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Ask Me Anything!

After running a sex doll store for a year, I learned a lot about top sex doll brands and manufacturers. This includes recognizing and identifying dolls, specifications, customization options, and more. However, there’s always more to learn. Since then, I continued to learn and write about about sex dolls for another 5+ years, eagerly following the news and reading doll reviews. I think it’s safe to say I know a lot about sex dolls! After years of learning and gathering information, I’ve become quite knowledgeable on doll news and updates, determining whether a vendor is legit or not, and general information about brands and factories. Although my focus is primarily on news now (rather than reviews), feel free to comment below and ask me anything!

If your question is more personal or confidential, you can email me at

If you’re looking for a trustworthy store to order from, here’s my list of trusted sex doll vendors: Trusted Sex Doll Websites

This Post Has 1,264 Comments

  1. Armand

    Hi the gel filled breast on my doll is really firm. Can I remove the gel and end up with hollow breasts?

  2. Robert

    Hi Steven,

    Could you tell me which Yearndoll vendor is the best right now? And in best I mean the most trusted reliable vendor

    1. Steven

      Hi Robert,
      At the moment, only Japanese vendors carry Yearndoll. I would say Kumadoll is the most trustworthy, but only their Japanese website has Yearndoll listed (with only 2 dolls). You’ll probably have to contact them.

  3. Arnold

    Well Steven, as you know Iam a doll lover already for some while, Iam searching already for long time to find something on Facebook about non nude dolls, but sexdolls just dressed up well, bc this is the reason why I have a doll, not for having sex with but for to have in the livingroom, only for to watch and company around me… search commands like “dressed up (sex)dolls” or “dressed up mannequins” for example, doesnt give me satisfied pages.
    Are there pages around of people just like to photograph well dressed dolls and do you know some of them?

    1. Steven

      Hi Arnold,
      Unfortunately, I don’t know any pages specifically for dressed dolls. Maybe you can be the first to create one. Since there’re many people in your same shoes, there’s definitely a demand for such community.
      Actually, now that I think about it, there is “kind of” one that I know of. A discord server called The Doll Club (you can find the link on r/SexDolls) has a channel for only sfw photos. It’s not very active, but there’s at least one photo a day of only clothed dolls.

      1. Arnold

        Oh this sounds very interesting, Steven!
        Maybe its early here for me, but help me a bit with r/SexDolls for to find the link, if its not a stupid question 😉

          1. Arnold

            Thx for your help Steven, but I do think its too hard for me to get a member of this site, cant even get contact with a moderator.

  4. Jim

    Hey, I was wondering about the JY silicone dolls. Do they offer gel butts or not? I see different options depending on the reseller.

    1. Arnold

      Hello Jim, first I want to let you know, the JY manufacture did sold not legit JY dolls to costomers, I dont know if this is still the case, I would like to know from Steven as well if they still do this.
      As far as I know JY Dolls dont have a Gel Butt option, but maybe the best is to ask the JY Doll manufacture if this is the right information.

    2. Steven

      Hi Jim,
      Currently, JY Doll doesn’t offer a gel butt option. Any resellers with that option listed are incorrect.
      As for what Arnold said, I haven’t heard of JY selling knockoffs of their own brand. I have heard that they have poor quality control, and sometimes send old factory photos (i.e. a previous customer’s factory photos instead of taking new ones), but never that they sold fake dolls. As long as you order from a reputable JY Doll vendor, it should be authentic.

      1. Arnold

        Thx Steven!
        Ive read in the past something about JY… that because of the high demand of their dolls, JY did let some of their dolls made somewhere else, so those dolls were “not their own brand”, bc not made into their own factory, however it still stayed original JY dolls.
        This was maybe also explaining about the poor qualitly control.

        1. Steven

          Hi Arnold,
          Hmm. What I know is JY is manufactured in the Aiersha factory, which also makes AS and AF Doll. One interesting thing is AS and AF will sell JY Dolls even though it’s not their brand. But they’re still authentic because it comes from the same factory, and they’re allowed to sell whatever brands the factory makes.
          As long as someone orders a JY from an Aiersha brand or reputable JY vendor, the doll should be authentic. Having said that, WM and JY are the most copied brands so there are tons of knockoff JY Dolls out there using their photos. The knockoff JY dolls aren’t associated with JY.
          I haven’t heard about their dolls being made elsewhere, but it’s possible. If it’s true, technically it wouldn’t be a knockoff if JY’s using other factories to make their dolls. It’s possible they’re lower-tier versions (which were rumored of several brands having a long time ago). However, this is all speculation if what you said is true.

          1. Arnold

            Thx Steven and yes this is what i was meaning, sorry for my english is not my first language, if JY does give it out of hands to some other factory to make some of their dolls, it still stay authentic JY dolls, but with other quality control and this is something I could remember reading somewhere a few years ago, but agree about this was maybe a speculation of that written artikel.

            1. Jim

              Thanks for the info. Now, from what I know – is a legit seller, and they have “soft anus” option, I was wondering what this is.

      2. Jim

        Thanks for the info. Now, from what I know – is a legit seller, and they have “soft anus” option, I was wondering what this is.

        It’s a shame they don’t offer gel butt, because their dolls look fantastic, especially their 160cm silicone – it has perfect LHP and super lightweight. I was looking to get that one, but I really want a doll with the gel butt.

        1. Steven

          I believe it’s a softer anal cavity. Similar to the “ultra soft vagina,” which is a softer vaginal cavity. However, you should ask MyRobotDoll to be 100% sure. They’re probably more familiar than I am.

