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Trusted Sex Doll Websites

Buying a sex doll isn’t like buying something cheap from Amazon. A majority of top sex doll brands don’t sell on Amazon, Ebay, or Aliexpress (which are free-for-all marketplaces with lots of stolen photos) so it’s best to avoid them. Instead, you want to find a trustworthy vendor, who are authorized distributors of well-known sex doll brands. Although it’s possible to order directly from a brand, I recommend ordering through a vendor for more buyer protection, better customer service, and sometimes lower prices as well.

Where Do I Buy a Sex Doll?​

With the rise in sex doll popularity, many Chinese stores have opened up to sell imitation or counterfeit dolls. You’ll see this a lot on marketplace websites like Ebay, Amazon, and Aliexpress, as well as their own domains. Basically, they sell cheap copies with another brand’s photos (like selling fake iphones with Apple’s photos). Knockoff dolls won’t look the same as the photo, are made of inferior quality, and will fall apart quickly.

I don’t recommend cheaping out when it comes to a sex doll. Sex dolls aren’t just for sex, but also for love, companionship, cuddling, photography, and so much more. You want something that looks good, feels good, and lasts for years. That’s why it’s important to buy an authentic doll from the original manufacturers and designers.

How Do I Find a Trustworthy Vendor?

Having run my own store in the past selling name-brand dolls, I have a good idea whether a website is legit or not. After scouring through hundreds of vendors, I created a list of my personal favorites. Not only did I personally vet each one, I gathered data and reviews from real customers on The Doll Forum, Reddit, and more. Both the doll community and I can guarantee these stores sell authentic dolls with excellent customer service and reasonable prices. They all have their own specialties, and you can’t go wrong with any of them. I recommend visiting each one because they’re all slightly different.

Tip: Don’t be afraid to contact vendors! Feel free to email them and ask them anything!

Trusted Sex Doll Vendors

Sex Dolls Shop™ is a highly prestigious sex doll vendor to order from. Their customer service is top-notch, and they offer an excellent selection of dolls at reasonable prices. You’re not just getting a doll; you’re getting a team that cares and helps you every step of the way. They’re one of the safest vendors, and although on the slightly pricier side, their customer service is hard to beat.

My Robot Doll is a trusted vendor that ships worldwide including Europe. They have the most up-to-date selection of top brands, including more elusive brands like Shedoll, TAYU, and Aotume. They’re the leading vendor for Sino Doll, and offer the hyper-realistic Top-Sino series. With many satisfied customers and reasonable prices, they’re the place to check out the latest dolls.

Silicone Lovers is a popular and rapidly-growing vendor from the UK. With over 30 top brands to choose from, they have one of the largest catalogs out there. They offer both TPE and silicone sex dolls, and have friendly and helpful customer service. Combine that with a huge selection of dolls at great prices (including their exclusive Lushdoll brand), you have an almost perfect sex doll store.

Better Love Doll is a global vendor with extensive doll knowledge and strong relationships with factories and manufacturers. Up-to-date with the latest brands like Evas Doll and IDO Doll, they offer many name-brands, as well as affordable in-stock dolls. Based in Hong Kong but fluent in English, they serve as a valuable link between you and top brands, with quick and professional customer service. They’re also a longtime supporter of my blog.

The Doll Channel is the only vendor with an active Youtube channel, who livestreams every week. They specialize in smaller sex dolls, and can ship dolls domestically to avoid customs issues. Based in the US, they have many in-stock dolls ready-to-ship including mini dolls. They also sell doll wigs and various accessories.

Don't Get Ripped off!

When it comes to sex dolls, there are two important things to keep in mind:

  1. Avoid cheap and counterfeit sex dolls from unknown sellers.

As they say, “You get what you pay for.” Most dolls under $1000 (except for mini dolls) aren’t authentic, name-brand dolls. Many stores out there sell cheap replicas using another brand’s photos to trick customers. Not only do they not match the photos, they’re of inferior quality, and break quickly. More and more of these websites are popping up. A general rule of thumb is don’t purchase sex dolls from Aliexpress, Ebay, or Amazon. Because they’re free-for-all marketplaces (both good and bad sellers), you never know what you’ll get.

2. Customer service is as important as price.

Although there are many sketchy websites out there, there are also many trustworthy vendors. But which one should you choose? The one with the lowest prices? Probably not. When it comes to luxury products like sex dolls, you need a vendor who has your back if something goes wrong. Customer service is extremely important because in the doll industry, things are unpredictable. A reputable vendor can resolve problems quickly, and make sure you get what you paid for. Having personally been ghosted by several vendors in the past, sometimes, it’s worth paying a little more for the peace of mind.

Vendors to Avoid

SexDollGenie: Formerly a TDF vendor, they scammed me over a year ago. With non-existent customer service, they pretended to “look into” issues (for over a year) but never actually did anything. Once they send you a doll, you’re on your own – you’ll never hear from them again.

FFdolls & bestsexdollstore: Scammers who cloned my entire blog, and changed my name to theirs. People have stolen my content before (which is why I watermark everything), but never my entire website. Don’t let them steal your money next.. (I contacted the brands they carry, and none of them ever heard of them, and their contact forms don’t even work)

Now that you know where to buy a sex doll, it’s time to start enjoying life again! Feel free to comment below if you have any questions.

