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New Sex Doll Photos, Cute Heads, Piper Ichika, Mini Dolls, & More

After a jam-packed previous week, things have expectedly slowed down this time around. This week was 90% new photosets, with some new releases here and there. Still, the show must go on. New releases or not, there were plenty of pretty photos to look at. Without further ado, let’s run this week’s filler episode of sex doll news.

SE Doll

SE Doll shared a new photoset of their 157cm Phoebe. This classy doll returns in another curvy and bare photoshoot.

Funwest Doll

Funwest Doll shared a new photoset of their recent Alice head, on the 155cm F-cup body this time. She looks very pretty and cute in a schoolgirl outfit. However, despite her cute face, the LHP looks incredibly bad on this body.

Piper Doll

Piper Doll officially released their 155cm Ichika. Although many people didn’t like her face, she looks pretty cute here (in her own unique way). With these photos, Mizuwali emphasized that he doesn’t edit them or follow the current [deceptive] photography trend. I’m sure his fans appreciate that he stuck with his principles since the very beginning.

Lately, I noticed that the vagina and anus look different in their recent photos, starting with those Ariel photos last week. Maybe the legs just aren’t spread, but they don’t have that gaped “hemorrhoids” look anymore.

Mizuwali also teased an upcoming TPE doll on Twitter. It has a busty, hourglass figure, and looks relatively tall compared to the background. As for the face, it looks like a mix between Phoebe and Ariel, but it’s generally hard to tell from these sculptures.


After some full silicone photos last week, Irontech returned with more hybrid dolls. This week, they shared some dark-skinned beauties starting with the 164cm Plus Angelia.

Next, they showcased the 159cm Celine in a swimsuit with fancy tan lines.

Last, they teased the upcoming 170cm Real Lady body with their recent S40 Eileen head. The body definitely looks realistic although the lighting is a bit bright.

Elsa Babe

Elsa Babe released a new head called Matsuzaka Erina on their 148cm body. She has a cute anime face, with smaller eyes than their usual designs. I think the punk clothing and catgirl cosplay works perfectly for her.

They also shared a new photoset of their recent Kate Baccarin head. Last time, she appeared in plain factory photos, but this time, in a fancy cheongsam dress. Unfortunately, these photos look heavily edited, and they even edited out the neck seam.


Zelex added oral structure and moveable jaw to various heads. The naming is confusing – like they’re filling in early, unused numbers. Basically, the upgraded heads are Heads GE02 (originally GE46), GE03 (originally GE70), GE14 (originally GE74) and GE16 (originally GE109). They also showed two eyebrow options for each head (normal and upturned), except GE02. 


Starpery returned with many photosets this week. However, they weren’t really worth showing except for this one. One of their first heads, Elizabeth, returns as a magician – making her clothes disappear.

Sino Doll

Sino Doll released a new 93cm torso in their Apotheosis series (which means RRS+ makeup). They showcased the torso with 3 different heads in a swimsuit theme. These photos show that close-up, they look like full-sized dolls, which is probably why all their photos were zoomed in.

Climax Doll

Climax Doll released a new head called Gimogi on their Ultra series 157cm body. I think this head looks very weird, like something out of a horror movie. I wasn’t going to show it, but here it is.

SY Doll

SY Doll shared many new photosets of their M-series heads. As you know, I don’t necessarily like showing SY Doll, but they always find their way back here (for various reasons). I showed SY’s silicone celebrity heads before, but never their oral structure + moveable jaw heads. Oddly, Yourdoll (a vendor) teased these photos (but didn’t actually post them), and no one else seems to have them.

Head-wise, they more-or-less caught up with many name-brands, although they’re definitely photo-edited. Body-wise, they’re still very outdated with cheap TPE bodies and poor LHP. Here’s another M-series head I saw recently but never showed. Strangely, Kumadoll put this in their “Real Girl” brand.

Only Love

Since there wasn’t much news this week, let’s look at some more mini dolls. Only Love (OLDOLL’s brand) released two new mini dolls. Starting with the 100cm Maria, which has an interesting face and rather large forehead. Proportionally, she’s more like an action figure (like Piper Doll SAF) than traditional 100cm dolls, and weighs 12.5 kg (27.5 lbs). The face kind of looks AI-generated, but I can’t really tell..

detect age

Normally, I wouldn’t do this, but something just seemed weird about her face. I think her forehead is just big.

Next, they released the 70cm AIO (seamless neck) Inari. She has a shy Japanese face, and looks similar to the 100cm, but scaled-down. I have no clue if these mini dolls are good quality or not, but this one only weighs 4 kg (8.8 lbs) supposedly. 

That wraps up a fairly short and slow week of news. If you were hoping to see some new innovations, you’ll probably leave disappointed. It was photoset mania this week. However, what we did see was budget brands like SY and Climax Doll continue catching up, while name-brands slowed down. Promo photos continued to get more confusing and deceptive, but at least Mizuwali stands by his “no editing” principles. AI, filters, editing out the neckseam – It’s more important than ever to look at factory and customer photos before ordering. Anyway, there isn’t much else to say. Hopefully, next week will be more eventful. Until next time!

Thoughts on this week’s sex doll news? Comment below!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Mat

    This time I can’t see any AI enhancements, but most probably heavily photoshopped. I’m not an expert though 😀

  2. ItsAme

    The AI comment was about the fact that YearnDoll posted photos which were obviously edited with AI, I suppose they tried to get by with “surely people will only stare at the boobs and nothing else” strategy.

    1. Steven

      Angel Kiss and XT Doll also used AI in their photos recently. I get that brands want their dolls to look good, but over-manipulating promo photos is such a deceptive and short-sighted strategy. Plus, most people can recognize AI-generated photos now. Customers will be disappointed, which in turn, will negatively affect the brand.

  3. Brad

    While I’m not a huge fan of Climax Doll’s new faces, I’ll give them credit for doing their own thing, and not copying the rest of the market. A lot of the other major brands like WM, and Irontech, I can’t tell apart without labels.

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