        2. Arnold

          Hello Jim,
          Maybe you can ask JY doll if they will show up soon with Gel Butt dolls.
          I know Future-doll will come soon with also.
          So its worth waiting for it.

  5. Mayjim

    Thanks Arnold, I saw your comment earlier but wanted Steven opinion as well. Regardless, thanks. 😉

    1. Arnold

      Np Mayjim, we here for to help each other and if we can keep as many people as possible away from being disappointed by scam shops, then we have already won.

      1. Mayjim

        Agreed~! ^_^)>

    1. Arnold

      Hello Mayjim,
      First 2 are the original manufacture sites.
      Kumadoll does carry a lot of brands and is legit.
      Kanadoll I should not buy from, are not authentic dolls.

    2. Steven

      Hi Mayjim,
      As Arnold said, the first link is AXB Doll’s official website (many ppl supposedly had good experiences ordering from them directly). 2nd is technically Game Lady’s official website (but I would still recommend a vendor). Kumadoll is legit (but because there are so few reviews, and lack of issues, I can’t really determine their after-sales support). For now, I see them positively. Last, I don’t really recommend Kanadoll since they sell knockoff in-stock dolls, but some people received authentic cheaper brands from them. They’re too risky for me to recommend though.

      1. Mayjim

        Steven, Arnold, thanks for letting me know, appreciate it. ^_^)>

    1. Robert

      Hi Rudy,

      Maybe it is better to post these photos in a thread on the dollforum? I’m sure many would appreciate them there and especially because you are one of the that has a Fanreal doll. Would even be great if you could provide maybe a small review and comparison between your dolls? 🙂

      1. Arnold

        Hello Robert,
        Iam not the only one, but many dont like the DollForum, the DollForum is too much focused on sex and it became more a Faceapp forum instead of a doll forum, even in reviews they use faceapps, this gives a wrong picture of how the dolls looks like in real life and gives sadness to people buying such doll and notice the doll doesnt look at all that good as posted by those forum members.
        Also, the DollForum is only making adverticements for the brands/shops who are paying for, so some brands/shops who are not doing this, dont show up into their list, while a lot of doll shops not listed at the DollForum are way more better then the listed ones.
        There are also brands who messed it up completely with their customers, but bc the brand is paying its fees to the Dollforum, the Dollforum doesnt delete the brand.
        Its just waiting till someone starts a better forum, there are rumors that some are already working on it.

      2. Arnold

        I like to add something more…
        I would like it if Steven would create a page where people can post their pictures of their doll(s).
        But… with the rule to use no faceapps, other backgrounds I dont mind, but no faceapp allowed for the dolls.
        However this is a blog of Steven, so its up to him ofc if he want to make something like this, but i would really appreciate it.

  6. Michael

    Do you know if there’s any recent TPE dolls under 30kgs with a bubble butt? I’ve browsed for hours on end but as far as I can tell most brands have pretty flat butts in this weight range. So far the best I’ve found from videos and pictures online is Piper Doll Ariël, and body L118 from WM. Ariël is quite an old design and was wondering if there are newer dolls with additional features or better build quality that you know of. I have back issues so unfortunately I am limited to lightweight dolls.

    1. Steven

      Hi Michael,
      Hmm, there probably are, but Piper Dolls are famous for it. The 140cm Ariel, in particular, is a great TPE doll. Also, newer doesn’t necessarily mean better. For example, a new and old Piper model would be made with the same materials. JY and Irontech dolls usually have round butts, some WM/YL models, Tayu if money isn’t an issue, and Irokebijin which is the anime version of Piper Doll without the seamless neck. Since I don’t know all your preferences, browsing around (which you’ve already done) is all I can really suggest (since I can’t remember every body). If the doll has to be under 30 kg, Piper Doll is probably on the right track.

      1. Michael

        Thanks for your reply Steven. I will look into JY and Tayu, haven’t looked at those brands yet. Currently I own a 80cm Phoebe Elf doll which is great except it’s a tad small.

  7. DaV

    Can i make a custom doll like video character or movie character

    1. Steven

      Hi DaV,
      Some brands or manufacturers will make custom dolls, but it’s be very expensive like $5-10k. Unless you have a lot of money, it’s better to find an existing doll (head and body) that looks similar.

  8. Sylvian


    Can i leave my WM TPE Doll permanently arched or do i need to bring it back to its default position after a while? I understand excessively bending the Doll can cause damage over time to the TPE but what about the Skeleton (in the Spine area)? A bunch of people said their Doll’s Back broke so i’m concerned about bending mine back and forth regularly…

    Thank you for your information!

    1. Steven

      Hi Sylvian,
      When not in use or in storage, it’s recommended to put the doll in a neutral position. This prevents damage to the TPE, as well as the joints. Although the joints are capable of bending, they’ll eventually loosen from regular bending, and sometimes break over time. Unfortunately, that’s just the way it is. As long as you bend the joints correctly, it should be fine for at least a few years.
      Here’s a useful thread about this on TDF, which includes another thread with skeleton photos:

      1. Sylvian

        Thank you for that Link… it was a bit scary reading that part about the unsealed area where water can get in when cleaning the Doll. I know there are some issues with WM ROS Heads, apparently some or even all are unsealed but i had no idea that the vaginal/anal tunnels may be affected by this too 🙁
        I have a WM TPE Doll and a Piper Silicone Doll… do you by any chance know if either of those Dolls have unsealed areas? Thanks once again!