This Post Has 1,869 Comments

  1. Keith

    Do you know if is a safe site?

    1. Steven

      Hi Keith,
      HGdoll is run by a former employee of Doll House 168 named Shannon who has close ties to Doll Forever and Mizuwali. They are legit, but they are based in Taiwan so there can be a time zone difference. Should be safe to order from.

  2. Angelo

    First let me say loved the article sorry I stumbled on it late but glad I did. I am now ready and interested in my first doll, and I have been doing a lot of homework on this. Amazing to see the amount of scammers out there and truthfully the untrained eye like my own needs guidance. I have a question for you and hope your still answering those. I’ve narrowed it down to three sites that I am looking to buy from and would love to hear your thoughts on who I should lean towards. The first site is silicone lovers who I see is in on your list, the second is sexy sex dolls who I also see on your list but heard they are very customer service friendly, and last I am reassured to see two out of my three on your list but was wondering which would be best?

    1. Steven

      Hi Angelo,
      Out of those 3 websites, SiliconeLovers is probably the best one. The prices on SexySexDoll are a bit higher, and although YourDoll is probably legit nowadays, they didn’t used to be so they are a bit controversial. SiliconeLovers and SexySexDoll are both good choices.

    1. Steven

      Hi Chad,
      That is the WM Doll 140cm D-cup with Head #355. There are also photosets of this head on the 148cm body with penetrable nipples. Any vendor that sells WM Doll can sell you this doll. If they don’t have her listed, just contact them and they can add her.

      1. Chad

        Do you know any cheaper sites that would have that one?

        1. Steven

          The cheapest websites to get an authentic WM Doll are probably SiliconeLovers and MyRobotDoll. They have some other bodies with that head listed but not the 140cm body. I suggest contacting them to list the doll, or you can choose another 140cm WM doll and select the 355 head in the customization options. On SiliconeLovers, it will be $1429 with extras, and MRD is $1399 with no extras. That’s probably the cheapest you’ll find for an authentic one.

  3. d

    is a good site.. or is that also fake
    possibly even

    1. Steven

      Hi D,
      Dloex has a lot of fake reviews (new reviews everyday on every product is very unrealistic). Also keep in mind that their cheap torsos are very small in size. I would be hesitant ordering from them just from their name alone. Tantaly might be a better alternative. As for Rosemarydoll, they are probably legit.

      1. d

        yeah i wasnt paying attention when i asked about the rosemarydoll website, you answered that about 8 times

  4. Ed

    Thank for the answer previously. Lastly, I found something i like at they are in LA and direct ship from China. They focus mainly on WM. do you know about their legitimacy?

    1. Steven

      Hi Ed,
      I looked at their website many times. They are most likely legit.

  5. Erin

    Are and legit
    Also have you ever heard of
    any 800$ legit sexdolls. Lol im starting to think ill just buy an in stock full price 1 in the near future because my budget at the moment is only 1k

    1. Steven

      Hi Erin,
      Both those websites sell knockoff dolls. I wouldn’t recommend it unless you wanted to gamble with your money. For $800, you can check out Kimber Doll or a smaller doll at TheDollChannel.

      1. Erin

        Thank you very much I am most interested in a particular wm doll. So I will save up for her. As for the Kimberly doll u mentioned I will check her out now

  6. Luís

    Hi once again 😛

    Do you this company

    The website looks really good, has reviews… seem legit i guess.

    1. Steven

      Hi Luis,
      Although the prices are more realistic compared to knockoff doll sites, I still don’t trust that website. They are missing many customization options on their “WM Dolls” and many of the reviews look fake. The fact that every single doll has a review is a red flag. They are based in China, their English isn’t very good, and they have some knockoff doll photos (from SY or Aibei) listed as WM. Based on the prices, I don’t see any reason to order from them instead of a trusted store. I suspect that they are selling knockoffs at high prices.

      1. Luís

        Hmmm that could be a reason yes. This sex doll world is something else…

        And what about this other store

        Im asking too much, going to stop 😛

        1. Steven

          Hi Luis,
          ESDoll sells knockoff dolls. It’s easy to tell because most of their photos belong to WM Doll and JY Doll, but it says “Manufactured by ESDoll” for every doll so they’re clearly not authentic. I don’t know if the quality is good or not, but knockoff dolls are always a gamble. I recommend browsing through SiliconeLovers if you have time. You will get an idea of all the name brands and how much they usually sell for. SiliconeLovers already tends to be on the lower end of prices.

      2. Ty

        Hi so I’m on a very tight budget of like $500 and i want a full size doll but I know that won’t happen with that kind of money. Is there a store you recommend for cheep but also big dolls. If not big then at least medium size because if I get a mini doll I’m going to fell like I’m doing a child as that’s not ok. Thanks so much

        1. Steven

          Hi Ty,
          I answered a similar question just below. There aren’t many options at $500. You can either get a Kimber Doll (which is a good quality full-sized doll), a smaller doll from a website like TheDollChannel, or gamble on a knockoff doll. Some small dolls like the 80cm Shiori have large breasts and anime eyes so she doesn’t look like a child. Unfortunately, there really aren’t any medium and large sized authentic dolls for less than $1000 except for Kimber Doll.

