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Earth Doll/USDOLL Releases 3rd Gen Facial Muscle Head: Taehee

On March 28, 2024, Earth Doll (USDOLL) released their latest 3rd generation “facial muscle head” named Taehee. Although this Korean sex doll brand isn’t exactly known for their quality, their innovative “facial muscle head” design remains unmatched – and they’re still the only brand with this feature. And now, their 3rd generation update has even more facial movements (with 10 face joints), and another unique feature called “Automatic Gaze.” Before we start, let’s quickly review the 3 generations of their “facial muscle head.”

Facial Muscle Head

  • ※ 1st Generation –  Moveable jaw + openable and closeable eyes
  • ※ 2nd Generation –  Moveable eyebrows + oral suction (“sucking mouth”)
  • ※ 3rd Generation –  More facial muscle movement/joints + Automatic Gaze

Gen 1 Facial Muscle Head

Gen 2 Facial Muscle Head

In my first Earth Doll post here, I never knew there was a Gen 2 head. But luckily, the Gen 3 release resurfaced the video, so now we can watch the entire development. As mentioned before, my information on Earth Doll is extremely limited. Without a Korean phone number, I still can’t access their store or website. I only have a few minor photos and tiny gifs that I turned into videos (which is why they’re low quality).

3rd Generation Facial Muscle Head (Taehee)

Now let’s see the latest 3rd Generation Facial Muscle Head: Taehee (or Taehui). Like most of their designs, she has a very cute Asian face. However, these are the only photos I could find. There are much more photos, but as I mentioned, I can’t access them.

In the newest head, there are 10 total facial joints, which allow much more movement and facial posing. In addition to the previous generation features, you can now adjust her smile and finer tune her mouth and jaw. This video more-or-less summarizes it, and highlights that certain joints involve a turning motion (like a gas valve). They also emphasized that the 10 joints are “cast iron welded” so they won’t break easily (but for “security” reasons, they only showed 1 part of it).

Automatic Gaze

One of the new features introduced in Gen 3 is “Automatic Gaze.” Using some sort of special eyes, her eyes essentially follow you no matter where you are. It’s not electronic, but rather, utilizes what they call “convex lens (magnifying glass) refraction.” Pretty neat and unique feature, although I can imagine some pros and cons to this (if it’s a glass material).


First, I’m not sure if everyone read the update in my first post (which I added 1 day after I released it). To recap, Earth Doll isn’t actually new (they’ve been around since 2020), and they’re generally considered a cheap or low-quality brand. But from what I can tell, they are actually made in Korea (which is both good and bad – the bad being you can’t order one outside of Korea). But questionable quality aside, their innovative Facial Muscle Head remains unmatched, and is still the only one in the market. They’re also the first to do many things like the “air blowing vagina” and “automatic gaze.”

Their little innovations are a real game-changer in my opinion, and I hope more brands figure it out soon. If nothing else, they can be the spark that ignites the fire – paving the way for other brands to do the same. And once a Chinese brand gets ahold of it, it’s like a chain reaction across the entire industry. I’d love to see the “facial muscle head” become a new standard like the ROS mouth. Which global sex doll brand will be the first to figure it out? Only time will tell..

Thoughts on Earth Doll (USDOLL)’s 3rd generation Facial Muscle Head? Comment below!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Jackson

    So epic! There are ways to get a Korean phone number via “CallHippo” or something. I hope more brands pick it up!

    1. Steven

      I tried that but after signing up, there was no option for Korea. It’s hard to get a Korean phone number because it’s linked to Korean IDs or something. It’s like a form of ID verification.

  2. Rass

    Daaamn, this is the best innovation in a long time. All those gimmicks we’ve been getting the last few years are meh, but this is actually is amazing for the experience and seems like it’s going to work properly.
    In this implementation I think the eyes implementation is going to look distorted up close.

  3. Rebel Drifter

    This way they do look a lot more alive… really cool design!

  4. nopxl

    Been always wanting to have an eye smile facial expression. Looks like this dream is finally becoming a reality (n_n)

  5. IconOkee

    It’s about time someone did something like this

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