        1. Steven

          Basically, when dolls are created from the mold, there’s a hole from the vagina to the skeleton. Manufacturers used to (and some cheaper brands still do) plug the hole with a TPE ball, which can sometimes fall out. I haven’t heard of this issue in a while so I assumed most brands fixed it. You can try using an endoscope to make sure the holes are properly sealed. Generally, it’s not an issue with silicone dolls, and newer WM dolls shouldn’t have that problem. Defects can happen though.

  9. Rick

    Hello, I’m looking to get a new doll, in silicone this time around. Because I’ve had enough of TPE dolls, I’ve had OR,WM, 6YE, PIPER etc. I just wanna try something different.

    I’ve been looking primarily at Irontech silicone dolls, because I’ve been most impressed by their softness/jiggle. But, Elsa Babe also caught my attention, specifically their 160cm with the more realistic body. Their softness and jiggle seem on par with Irontech’s. My question is, what doll has the most realistic breasts softness? Because, I’ve been disappointed in every set of boobs I ever had with tpe, I’m really aiming for a doll that nails a more accurate simulation of breasts experience.

    1. Steven

      Hi Rick,
      Unfortunately, I can’t answer this without having experienced both. Your best bet is to find someone that owns both, which might be difficult. Keep in mind, Elsa Babe and Irontech also have softer breast options (Irontech’s softer gel breasts, and Elsa Babe’s Softness++), which is softer than the regular gel breasts. You’ll have to do some research, watch videos, and read reviews (probably on Dollforum) to figure it out unless you can find someone who has experienced both.

      1. Rick

        Thanks for your response. I’ve been bouncing back and forth about which brand of silicone to get. I can’t seem to find any one brand that has everything I want. Irontech seems to come the closest for my needs and wants, but I rarely see glowing reviews on TDF – nothing that matches the quality that I see in the promo videos. Their sculps are nice, LHP are typically pretty standard, I guess – not great or bad. Best they have some of the best jiggly butt and breast dolls i’ve ever seen. So idk, I’m still pondering my next purchase being from them. Another brand that I’m looking at is Elsa Babe – I like the anime fantasy vibe of their designs, but the realism of breast sculpts. I don’t love the design of their genitals though. I’m curious about how durable their ultra soft ++ silicone is, because I liked how the breasts jiggled. And I’d definitely wanna order the entire skin to be ultra soft ++, because I want soft thighs and butt also. I’m willing to take some risk with the silicone being less durable, as long as it doesn’t start disintegrating after a few sessions.

        1. Steven

          Unfortunately, since you can’t try out sex dolls before purchase, that makes things complicated. Since promo photos and videos can be misleading, customer reviews are very important sources of information. However, everyone is different, which is why it’s hard to recommend dolls to people. Everyone has different preferences; some people like soft, others like firm, not to mention varying aesthetics preferences. Some examples: “Tom the Sex Doll Expert” has a very positive review of Irontech ( but a regular on Discord had the opposite opinion, mainly the gel butt ( Tom likes soft dolls (like WM’s ultra soft TPE) and I believe he said Elsa Babes were too firm. Meanwhile, Elsa’s softer option is definitely softer, but because most vendors won’t warranty it, it’s most likely fragile (which is expected).
          Another example, most people love Piper Doll’s “Platinum” TPE, but one person told me it felt like jelly and he hated it. Moral of the story, everyone is different.
          In short, deciding on a doll without trying it is difficult, but that’s just the industry. (Reminds me of shopping for mattresses online.) Everyone has different preferences. Also, note that although sex dolls can almost feel human, they can never truly feel real, so have realistic expectations. Another brand you could check out is Tayu, which has fairly limited information, but people say they’re very light and soft. At the end of the day, these questions are hard to answer. But there’s one thing I think everyone agrees on, which is Elsa Babe’s horrible genitals design.

  10. chris

    Is there a point in having Realistic Body Paint and Freckles put on my WM TPE Doll? I have to wash the Doll several times before i can use her as far as i understand and i’m afraid the paint might come off right away. And what happens if i choose a normal Skeleton instead of the EVO Skeleton, can i still arch my Doll then? I would much prefer if it came without shrugging shoulders and a waist that twists to the sides but i really need her to be able to arch her back, thank you for your answer!

    1. Steven

      Hi Chris,
      All makeup will eventually fade on TPE. It’ll look nice for the first few weeks or months, but probably not worth it unless it’s free, or for photography purposes.
      As for the skeleton, please ask the vendor to be sure. Back in 2019, the only difference was shrugging shoulders, but around 2021, I believe the EVO skeleton became the default, and they also made some other iterations and upgrades. The back should still be archable, but ask the vendor to be sure. Maybe you can order the EVO skeleton with a custom request not to have shrugging shoulders.

    1. Steven

      Hi Victor,
      Unfortunately, I don’t know much about partial dolls like leg dolls. Some name-brands like Doll Forever have one, but it’s mostly random brands (that I’ve never heard of) that sell them. They’re not very popular, and most established brands stopped designing them years ago. I’ve mostly seen them in TPE. I never saw one in silicone before, and never heard of Warm Doll.

      1. Victor

        I see! I found an old post on TDF with a couple but it seems like they don’t exist anymore. Bummer!

  11. J

    Realsexdoll legit

  12. James

    Just trying to find out specifically what bolts and thread to buy at the hardware place to match my wm dolls standing feet option… Thanks. Appreciate it

    1. Steven

      Hi James,
      They’re M6 Socket Head Screws (Stainless steel 304), usually 20mm front, 25mm heel. However, ask your vendor to be sure. Sometimes, it differs between brands and heights.