          1. Ty

            Thanks so much I’ll take this into account

  7. Brian

    Ok I have to ask what about ? Some doll prices look normal and others maybe too low idk… my problem is that I am looking to purchase the Jessica Rabbit doll (I have only seen Piper that makes it) but… my budget is 1500 flat thanks to my loving wife (and I’m not complaining because she’s awesome to go along) she made me promise not a dime over 1500. If not that one can you recommend another?

    1. Steven

      Hi Brian,
      You asked this earlier. I already answered it below.

  8. Eli

    Hi Steve,

    I was wondering if you could provide feedback on the below stores/website? I found them through the porn guy reviews (

    I am especially interested in the 2 stores from his reviews, though a bit skeptical as they do not list brand names and the prices are a bit low when compare to the sites that you gave.

    It would be great if you could help me out,

    1. Steven

      Hi Eli,
      Both those websites sell knockoff dolls based on the price, lack of brand names, and incorrect specifications. Also any website with specification tables in the description for different heights like that either get their dolls from Aliexpress or sell on Aliexpress. It’s very common to see knockoff dolls listed like that on Aliexpress. As for the torsos, most of them are miniature sizes which is why they seem so cheap. You can’t really tell from the photos, but the specifications indicate that. Knockoff dolls are always a gamble. It’s up to you whether you want to take the risk.

      1. Eli

        Hi Steve,

        Thank you! After your reply, I went and did some more homework regarding the trusted websites. That is when I came across TDF forum. Since some of the websites that I wanted to ask are already listed earlier in the thread, I just want to know if this one is authentic (this is because I want to test my judgement for these websites – as I am fairly new in this regard). Below are the questions that I have in mind:

        2. Also, as I went through these sites, I stumbled across a lot of them claiming that they have certified reviews. So my question is, how do we know if these reviews are fakes? Do you have any pointers in this regards?
        3. I know that the TDF forum is fairly transparent and their promotion of IP protection has been a great assurance for viewers like me. However, do you think that all the vendors listed by TDF are valid? Since I noticed that you did not include sites such as or in your list. Is there a reason?

        I know I have asked a lot of questions and I hope that wouldn’t bother you.
        As always, thank you for sharing your knowledge with us regarding this subject!

        1. Steven

          Hi Eli,
          I’m not sure what your first question is, but Anniesdollhouse is probably legit.
          2. Reviews on any website can be faked. The app/plugin they used says Certified on it but it really doesn’t mean anything. When I ran an online sex doll store in the past, I discovered that I could simply write my own reviews, which is why most reviews are probably fake. Many knockoff doll sites also import reviews from Aliexpress. Things to look at for is unrealistic number of reviews (most people buy stuff and don’t leave reviews), written content of the review (if it’s too short or unrelated to the product), name of reviewer (some sites use random name generators that result in a lot of female names, and Chinese surnames are also a bad sign), country (most customers are from the US, if you see a big variety in countries, they are probably not legit or the reviews were imported from Aliexpress), among many other things. Some reviews are also copy-and-pasted from other websites or used multiple times on the same site. I’ve seen all of these practices.
          3. Most vendors on TDF are trustworthy. However, some of them are not. I never liked Joylovedolls because of their height options, deceptive pricing, and their customization options are not entirely correct. Dolldesire is owned by a very legit guy who is very well-known on TDF. I have planned to add him but you can only order through him via email. He has a very primitive website with no checkout feature so it’s not great for beginners. Feel free to ask me anymore questions.

  9. Shay

    Hi there, sadly stumbled across this page after making a purchase! Have done it through PayPal so charge back shouldn’t be an issue if I have made a mistake. I’ve just ordered a doll through after purchasing I’ve gone to check on the company as I thought it was trusted. Now realising they have no social media presence and do not appear on trustpilot. Now I’m worried as the Kimi doll only cost £780 with a £100 discount. Any thoughts?

    1. Steven

      Hi Shay,
      I assume that they sell knockoff dolls. Red flags include lack of brand names (For example, “Kimi” is supposed to be a WM Doll, but they do not mention the brand), low prices, breast size options (which shouldn’t exist for every height), and they have a lot of WM Dolls listed as JS Dolls, which is not the correct manufacturer. If you can still cancel your order, I would recommend doing so, or you can take the gamble and see what comes in the mail. Hope everything works out for you.

  10. Charlie

    Hi Steven! First off I really appreciate the patience you have answering all these questions about websites and informing us about possible scammers!
    My question is, can you recommend a good website for a first time mini or torso with arms? I didn’t see any that really appealed to me on The Doll Channel or the Kimber doll. Thanks again for all you do!

    1. Steven

      Hi Charlie,
      Other than the mini dolls on TheDollChannel, I don’t know any other reputable places for mini dolls. Most sites that sell small dolls also sell knockoff dolls, so it can be a gamble. There are some brands that sell torsos with arms like WM Doll and Irontech. If you don’t see them on a vendor’s website (that carries those brands), you may have to contact them about it.

    2. Brian

      Ok I have to ask what about ? Some doll prices look normal and others maybe too low idk… my problem is that I am looking to purchase the Jessica Rabbit doll (I have only seen Piper that makes it) but… my budget is 1500 flat thanks to my loving wife (and I’m not complaining because she’s awesome to go along) she made me promise not a dime over 1500. If not that one can you recommend another?

