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Realing – A New Sex Doll Brand Arrives in the West

Around mid-June 2023, a new sex doll brand called Realing (TDF-approved) appeared on The Doll Forum for the first time. I first discovered this brand during the 2023 Shanghai API Expo, but didn’t personally expect to see them on TDF. During the expo, there was really no information about them at all – no website, social media, or any web presence. However, now that they’re on TDF, a lot more information about them have since come out.

When I first saw Realing’s booth, I immediately thought they looked similar to Qita. Turns out, they’re actually related. Jupiter Gan, who spent 2 decades restoring and sculpting historical pieces for museums, TV, and film, established Qita back in 2016, and then Realing in 2019. That explains the 2 brand’s large resemblence. Like Qita, Realing makes both male and female sex dolls, but with greater emphasis on silicone (while Qita is more known for TPE). Supposedly, they also have a “patented [weight reduction] technology” that results in lighter dolls. Whether it’s truly patented or not, I can’t say, but the level of weight-reduction is similar to that of other silicone brands. I’ll show a few of their dolls below.

93cm Torso Joy

Let’s start with this 93cm sex torso named Joy, and work our way up. She has a super-realistic, smiling Asian face. I rarely get the “uncanny valley” effect from looking at dolls, but this one is very close.

167cm Rita

Next, let’s look at the 167cm Rita. This is one of the two bodies they currently offer, which is slim and busty. The face is fairly cute, and the body weighs around 31 kg (68 lbs).

167cm Lisa

Next we have the 167cm Lisa, again on their flagship body. She has a slightly more sophisticated look, with clearer views of the slim and rectangular body.

164cm Zoe

Although there are more heads, we’ll wrap it up with the 164cm Zoe, which is a Western head. Here, you can see a glimpse of the love holes. Unfortunately, this body doesn’t have weight reduction, but comes in both TPE and silicone. The TPE version weighs 41 kg (90.4 lbs), while the silicone version weighs 37 kg (81.5 lbs). Noticably heavier than the 167cm body.

Male Sex Dolls

Last, we’ll look at some of their male sex dolls. I know most of my readers aren’t interested in male dolls so I’ll keep it brief. From their collection, it’s quite clear that male dolls are one of their specialties and main focuses. There are currently 3 bodies, but I’ll just show the 2 buff ones. The 175cm body weighs 42 kg (92.5 lbs), while the 180cm body weighs 45.6 kg (100 lbs). Considering how tall, muscular, and absolutely jacked they are, the weight reduction seems decent for the size.

2023 Shanghai API Expo Video

If you’re curious what these dolls look like in-person, you can revisit this video from the 2023 Shanghai API Expo. Here, we see that they actually have more bodies including mini dolls, and various sex toys.

That wraps up a small introduction to TDF’s newest approved brand, Realing. Since they’re related to Qita, which is generally a lower-end brand, I’d expect similar quality. They have some interesting heads, and their “patented” weight reduction sounds interesting. However, there’s no softness videos available, and they look fairly firm to me. Needless to say, this brand is more for male sex doll enthusiasts. Although they also make female dolls, I feel that isn’t their specialty, and there are better options out there.

Personally, these dolls (as well as Qita’s) never quite appealed to me. Something always looked “cheap” about them – maybe it’s their grayish photography. However, it was cool to at least learn more about this mysterious brand. I think they may change the game in terms of weight-reduced muscular (male) dolls. Let’s wait and see where this brand goes.

Thoughts on the new brand, Realing, entering the global market? Comment below!

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