  13. Sylvian


    There is a discussion on TDF about TPE Dolls and whether they pose a threat to your health long term or not. Nobody really seems to know, specially because we don’t know what the manufactures put in their blends. You seem like someone with much experience… what do you think? Also, do you believe that a Silicone Doll is “healthier”? I am thinking of getting one… thanks for your help!

    1. Steven

      Hi Sylvian,
      No one really knows because it comes down to the scientific research on TPE. According to scientists, it’s considered non-toxic and safe even in medical settings. However, it can be like controversial food ingredients where it could possibly cause health issues in the long-term, but unlikely or no known cases, so it’s considered safe to consume.
      I like to use the house paint example. Wet paint has toxic fumes, and so does liquid TPE (at ~200C/400F). However, once paint is fully dry, no one really worries about it anymore. Similarly, in solid form, TPE is considered non-toxic and safe. However, could fully-dry in-door paint potentially cause longterm health issues? Scientists would say probably not, same with TPE, but some ppl can be more sensitive than others. So basically, we can only guess based on the research available. I think silicone is probably “healthier” than TPE, simply because it’s waterproof, non-porous, and can be sanitized unlike TPE.

  14. Light

    do you know anything about customs clearance is a difficult process? found a good option on thedollchanel

    1. Steven

      It depends on the country. For example, China and US customs rarely have problems, but I don’t know about Ukraine. I suggest asking vendors who have experience shipping to certain countries.

    1. Steven

      Hi Light,
      Their photos of WM and JY Dolls are knockoffs with stolen photos. Their Aibei dolls could be authentic. Many of their descriptions mention “Cosdoll” so they’re likely drop-shipping dolls from Aliexpress (from the Cosdoll store). Since there’s no information about them online, I would consider them high risk.

      1. Light

        thank you, I didn’t like them either and noticed that the communication is not friendly and the reviews seem to be fake

  15. Mike

    This is probably a stupid question but I recently bought the (Kate 18lb Realistic Submissive Slut Sex Doll), it’s legs spread wide which is nice but I can’t get them to fold toward the chest, probably something I’m doing wrong.

    1. Steven

      Hi Mike,
      I never heard of that torso before. Do you mean you can’t get it into the sitting position like in the promo photos? Try to get it in a neutral position before bending the legs forward. If it doesn’t work, contact the vendor you ordered it from.

  16. N

    Good afternoon, please advise a site with mini sex dolls that delivers goods to Ukraine

    1. Steven

      Hi N,
      I suggest looking around and asking some vendors. Not many vendors carry mini dolls, and I don’t know who ships to Ukraine.

  17. Louis

    Had a question about the website honey love doll just wondering if there legit or if it’s just a scam site

    1. Steven

      Hi Louis,
      I’m not a fan of that website. Many of their dolls (especially in the in-stock section) don’t have brand names, and their “best selling” section has a lot of knockoff dolls. Their branded collections are a bit outdated – hasn’t been updated in months. They’re not the type of vendor I’d order from so it’s at your own risk. They also have stolen photos in their About Us section which is never a good sign.

  18. Brayden

    Hello Steven.
    I’m looking to buy a doll from GameLady, to be more specific the Tifa model. I’m wondering what the differences really are for each Tifa model because there’s like 4 not including the mini 1. From Your research could you tell me the differences, and the best/most improved option?

    1. Steven

      Hi Brayden,
      Currently, Game Lady has 3 full-sized Tifa heads, and 3 bodies they’ve appeared on (not counting the 100cm and 156cm bodies). The heads are Head No. 3, 11, and 15. #3 and #15 are different only in appearance; #3 is based on FF7: Remake, and #15 on Dissidia NT. #11 is a special design with oral structure and moveable jaw in soft silicone only. #3 and #15 can come in hard or soft silicone. Soft silicone has oral, but won’t have the oral structure or moveable jaw (only #11 has it). The 3 bodies are 166cm, 167cm, and 168cm. They all have different specifications, and the vagina designs are different. Ultimately, one isn’t necessarily better than the other. It all comes down to your personal preference: which head you like better and which body you like better.

  19. Rudy

    Sadly, I bought it without soft (gel) butt, I have only Realdoll Petite Sai and Zelex doll with gel filled butt, but Fanreal skin texture and softnes/smoothness is great/outstanding; Breasts can be easily pushed, but are not so soft as Tayu has, on the propagation pictures, breasts seems soft like real breasts, but she actually has firm breasts – they hold their shape, but can be easily pushed. I bought her from myrobotdoll, but maybe you get better results from kumadoll – there they seem to specialize on fanreal dolls. So yes she has around 30kg, Tayou 20 kg, Dom doll is also light, but my Zelex and wicked realdoll Jessica have arond 40 kg.

  20. Rudy (RXQ79)

    I have experience with Tayu doll brand – big breasts and really soft – but I think I caused onto them some imprints from the theeth – from rough kissing. About the skin – Fanreal and Tayu dolls – have really good skin like real skin – soft/smooth after powdering (with baby-powder, using powder brush); Zelex doll has also very soft breasts – I think, they also developing teeth imprints – I have to be more careful about it next time. But because the Zelex dolls are cheap – her sking feels and smells more like some plastic. Realdoll Petite – is okay – soft skin, breasts and ass can be easily pusshed – but breasts are much more durable/harder than Tayu’s. Tayu do very nice blow-job, but because her head is all from very soft silicone – her eyes go apart/are moving into the side – so eyes/look need to be fixed afterwards. Fanreal doll has hard head (with no oral function) but really really nice and realistic – photo:,37ef0000c810ffff-nd-v1

    1. Robert

      Hi Rudy!