      1. Steven

        Hi Brian,
        Venuslovedolls seems legit and not legit at the same time. They have authorization letters and correct pricing on most of their dolls, but a lot of their customization options are wrong, especially for brands that aren’t WM Doll. The skin tone, areola options, and some other options are incorrect for most brands. If they are legit, they might still mess up the customization options because they are listed wrong. Their 6YE dolls also seem too cheap. From what I saw, they only have the new 100cm silicone Jessica doll. I’m guessing you want the 150cm TPE Jessica from Piper Doll. It’s hard to find her for less than $1700. You could try a Chinese vendor like Rosemarydoll with their 15% off, but they are based in China.

  11. Luis

    I was checking the web for sex doll torsos and i found 2 dolls from that are very similar in specs and aspect with 2 dolls from Tantaly.

    The Erica doll ( is “identical” to Candice (

    And Dania ( is “identical” to Aurora (

    I guess someone might be copying the other or both might order from the same factory…

    Any idea?
    Btw, do you know of more companies that sell torsos like these? So far from all the research did i only managed to find torsos like these in and

    1. Steven

      Hi Luis,
      I don’t know if they are identical but I recommend buying it from Tantaly. is legit but their torsos are from odd brands. Better to get it from Tantaly, which is trustworthy. I don’t really know any good websites for torso dolls. You can find some from my trusted vendors list. Some doll brands like Piper Doll, WM, and Irontech have torso dolls but they have a head and cost a lot more.

      1. Luis

        Ok, thank you.
        But interestingly the 2 models in are more expensive, by some margin, than the ones in Tantaly.

        1. Steven

          Hi Luis,
          Unfortunately I don’t know much about sex torsos or sex torso brands. I heard of Tantaly but never heard of Sinloli. You may have to do your own research.

  12. Mr. Unknow

    I can open every sex doll company in Google website. new security device everything ok with the PC.when entering UK is a trustworthy website and seller I was blocked immediately. Yes illegal in TH PH and Malay…but not on SIN.
    On Mon, Apr 26, 2021, 09:14 WordPress wrote:
    answer from Them: Adam Mustafa, Love Dolls founder: yes we do free shipping and taxes to does ( PH/ TH ) countrys “,

    all other companys from your websiteCelesDolls here: wrote a NO !

    1. Steven

      From what I can tell, sex dolls are legal in Singapore. Maybe they just don’t want to go through the hassle of shipping there. I don’t know the full shipping situation but I know most Western vendors don’t ship to Asia. Lovedolls should be legit. As long as you are informed about the fees and importation laws, then you can consider ordering from them. You can also consider Chinese vendors like Dollto-China, TheSilverDoll, and FineLoveDolls who are more likely to ship to Asia.

  13. Mr. Unknow

    Hello Sir, how about UK “love doll com” company? If i try to open this website (enter: lovedoll a trustworthy site and company) …. I will be warned by google and the page was blocked !! But only this website … all others sex doll websites ..will open without any problems. Google is up to date. An email from them and a confirm to send sex doll to: “2 aisan countrys without problems” was a big surprise. But all other companies wrote back: NO, cant do it by the strong laws in this 2 asian countrys. and NOW ? THX

    1. Steven

      Hi Mr. Unknown,
      What is the exact website you are referring to? does not work for me, unless you are talking about I believe is legit. Also what country do you live in? If sex dolls are illegal in your country, Google will block search results and vendors will not ship there.

  14. Kat


    Is this site legit:
    I was looking at this site, it looks slick and inline with their prices. Also French based.
    But I didn’t see them on TDF, so wanted to know if they’re legit.


    1. Steven

      Hi Kat,
      Ava Love Doll looks legit to me. Everything looks correct and I don’t see any red flags. MyRobotDoll can also speak French if you want another option, but AvaLoveDoll looks legit.

      1. Kat

        Hi Steven,

        Thank you for the information. Will check out MyRobotDoll too.


  15. Ethan

    Hi, Do you know any good doll stores based in Australia?? Thanks!!!

    1. Steven

      Hi Ethan,
      SexDollAustralia and JC Sex Doll Australia are both in Australia but their prices are a bit high. Most Australian vendors have high prices. KimberDoll is also good, affordable option and they have an Australian warehouse.

      1. Ethan

        So it would probably be better for me to buy overseas then?

        1. Steven

          Australian vendors have more experience shipping to Australia and are more informed about Australian customs and laws so that’s their advantage. If you order from elsewhere, it will probably be cheaper but you should contact them first and ask about shipping to Australia. Don’t order from overseas vendors without asking about shipping first and whether the doll will make it through customs.

  16. Donald

    I have been looking into buying a doll for about 2 months, even saving for it so if I’m going to pay about 1600 for one of these things I really want to know the best and most honest site to purchase one from. I like Rosemarydoll because they have the exact one I want but having never done this before I’m a little nervous

    1. Steven

      Hi Donald,
      All the websites I have listed are trustworthy. Because Rosemarydoll is based in China, their prices are probably better. I believe Rosemarydoll is legit, but I don’t have any personal experience with them. My advice is don’t be afraid to contact sellers. Asking them questions and finding out if they have good customer service is important before ordering a doll. I’m not sure which doll you’re looking at, but my trusted websites have most of the same brands as Rosemarydoll.

