probably legit. I looked at their website several times and everything looks correct, no red flags, except they mislabeled their DollHouse168 dolls as Piper Dolls, which I don’t like, but otherwise, they look legit to me. The pricing, customization options, specifications, etc. all look correct.
      Also many legit vendors aren’t on Dollforum because they stopped accepting new vendors a long time ago (unless they offered something different) because all their vendors ended up competing with each other.

    1. Steven

      Hi Alex,
      For smaller dolls, I recommend TheDollChannel. They offer a 65cm doll in their JM Dolls section. Just note that dolls these small usually have wire skeletons, meaning they can be bent in every direction like a wire rather than a metal skeleton. As for SexDollBrand, they are just a Chinese vendor selling cheap, non-brand dolls.

      1. Alex

        Thanks Steven. I think I’ll save up a little bit more money and invest in a Chloe doll ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Steven

      Hi Shrek,
      Both those websites sell knockoff dolls. You will receive a doll but the quality may not be very good. For smaller dolls, I usually recommend TheDollChannel. They are trustworthy and specialize in smaller dolls. They have the Dollhouse168 80cm Shiori dolls around that price, as well as some lesser-known brands like DollXES.
      If you are still curious about MistressLoveDolls, I found a 16 page thread on Dollforum about them with mixed reviews: Dollforum link

    1. Steven

      Hi Pete,
      I believe Dollsclub is probably legit. However, they have height options which I don’t like. The prices you see are for the smallest body by default which is why it looks so cheap. If you choose the body that matches the photo, the price will go up significantly. It is very misleading, but I think that they are legit.

  35. John

    Is legit?

    1. Steven

      Hi John,
      JoyLoveDolls could be legit but I have never been a big fan of them. They have misleading height options, and the prices you see are for the smallest body by default. The “x sold in the last y hours” is clearly fake and some of the reviews are sketchy. Again, they could be legit but I think there are better websites to order from. Check out my list of trusted websites here:

  36. mike

    Hi i’m still searching for a legit company. sexdollgenie seems to be legit, it says they are based in miami fla, what do you think about them?

      1. mike

        Thank you Steven, you’ve been more than helpful, guess i’ve found my company! Thanks again and have a happy new year!

  37. sauce money

    i bought a doll from bululu and she looks perfect but im supposed to get it tomorrow and it still hasnt shipped. is this site legit?

    1. Steven

      Hi sauce money,
      I’m pretty sure Bululu is not legit. Their prices are very low and their product names are very spammy, like the ones on Aliexpress. Many of their photos are stolen from other brands and because the prices are so low, they definitely sell knockoff dolls. Let me know how it turns out because I’m interested in what you receive and the quality. Hopefully, you receive something decent.

  38. mike

    hi is a legit site?

    1. Steven

      Hi Mike,
      LoveRealDolls sells knockoff dolls. They list themselves (SEXO) has the brand of their dolls but most of the photos are stolen from other brands. I don’t know if their quality is good or not, but they don’t seem trustworthy.

  39. Patrick

    What about absolute sex doll, itโ€™s under 1000 but the review looks good

    1. Steven

      Hi Patrick,
      Absolutesexdoll sells knockoff dolls. You can tell from their low prices and that they list themselves as the brand when they are clearly using photos from WM Doll. They also have many bad reviews on Trustpilot:

  40. mike

    Is legit?? Thanks

    1. Steven

      Hi Mike,
      Some people have received counterfeit dolls from them and some have received authentic dolls. They are a mixed bag with a controversial history. I would say their history makes them untrustworthy, but it can go either way today. They supposedly got a ton of dolls in-stock in the US recently, and if it’s an authentic WM Doll, it will come with an anti-fake code.

      1. mike

        Thank you for your answer! One more quick question, what do you mean by it will come with an anti-fake code?

        1. Steven

          All WM Dolls come with an anti-fake code (a unique code on a card). You can enter it into the official WM Doll website to find out if the doll is authentic. Only WM Dolls have this but you won’t know until after you receive the doll.

    1. Steven

      Hi Terry,
      SexDollCanada is a legit seller in Canada.

  41. Dexter

    Hello Steven,

    I’d like to know if you have any experience/feedback of RACYME DOLLS ?, i’ve seen them around for a very long time on the internet ( so no change of company ), they looks reaaaaaaally legit, with even a public Facebook page and they’ re reselling many brands ( like all resellers ). They offering currently special discount ( which weren’t offered and like many other resellers are doing currently ) ? cheap knockoff ?

    1. Steven

      Hi Dexter,
      The simplest answer is yes, they are cheap knockoffs. Racyme, as you noticed, has been around forever. They are the most well-known knockoff brand. They look legit if you have never seen a WM Doll or JY Doll before. Racyme is also a manufacturer, not a reseller. They basically manufacture knock offs of WM Doll, JY Doll, and maybe some other brands, and use those brands’ photos as their own. If you just want a cheap, knockoff doll, it might be good enough, but they’re not authentic or high quality.

  42. david

    Is absolute sex dolls a legitimate company?
    I was just about to buy the Ariannah 158 cm cheeky blonde sex doll which supposedly was $1,449.00 for $749.00

    1. Steven

      Hi David,
      Absolutesexdoll sells knockoff dolls. The doll, “Ariannah,” is actually a WM Doll. Absolutesexdoll basically steals photos and sells counterfeit dolls for a lot lower. If you want an authentic one, it is a WM Doll 157cm B-cup. You can find her on most trusted websites. Knockoff dolls are usually lower quality and won’t look exactly like the photos.

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