      I saw your youtube videos and I am very interested in your Fanreal doll as I want to get one myself. Could you tell me a bit more the doll? Like, did you order with or without soft gel butt? What do you think of it in that case. And how is the weight? I’ve read it is 30kg (without softness) but some users get it to 35kg+, is that true for you as-well?

  21. Erick

    Hi, are there any news on brands doing any new designs or inovations on breast making? (i mean, to make them truly real)

    Do brands take design ideas from costumers? (weird question i know lool)

    1. Steven

      Hi Erick,
      That’s difficult to answer. The latest breast innovation was gel-filled breasts, but it differs among every brand. Every brand does it differently, and they all feel different. Sometimes, brands will tweak the gel or TPE/silicone blend to make it feel more real, like some brands with the ultra soft option. Basically, there aren’t any new designs or innovations so to say, but they do tweak some things behind-the-scenes sometimes. Until brands truly perfect the skin, it can’t feel 100% real.
      Some brands will take advice and ideas. But whether they listen or not is another question. Usually, there has to be a collective request, complaint, or financial incentive/issue to get them to listen.

  22. Jay

    Hello Steven.

    I have Irokebijin 90cm Akane myself and i am looking to upgrade to bigger model for sleeping. I have few choises. I was looking into Irokebijin 140cm B-Body Abby. So question about that is does it still have those half globe eyes with cotton that fall out super easily or have they upgraded that to eyes that actually stay on the head? Also is there info if articulated fingers will come to 140cm models (My Akane’s fingers are all broken)? I was also looking at 147cm with Abby head because of the fingers but not sure about that model. The breasts seem smaller than 140cm b-body if you compare them to body scale. Then my third choice is Piper doll’s 150cm Mai. But i’m wondering if they all have hole under the wig on the head or if it’s optional for the hook? I want to bring them to shower too and less holes the better. If i get Irokebijin models i will probably seal the neck myself. Thank you in advance if you have any info on the eyes and head hole. Have a nice and sunny day!

    1. Steven

      Hi Jay,
      I recommend asking an Irokebijin vendor to be sure. Since I’m not in contact with many brands anymore, sometimes they update or change things without me knowing. Also ask them about the articulated fingers. Irokebijin only showed it on their 147cm body so far, as well as the new D4E silicone 160cm body. As for the hole, all Piper Dolls have the hole on top of the head. Last I heard (years ago), it wasn’t optional. Again, ask your vendor these questions to be sure. Best not to assume anything.

  23. Arnold

    Hi Steven,
    Thx for you blog, actually if its about dolls I only read this blog now for a long time, just the right information and new inventions and stuff about dolls and no need more about dolls.
    To be honest I became dissapointed with TDF (The Dollforum), bc in my opinion it became a Faceapp forum, even many reviews are done with Faceapp and that became realy a no go for me and stopped visiting that forum.
    Thats why I thank you for creating this blog about dolls with all the ins and outs about dolls as it should be!

    1. Steven

      Hi Arnold,
      No problem, and I’m glad you enjoy my blog. I would say my blog and TDF serve different purposes. My blog is more about news, while TDF is a community forum where people share photos, experiences, and other things. I think Dollforum is a good resource for information if nothing else. I visit every now and then to read discussions, reviews, and advice from doll owners. (There’s always more to learn)
      As for Faceapp, I did notice the trend there. I think people just really like their dolls, and want to “spice up” their photos. The same happens on Reddit, but I agree, it shouldn’t be used for reviews. Since my blog doesn’t focus on reviews, it’s good to have other resources like TDF and social media for that information. For now, my blog is mainly about news and answering questions, which I think people find useful. 🙂

      1. Arnold

        Hi Steven,
        Iam the oposite with you if its about the Faceapp trend at TDF, but its ok we have a different opinion about this.
        To me it feels like many doll owners at TDF are not happy with their dolls how they are and that is why they are using Faceapp, Iam not talking about a Faceapp for to show a doll laughing or with a huge smile, bc that is fine to me, can be fun to see how it will look if someones doll is lauging or smiling, but those who using the Faceapp very lightly (also with reviews) to make the doll only look more realistic, sometimes many posts later some observant person notice that something is going on with the pictures, well then it starts to be clear some Faceapp has been used… then the person has been caught.
        So they are using it bc they are dissapointed about the reality look of their doll and this is exactly what I mean.
        Anyway, thx again for your honest news blog about dolls!

  24. Rob

    Hello! Hope you are doing well. My question is, I am looking to buy a aotume doll the 155cm h cup. Do you know a good vendor for that brand? Preferably with a layaway program. I was looking at Rosemary doll but it doesn’t look like they carry aotume anymore. Thank you!!!

    1. Steven

      Hi Rob,
      For Aotume, I would choose MyRobotDoll or TheDollChannel. You can ask them if they have layaway programs.

    2. Arnold

      Great doll for to dress, shoulders are nicely wide.

  25. Darren

    Hello Steven,

    I am thinking of buying the Sino 155cm XNX Joanna Model (not the similar 155cm Mo Model)… please tell me the LHP on the XNX is somewhat decent and Doggy is more than just manageable 😛

    What’s your take on Gel Boobs versus Hollow Boobs? Given the Size of this Models Breasts i fear that the weight of the Gel Implants might harm the Boobs over time… make them sag faster or even damage them. On the other hand i want them to feel as soft as possible… what would you advise?