      1. R

        Hey I’ve been looking around for the better part of the for a cheap mini doll because those are more in my price range and I was wondering if sex angel baby is a trusted site and if not what is a good site because I feel like I’ve been banging my head on a brick wall

        1. Steven

          Hi R,
          SexAngelBaby is a very untrustworthy website. All their photos are stolen from other brands, their About Us section is copy-and-pasted from other websites, and they even photoshopped their logo onto a picture from RealDoll. Very obvious scammers. I don’t know what you will get if you order from them; Everything on their website is stolen from elsewhere. For an affordable doll, you can take a look at KimberDoll or TheDollChannel. I have been looking into more affordable options but haven’t found much trustworthy ones yet.

          1. R

            Ok thank you

          2. bob

            are you 100% certain that if i order from them i wont get what i order from them and my money will be stolen, even if it claims it is in stock for us shipping?

            1. Steven

              Hi Bob,
              I never said that. While some websites can outright scam you, most knockoff doll sellers will at least send you a doll. However, because the photos are stolen, you don’t know what the doll actually looks like or the quality of it. Some knockoff dolls are good enough for the price while others are poor quality and don’t look anything like the photos. It’s a gamble and depends on the seller. I don’t think sexangelbaby is a trustworthy seller so it’s a risky purchase.

      2. Donald

        Thanks Steven I will browse those sites, and do my homework

      3. Charles

        Hi I’ve been wanting to get the 80cm dark-skin Shiori large breast sexdoll. What site would you recommend? The Doll Channel appears to have the small breast version, which seemed good but I prefer the larger breasts.

        1. Steven

          Hi Charles,
          Any website that sells the 80cm Shiori can sell you the tan-skin, large-breasts Shiori. If TheDollChannel doesn’t have it in-stock, you can order one custom-made from their dolls page. I see that they do have the tan-skin, large-breasts Shiori in-stock (in the US).

      4. Frank

        Hey Steven I’m intrested in a doll I saw on vs dolls. But im not sure if that site is legit the price at 600 to 700 is great because I’m not looking to spend 1000. Do you know anything about this site because honestly the legit ones I saw posted on many sites are too expensive. I can do 700 but 1500 or 2000 that a used car lol.

        1. Steven

          Hi Frank,
          Vsdoll is not trustworthy. The reason their dolls are so cheap is because they sell knockoff dolls with stolen photos. I looked at their site many times recently and everything is wrong with it. Lots of signs that their dolls come from Aliexpress (or from an Aliexpress seller) and lots of their content such as doll descriptions are copy-and-pasted from other websites. They seem like very dishonest (and lazy) scammers. It would be very risky to order from them in my opinion. Unfortunately, it’s hard to find an authentic doll for only $700. I recommend KimberDoll or a smaller doll from TheDollChannel.

  17. Keith

    Is the a good website, they seem to be the only ones that have silicone piper dolls

    1. Steven

      Hi Keith,
      TheSilverDoll is a legit vendor based in China. Almost all the vendors I recommend have the silicone Piper Dolls.

      1. John

        Hi I was wondering if is good or no?

        1. Steven

          Hi John,
          Absolutesexdolls sells knockoff dolls with stolen photos. I don’t know if the quality is good or not, but I read a lot of bad stories about them recently. I personally would not order from them.

  18. Aaron

    Hi! Would be a good place to get a affordable doll from ? It’s my first time buying one and I want to get one that’s in a good price range .

    1. Steven

      Hi Aaron,
      I would not recommend that website. They sell knockoff dolls (with stolen photos) and judging from the customization options, prices, and specification tables, it looks like they are dropshipping dolls from Aliexpress. Also because they claim to sell authentic dolls and list the dolls as real brands like “WM Doll” and “JY Doll,” that makes them scammers. I would not trust them. Unfortunately, the only authentic dolls you can find at those prices are KimberDoll and mini dolls. If you’re not into the KimberDoll or mini dolls, the only options are to spend more on an authentic doll or take a gamble on a knockoff doll. You can also check out the cheaper dolls on TheDollChannel if you live in the US.

      1. Aaron

        Thank you very much! That helps out a lot ! One final question – do you know of any mini dolls that have all 3 points of entry? I have no problem with them but they only have either one or two points of entry and I’m kind of a picky person.

        1. Steven

          I think most TPE mini dolls have all 3 holes. Some might not if they are too small (usually ones under 100cm), but look at the specifications to be sure. Keep in mind that mini dolls are very small and usually feel more like a toy than a real person. There are lots of sites out there that sell mini dolls that I can’t really recommend. Again, the most affordable options I can think of are the KimberDoll or dolls on TheDollChannel.

  19. Alex

    One more question and you’ll help me round off
    ever long lasting search. Does a sex doll company seem real. They sent real warehouse photos and told me they’ll send me a pin code that I can check if it’s real. They spoke good English. Your thoughts??

    1. Steven

      Hi Alex, (not to be confused with could be legit although their prices seem a bit low. Possible red flags I found are their About Us section says their dolls come from JY and Piper Doll, but they don’t sell Piper Doll. Their customization options are the same for every brand with very limited options, and they have a very small selection of dolls (especially for WM) which makes them look very new. There’s also no information about them online. They could be legit but I would consider them risky to order from.

  20. Shane

    Anyone heard of

    1. Steven

      Hi Shane,
      Rosemarydoll is probably legit. I don’t see any red flags and they have all the authorized reseller certificates from the name brands they sell. They are based in China, but I think they are probably safe. I don’t have any personal experience with them though.

      1. Shane

        Good to hear. I just ordered a Piper doll from them. Thank you for looking into that .

    2. Donald

      Thank you for asking that because Rosemarydoll is the site I’ve been looking at for a month now I’ve narrowed it down between 2 dolls. But I am still unsure about all of this how do these things get shipped is privacy taken into account. I mean these dolls must be heavy if they are life like right?

  21. Delaney

    Hi there,
    is Kanadoll legitimate? Just ordered our first doll, and so far communication has been good, but I just want to make sure we’re not going to be disappointed. Ordered a SY Doll at a discount, but it wasn’t too “red flag” of a discount to make me worry too much. Stumbled on this thread looking for reviews so thought I’d take the opportunity to ask. Thanks in advance!

    1. Steven

      Hi Delaney,
      Kanadoll could be legit but I wouldn’t want to order a name brand doll from them. They have little mistakes on their website like labeling some dolls as the wrong brand and some customization option mistakes. I’m guessing their smaller brands like SY Doll and Aibei are more likely authentic. Again, I’m not 100% sure about them, it’s just the little mistakes that rub me the wrong way. If you do go through with the order, let me know how it turns out.

      1. delaney

        Thanks Steven! Like I said, communication has been good so far, and I’ve noticed that what I paid is pretty much in-line with what your recommended sites are charging for the same doll. I will definitely let you know how everything turns out…

    1. Steven

      Hi Anthony,
      That is just another knockoff doll seller. Their website was only created 5 months so there’s no way they have that many sales and reviews. I’m guessing they are just dropshipping dolls from Aliexpress. Unfortunately, I don’t know a good place to get an authentic 100cm WM Doll. You could always take a gamble on a knockoff one if you do your research first, or ask some trustworthy WM Doll vendors if they can sell you one.

    1. Steven

      Hi Anthony,
      They sell knockoff WM Dolls based on the low prices. I don’t know if the quality is good or not, but most of their reviews appear to be fake. Like any other knockoff doll website, ordering from them is a gamble and at your own risk. I wouldn’t consider them trustworthy.

        1. Steven

          That is a 100cm WM Doll. It appears a lot of counterfeit doll sites. Unfortunately, there aren’t many trusted vendors that sell this doll anymore so I can’t really recommend any. An authentic one costs around $800-1000 so it’s a bit expensive for a mini doll.

    2. Martin

      Hello is the website Best Love Sex Doll is legit ir fake?

      1. Steven

        Hi Martin,
        They probably sell knockoff dolls. No brand names, low prices, incorrect customization options and specifications, and fake reviews. I personally would not order from them.

  22. ernie

    Hello Steven,

    How do you feel about


    1. Steven

      Hi Ernie,
      They look like just another website selling knockoff dolls with stolen photos from WM Doll and other brands. The prices are too low, no brand names, little to no customization options, and their shipping times/info looks like they are selling knockoff dolls from Aliexpress. They are not trustworthy in my opinion.

    1. Steven

      Hi Gabriele,
      SexyRealSexDolls is legit and that doll brand (CLM/Climax Doll) is approved on Dollforum, but I don’t know too much about it.

    1. Steven

      Hi Gabriele,
      BestLoveSexDoll does not sell authentic dolls. Based on their prices, height options, and incorrect customization options and specifications, they appear to be selling knockoff dolls, mainly knockoffs of WM Doll (which the photos were stolen from). I’m not sure what brand the link you shared is supposed to be, but they don’t seem trustworthy. Also see this person’s experience with BLSD:

  23. Paweł

    Hi, did you hear about Dolls seem legit, but suspiciously cheap.

    1. Steven

      Hi Pawel,
      They are just another website selling knockoff dolls with stolen photos. Most of those photos belong to WM Doll and JY Doll. The low prices, lack of brand names, and incorrect specifications indicate that they are selling counterfeits.

      1. Paweł

        Thanks for confirming my suspicions.

  24. MH

    Is WM Doll Canada legit for Canada?

    1. Steven

      Hi MH, is legit and affiliated with WM Doll. However, you will get better prices and customer service with a vendor like Sexdolls-shop who is also based in Canada.

      1. MH

        I googled Sexdolls-shop but nothing came up. Do you know the website for it?

  25. Travis

    Hello Steven, have you heard of Are they trustworthy and legit in your opinion?

    1. Steven

      Hi Travis,
      I have heard of them and I don’t consider them trustworthy. Their prices are all over the place and they sell a very random selection of dolls, most of which are probably counterfeit based on the price. They are not clear with the brand names, their in-stock California dolls have different height options which seems very sketchy, and their doll names are just a bunch of gibberish keywords. I personally wouldn’t order from them because there are just too many red flags.

  26. Raul

    Hello is legit site?

    1. Steven

      Hi Raul,
      The dolls in their “Great Deals/Best Deals” section are knockoff dolls based on the price. Their regularly listed dolls could be authentic, but they all have the wrong customization options. They have the Piper Doll customization options for every brand, which is not correct. I would not recommend them for those reasons alone.

      1. Raul

        Is there any site that sell dolls for like 800 dollars (around that price)?

        1. Steven

          If you live in US, UK, or Australia, KimberDoll sells a good doll for $500. Otherwise, it’s difficult to find a doll for around $800 other than smaller dolls or knockoff dolls. TheDollChannel sells some dolls at that price, but they are usually smaller or non-name-brand dolls.