    There’s an option for Ultra Soft Ass/Thighs/Vagina. Is choosing any of that a good idea? My Piper Doll is made of really soft Silicone and her Fun Parts ripped quite quickly, although i have been careful… wouldn’t want the same to happen to the Sino Doll. Do you think that Sinos Ultra Soft Silicone is sturdier than Pipers?

    The Doll has a Standing without Screws option… will that be as stable as with Screws? My Piper Doll has Hardened Feet but the Manufacturer advises against storing the Doll in a standing position, it would damage the Feet at some point… you reckon it will be the same with the Sino Doll?

    I have read some complaints about the quality of TOP Sino Dolls, do you believe the regular Models have quality issues too?

    Sorry for all these questions but I really don’t feel comfortable spending that much money without you approving of this Doll first… thanks so much and have a great day!

    Best regards,

    1. Steven

      Hi Darren,
      Photos of the Sino X155 LHP are very limited but I’d say it’s not great but manageable. In the promo photos, they heavily arched the doll’s back, which is what you would have to do in doggy position. Here’s the only X155 review I could find. I would recommend trying to contact the owner.
      Having said that, Sino Dolls, unfortunately, aren’t known for being good for sex. Poor LHP, tight holes, among other issues. A former customer told me he liked the Sino ultra soft vagina, but the anal cavity felt like rubber. He also found the doll too firm for his liking.
      All silicone dolls have gel breasts by default. I never heard of a silicone doll with hollow breasts, but ask the vendor to be sure.
      Since Sino Dolls are pretty firm, I’d imagine soft ass, thighs, and vagina would be good options. However, the softer the material, the more delicate it becomes. I don’t know how it compares with Piper, which is on the softer side.
      Sino Doll’s hard feet is similar to Piper’s. It’s pretty much the same for every brand. Unless the bottom of the feet is rock-hard, it will eventually crack to the weight of the doll. That’s only if the doll is left standing for very long periods of time.
      I haven’t followed Sino Doll much lately, but I’ve also read about quality issues with their regular dolls. A vendor told me they had a lot of quality issues in 2022.
      Overall, I don’t follow Sino Doll much nowadays, but their reviews are very mixed. I would recommend choosing a very good vendor for Sino, and doing more research, including trying to contact that person with the X155.

      1. Arnold

        Hi Steven,
        The paint issues of Top Sino are fixed ive heard and yes the LHP is poor of Sino dolls, also to the XNX series, but overal strong dolls if go rough with them, skeleton/joints are holding it way better then most other brands… its still one of my fav doll brands, specially bc of their reality look.

        @ Darren,
        In doggy style I should not be worried about parts gonna be ripped, its more the missionary position of dolls what can harm your doll.
        Did you heard about Future-Dolls, they hold that possition amazingly good and the LHP is better done then a Sino doll, but also not perfect.
        Rumors are circulating that several people from Sino Doll are behind the brand of Future-Doll, but its waiting for the soft options with this brand at the moment.

  26. Ippo

    Some time ago I had asked for some that sold small versions. One that you told me about was kumadoll (I think this is the site ( Does that site manage several companies that create the dolls? Or is it independent? Let’s say I know Guavadoll from Aliexpress.
    I mean I don’t know the shipping that the Kumadoll website does.
    Because the one from Guavadoll through Aliexpress, I already have an estimate of how much I should spend for shipping and customs taxes. (i’m from mexico)

    And another question, sorry to bother you so much!
    Is it possible to know where the products on this site come from?
    sometimes I see quite realistic dolls on the site because I have friends who share the images in groups. But I’m quite curious, as I feel like I saw the images on doll sites…although I feel like it might be a scam.

    1. Steven

      Hi Ippo,
      Kumadoll is a vendor (store/distributor). They don’t manage companies that create dolls. They’re just a store that sells them. AnimeDollTH is also a vendor, while Guavadoll is a brand.
      As for shipping to Mexico, you have to ask them to find out. Unless there’s a page that mentions it, the only way to know is by asking them.
      Last, AnimeDollTH is a vendor that sells many brands. From a quick scroll on their Facebook page, I see the Game Lady Doll, Sino Doll, and Aotume brands. I personally wouldn’t order from them; they don’t even have a website, and their focus is Thailand.

  27. chris

    Are sex doll limbs easy to move or are they difficult?

    1. Steven

      Hi Chris,
      In order to hold poses and stand, sex doll joints tend to be stiff and tight. However, they’re not hard to move if you know how to properly bend them. I’m not sure what you mean by easy or difficult, but it does require some strength but will loosen a bit with time. Most people get used to bending them.

  28. Hank

    Who makes the most realistic lower body/legs feet doll ?

    1. Steven

      Hi Hank,
      There are many brands with very realistic feet such as EX Doll, Gynoid, and some others. If you mean a partial doll that’s just a lower body, unfortunately, I don’t really know. Most name-brands don’t make those, or at least, not anymore. There’s some from Irontech, Doll Forever, Climax Doll, and random other brands, but I don’t know how realistic they are since they’re not very popular. The former brands should be decent quality though.

  29. Jeff

    Hi. Just wanted to reply back I received my doll from and it’s excellent. Extra head, wigs, clothes, everything was great. High quality.

    The customer service was excellent! I got reply’s within 12 hours all the time. And since this was my first doll I messaged them pretty frequently. They provided up to date info on tracking and everything I couldn’t be happier with first doll.