  27. Mark

    Hi Steven,

    Could You please recommend me a trusted website that ships to or is in Germany where I could find a doll 148ish cm tall for less than $1000 or as cheap as possible, if there is such an option at all? I really appreciate Your help!


    1. Steven

      Hi Mark,
      Most vendors ship to Germany, but finding a life-sized doll for under $1000 is the hard part. Most authentic, name-brand dolls will cost more than $1000. The only options would be a smaller doll or a knockoff doll (which I don’t recommend). KimberDoll is an affordable option, but unfortunately, they don’t ship to Germany. For a vendor in Germany, Dollstudio is a very good one. Dollpark is also popular, but their prices and height options can be misleading.

  28. David

    Hey Steven I was looking at dolls and I can across one I really like at and wanted to know if this page is legit

    1. Steven

      Hi David,
      They are not legit. The biggest red flags are no brand names and incorrect specifications. They are selling knockoffs of WM Dolls and JY Dolls, which is very common for counterfeit websites to sell. Their prices are also very high for a knockoff doll. You can get an authentic one for almost the same price.

  29. Gerry

    I am in the UK, are there any sources I can trust to supply me here?

    1. Steven

      Hi Gerry O’Lover,
      All vendors can ship to the UK (as long as it is within the sex doll laws), but some good ones in the UK are Cloud Climax UK, The-Doll-House UK, and SiliconeLovers.

  30. Paul

    Hi steven what do you think of are they trustworthy?

    1. Steven

      Hi Paul,
      They sell “generic” dolls with no brand names listed. I don’t know if the quality is good or not, and I wouldn’t consider them trustworthy. They are just a random Chinese company pretending to be a manufacturer, selling dolls from an unknown source.

      1. Paul

        Hi Steven thank you for the reply. I was thinking that I should go for a doll on siliconelovers site seeing as dollpodium appears to have same dolls half price which is suspicious. Thank you for giving me advice.

  31. JFL

    bonsoir, tombé par hasard sur votre site!
    Excellent votre comparatif des marques et le choix des vendeurs.
    Je vous met dans mes favoris!

    en réponse, à lu plus haut: FineLoveDolls…
    Pour mon 1er achat chez eux, satisfaction totale! Nous avons tchaté longuement et en Français avant que je passe ma commande et après d’autres commandes d’accessoires un coup de tel pour s’assurer que Fedex m’avait bien livré! Très pro! Et leur site est génial pour les personnalisations! Pas trouvé mieux ailleurs!

    1. Steven

      Hi JFL,
      Thank you for the review on FineLoveDolls. They are indeed legit and it’s good to hear an honest review about them. Enjoy your doll.

  32. Steven

    Hey Steven, I’m looking for a mini sex doll (100-125 cm), which website should i go to thats safe and has the best deal.

    1. Steven

      Hi Steven,
      A lot of reputable vendors don’t offer mini dolls so they are a bit hard to find. TheDollChannel is the only trustworthy website I know of that sells dolls that size. They have decent prices too.

  33. Ken

    How do you feel about using Promo Codes on the sites that you have recommended? Does that usually change the quality of the doll because they’re selling it at a much cheaper price? is offering a 20% discount on $2,000 doll.

    1. Steven

      Hi Ken,
      Using promo codes does not affect the quality of the doll in any way. The manufacturer gets paid the same; The vendor just makes less money. It’s possible the vendor might give worse customer service if they didn’t make as much, but I don’t think any of the websites I recommend would do that.

  34. Steven Can this site be trusted? Since it allows paypal payment even if there’s something wrong with the doll I can still get my money back right?

    1. Steven

      Hi Steven,
      Kikdolls is not a trustworthy site in my opinion. They used to sell counterfeit dolls and probably still do. One of my readers had a negative review about them recently. Because most dolls ship from China, you usually can’t send it back, which causes problems with the dispute process. Paypal also does not offer buyer protection for “custom-made goods” ( which might apply to dolls because they are custom-made with your customization options. At best, they will probably send you a couple of dollars compensation for messing up your order. You can gamble with them, but I personally would not risk. A lot of their customization options are wrong for various brands, and there are much better websites to order from.

  35. Ken

    Hello Steven, do you have any thoughts on ? They offer premium TPE options for an extra $100 when you customize. Are they legitimate and is the option worth it? Thanks in advance

    1. Steven

      Hi Ken,
      FineLoveDolls is legit. They are based in China so they’re not on my list, but they are trustworthy and sell authentic dolls. I’m not sure what extra $100 option you are referring to.

      1. Ken

        Thank you! The extra $100 option says it’s for Premium TPE or softer skin as they call it as opposed to the regular TPE. The advertise the New skin as easier to clean and no powdering required. Have you heard of such a thing?

        1. Steven

          Different brands have different options. I assume you are referring to the Ultra Soft TPE option for WM Doll. The Ultra Soft TPE is noticeably softer and jigglier than the regular TPE. Most people agree that it feels better than the regular, but because it is softer, it also tears and damages more easily, so keep that in mind. I have not heard that the new skin is easier to clean or requires no powdering. That doesn’t sound right to me. TPE is naturally sticky so it requires some powdering for the smooth, realistic feel. There are some brands like 6YE that supposedly don’t need to be oiled or powdered, but since every brands’ blend of TPE is different, it varies for different brands. Generally, oiling and powdering after a couple of months doesn’t hurt and helps prolong the longevity of the doll.

  36. Ken

    What do think about

    1. Steven

      Hi Ken,
      Silicone-Sexy-Doll is legit. However, I don’t recommend ordering a 6YE doll from them. They had complications with 6YE in the past.

  37. Lukas

    What about This is my first doll purchase and I do not want to get scammed. It is a lot of money.

  38. Don Mega

    Hi, nice site with great info. I have been looking into pirchasing my first doll and have been doing plenty of research and i was wandering what your opinion of is? They seem legit, they list the brands, and they also offer a 0% layaway program.. any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    1. Steven

      Hi Don Mega,
      Sexyrealsexdolls is legit. I used to promote them but one of my former customers wasn’t happy with their customer service so I removed them from my list several months ago. They sell authentic dolls and are perfectly fine to order from. They just might not go out of their way to help you if something goes wrong.

  39. Ash

    Hey, can you tell about ? Their prices don’t look too good to be true but aren’t outrageous. I also found a doll or two I like there. Thank you!

    1. Steven

      Hi Ash,
      I agree that their prices aren’t outrageous. However, I don’t trust them mainly because they don’t list the brand names. All dolls have a brand, and sellers that don’t list the brand are usually selling counterfeits. For example, most of their photos are WM Dolls, but because they don’t specifically say WM Doll, they are probably fakes. Considering the price isn’t even that good, I think it’s probably better to pay a little more for an authentic one from a trustworthy website.

  40. Chrs

    Can u tell me anything about and both have a wide range of prices. Most around 1000 n up.. but sum are discounted below that.. do hard 2 tell who’s legit now days

    1. Steven

      Hi Chris,
      They both sell knockoff dolls, which are counterfeits of what you see in the photos. Absolutesexdoll is much more obvious. MyRealDolls could sell some authentic dolls, but have many red flags such as no brand names, incorrect customization options (all their dolls have the Piper Doll customization options), and the dolls in their Great/Best Deals section are definitely knockoffs based on the price. I wouldn’t trust either of those websites.

      1. Francisco

        What about VSdolls are they legit

        1. Steven

          Hi Francisco,
          No, they are not legit. They sell counterfeit dolls (very obvious from the price), and because they claim that their dolls are WM Doll and other name-brands, that basically makes them scammers. You won’t get what you see in the photos. Based on my research, it is owned by a random guy in the US, and I’m pretty sure he is dropshipping dolls from Aliexpress or Alibaba. I recognize the height options and specifications table from a certain Aliexpress seller. I would not trust them.

          1. Francisco

            Thank you Steven now last mixed question where can I spend 600 to 700 on an affordable doll at a legit site!

            1. Steven

              If you live in the US, UK, or Australia, KimberDoll is a good doll for only $500. Otherwise, there aren’t too many options at that price besides smaller dolls and knockoff/generic dolls. If you live in the US, you can try TheDollChannel.

  41. Joe real or fake i noticed thedollchannel has these dolls your always informitive ty in advance

    1. Steven

      Hi Joe,
      That is the official website of DollXES, a smaller brand that makes cheaper dolls. It’s better to order from a vendor like TheDollChannel instead of directly from them for more buyer protection and better customer service. According to Ricky from TheDollChannel, DollXES’s quality is decent, but they’re cheaper by having a simpler skeleton, skinny arms and legs, goose neck, and possibly some other compromises.

  42. Surnow

    Of the stores on your list, how many are based in the United States?

    1. Steven

      Hi Surnow,
      TheDollChannel, Siliconwives, SexDollGenie, and RealLoveSexDolls are based in the US, but all of them can ship to the US.

  43. JP

    What do you think about

    1. Steven

      Hi JP,
      YourDoll is a bit of a controversial vendor. They sold counterfeit dolls in the past, but could be legit now. I would be hesitant to trust them because of their dishonest past, but like I said, it’s possible they could be legit now. One of my readers told me he received an authentic in-stock doll from them a few months ago, but I haven’t heard much about YourDoll recently.

  44. Anny

    Which of these suppliers sends their deliveries from an EU country, intends to order a doll and I live in Sweden

    1. Steven

      Hi Anny,
      Most vendors can ship to Europe, but most do not have any in-stock dolls in the EU. They will mainly be produced and shipped from China. One of the vendors I recommend for EU customers is MyRobotDoll.

      1. Steve

        Steven loving for high end black dolls please

    1. Steven

      Hi Allen,
      They are not trustworthy. The dolls in their “Discount Dolls” section are clearly counterfeits based on the price, and the fact that they claim that those are WM Dolls basically make them scammers. Most counterfeit doll sellers at least don’t claim their dolls as “WM Doll,” but that website actually uses the top brand names on their knockoff dolls. Everything they say about “No Fake, No Counterfeit” is a lie and I would not trust them. Also all their reviews are fake. I’m not sure what brand that Ahri doll is, but Shoppingdolls is not a manufacturer as they claim, they are a vendor. That doll is probably made by a not very well-known factory somewhere in China.

      1. Loren

        Hi Steven! I want to ask something. Is the a legit website to buy a doll?

        1. Steven

          Hi Loren,
          I never heard of CassiusSexDolls but their website looks legit to me. Everything is listed correctly and the prices are reasonable. I don’t see any red flags.

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