    I hope this helps in reviewing the sites I know it’s a tricky business.

  30. AJ

    Hey Steven

    Been visiting your site for a few weeks now, considering buying my first doll in the future. Thanks for all the info! Found a new company called Dom doll but not found much info about them are they legit?

    1. Steven

      Hi AJ,
      I saw Dom Doll on Kumadoll a while back but I still haven’t seen any reviews about them. Basically, it’s a completely unknown brand (almost no one owns one) so even if they’re legit, there’s zero information about their quality. Definitely some risk involved.

      1. AJ

        Hey again Steven

        Thanks yeah you’re right. Only found one person on twitter that seemed to have one. I’ll think I might wait and see or try another manufacturer. Might try Irontech as they have dolls with good hip sizes just worried about spending a lot more. Thank you again.

        1. Rudy

          I have DOM doll – see my video on youtube: RXQ79, shorts section.

  31. David

    Hello, i am looking for flat chested sex doll at 100 cm. I found sites selling this kind of doll at 300 $. Do you think that this kind off doll is normal quality ? I am not looking for the best quality because they are too expensive for me but i want a doll that wont break after 1 week. Could you advice me sites for not expensive dolls ?
    For those which the price is not a problem, i can advise The dolls are very very cute.
    Thanks for your advices.

    1. Steven

      Hi David,
      Most reputable vendors don’t sell flat-chested 100cm dolls for legal or other reasons. Therefore, it’s mostly Chinese vendors that sell them. $300 dolls are a gamble and probably low quality, but it depends. It could break in a week or it might not – that’s the uncertainty of “playing with fire” and gambling on unbranded dolls. Most cheap doll sites sell knockoff dolls so I can’t recommend them.
      For smaller dolls, you can try TheDollChannel (vendor), AXB Doll, and maybe Momodoll. Dollter is legit. If you want to play with fire, some people gamble on Hanidoll with mixed results.

  32. Robert

    Hi Steven,

    Could you tell me a bit about the different Sino Doll makeup options? More specifically how durable they are and if they are worth the extra price tag?

    1. Steven

      Hi Robert,
      Sino Doll has 3 makeup options which are RS, RRS, & RRS+. There are some comparison photos out there, which explain it better than words. Generally, it looks more realistic from RS -> RRS -> RRs+.
      In terms of how durable it is, try asking a Sino Doll vendor like MyRobotDoll, who sold many Sino Dolls. I don’t really know since reviews are very limited (Sino Doll is more popular in Asia), but it will eventually peel off. In 2021, someone on TDF said it peels off easily. I don’t remember if they made it more durable, or I’m just thinking of Zelex’s Inspiration Series. Personally, I don’t think it’s worth it unless the doll is purely for photography and display, or if there’s a promo for it.
      Last I heard in early 2022, Sino Doll had lots of quality problems, and the Top-sino series were supposedly bad for sex. As amazing as they look, they seem to have a lot of problems, which is why I tend to avoid them.

  33. Dennis

    Hi Steve,

    There seems to be a new manufacturer called Dezzi Dolls.
    I found them on a German vendor website (Wunderpuppen).

    What do you think about that?

    1. Steven

      Hi Dennis,
      I never heard of them before. The one doll they have looks extremely similar to Zelex. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re made in the same factory.

  34. Jeff

    Is legit?

    1. Steven

      Hi Jeff,
      Yes, they’re a legit vendor.

      1. Jeff

        Thank you so much. Just dropped 4500 and was wondering if i made a mistake – that’s when i found your community.

  35. Marc XBCX looks amazing, is this website legit? Thanks!

    1. Steven

      Hi Marc,
      They’re legit but I don’t know much about their customer service. You’ll have to figure that out for yourself.

  36. KP


    Any experience or knowledge of results with

    Is it legit?
    The prices are very good and am interested.

    I’ve sent an inquiry and haven’t heard anything back yet although it hasn’t been too long.


    1. Steven

      Hi KP,
      They sell knockoff dolls with stolen photos. Most of their photos are stolen from WM Doll, JY Doll, and even some silicone brands like Sino Doll. Red flags include low prices, no brand names, fake reviews (every doll has exactly 1 review), and no About Us section (they have a blank “Why Us” page). I wouldn’t risk spending money there.

      1. KP

        Thanks a lot for your advice and for looking out for people.

        I figured it was a bit too low priced…so they would just send a cheap item nothing like what someone has paid for I guess. Aha what the heck…

        Still no service response too.
        I’ll stick with one of your recommended sources if anything!

        Thanks again

      2. KP

        What would your thoughts be on one of the best looking deals on the Robot doll site – $899 May Jarliet Doll – 156cm / 5’1″ ?

        Any others under 1K from Robot or elsewhere that would be very realistic and a great deal in your opinion?

        1. Steven

          I don’t know much about Jarliet. They’re not very popular so I mostly ignored them, but they’re generally a low-mid tier type of brand. You won’t find much dolls for under $1k except for mini dolls and knockoff dolls. The Kimber Doll (~$600) is a good beginner doll. Otherwise, I can’t really recommend any other full-sized dolls under $1k. Some people gamble on Hanidolls with mixed reviews (keyword being gamble). I mention them only because some people had success (but not everyone). However, to be safe, stick with reputable vendors and well-known brands.

  37. Vinc

    Is there a way to contact Irokebijin? I wanted to ask if you can combine the Hina Head (small and oral function) with a slim body (90 or 95cm).

    1. Steven

      Hi Vinc,
      I suggest asking a vendor that carries the Hina doll. From what I remember, the Hina head and 110cm body came with a slightly different head/neck connection (there’s an extra bolt that prevents the head from going 360 degrees). It should still fit the 90cm and 95cm bodies but it will probably look weird. The head will be too big and there could be some head/neck gap. Ask a vendor to be sure, but I don’t think it will look good.

  38. Paul

    Hello. New owner here. Having difficulty with wigs. Hair is constantly sticking to her skin. Not just her face, but everywhere. Any tips on how to keep the hair from sticking and being pulled out? Thank u

  39. Darren

    Hello Steven,

    You have been a great help in the past and i was wondering if you know anything about the WM 169-L Doll. It’s a quite heavy one, they claim she’s 97lb but from personal experience i know that most Dolls are advertised lighter than they actually are. Do you by any chance know the real weight of this Doll (including head). I can’t find data on this in TDF or anywhere else. Also, do you think this Model is doggy-able? It’s a rather new Doll, the LHP should be somewhat decent, right? Thank you very much for your information!

    Best regards, Darren

    1. Steven

      Hi Darren,
      One might think that newer bodies have better LHP but that’s unfortunately not the case. I just looked at some promo photos of this body, and the LHP is quite bad. If you really arch her back, you can probably doggy-style, but the placement isn’t good on this body. It’s possible, just requires more effort. I also couldn’t find anyone that owns this body on TDF.
      You’re correct about the weight. She’ll probably weigh over 100 lbs.

    1. Steven

      Hi Pete, is the official website of the Momodoll brand. Meanwhile, Sndoll sells knockoff dolls with stolen photos.

  40. bigTex

    You don’t have LushDoll listed as a maufacturer. They’ve posted some photos of some very attractive dolls with hyper realistic labias. There is a discussion on TDF regarding them, and Silicone Lovers is selling them for $1250 shipped.

    Any recon on this brand?

    Being carried by any dealers other than SL?

    1. Steven

      Hi bigTex,
      I saw that SiliconeLovers carried them a while ago but never paid much attention. As far as I know, they are a SiliconeLovers-exclusive; no other vendor carries them. Judging from the prices, I’d assume they’re low-mid range dolls, but I haven’t seen any reviews. If I have time, I’ll try to figure out what factory they’re made in (gray floors), but right now, I don’t have much information. TDF is the best source of info on them at the moment.

  41. John

    Hi Steven,
    I have liked sex dolls for a long time. I can’t say which brand is better, but I have discovered a doll which seems to be the most expensive. It’s “clone doll” from “DS Doll” brand and the pictures are amazing. It’s a super realistic sex doll. Do you think as an expert that these dolls are therefore the best of all? (realism, skin, etc)?

    1. Steven

      Hi John,
      The EX Doll Clone Series (no longer called DS Doll anymore) are probably the most realistic-looking dolls, especially the hands and feet. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re the “best.” They are super detailed with the drawback of being super firm – almost like a wax statue. It needs to be extra firm to hold that level of detail, so it comes at a cost. Ultimately, it depends what you plan to do with the doll. Personally, I don’t think the average customer will like the firmness, but they are at least beautiful to look at.

    1. Steven

      Hi Steven,
      I remember you asked me this before, but unfortunately, I still don’t know who makes that doll. She’s not listed on any reputable websites – only knockoff sites. I’m guessing it is by Jellynew.
      I recommend asking a vendor called Dollstudio about this. They seemed to link Jellynew with Jinsan in some very old posts, so maybe they will have more information.

  42. Justin


    I first learned about these kinds of dolls about 5 years ago but have never purchased one. I probably will soon for research purposes. I’m not so much interested in using these dolls for personal recreation as I am in selling them to other people. I have a few questions.

    1. If I wanted to design my own doll, do you recommend a certain 3d modeling software?

    2. If I ever did complete my own design, do you know a good manufacturer that I could work with?

    3. I have so far found irontech as a potential wholesaler of pre-made dolls. Do you have a better recommendation for wholesale premade dolls?

    4. I am interested in dolls in the 100cm full body range or just a torso that is proportional to that. Are there certain manufacturers or wholesalers that specialize in this range?

    1. Steven

      Hi Justin,
      1. I’m not a designer so unfortunately, I don’t know anything about 3d software.
      2. You would have to find an OEM manufacturer. Since I’ve never actually done this, I don’t know all the details. You can try contacting some name-brands or factories like Jinsan, Aiersha, Aibei or Zelex factory (whatever the name is). There are many brands that contract them to create their dolls.
      3. Almost every sex doll brand accepts vendors and have B2B wholesale prices. I have a list of some top brands here:
      4. There are many brands that have 100cm dolls but they don’t specialize in just one size. Most brands have dolls of all sizes. Some brands that focus more on smaller dolls are AXB Doll, Irokebijin (80-95cm), JM Doll, Momodoll, and some others. I don’t know much about torsos, but you can try Tantaly.

  43. David

    Hi, Steven.

    Do you think it is better to soften the whole body of the silicone doll or not to soften it? In your opinion, how do you rate the pros and cons of a soft body?

    1. Steven

      Hi David,
      Every brand has a different blend of silicone, and they all differ in softness. Some brands offer a softer silicone option and some don’t. Because silicone tends to be firm, the softer option would definitely feel better and more realistic. However, the tradeoff is that softer material is easier to tear and damage. Mainly, the softer it is, the better it’ll feel but the more delicate/fragile it becomes.

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