You are currently viewing MMX Doll: An Asian Sex Doll Brand You’ve Never Heard of

MMX Doll: An Asian Sex Doll Brand You’ve Never Heard of

With sex doll news greatly winding down after New Year’s, let me introduce a “newish” brand that you’ve probably never heard of: Mumuxi or MMX. I first discovered them at the 2024 Guangzhou Expo, where they showcased a variety of dolls (including the “police doll” in the expo thumbnail). Recently, they made a huge marketing push, and although most people have never heard of them, they claim to have over “30 years of wax figure craftsmanship.” Inspired by an ancient Chinese story of a man dreaming he was a butterfly (hence the butterfly in their logo), they also emphasize Japanese aesthetics – which is odd since all their dolls have Chinese names. Currently, they sell in China and Japan, with KD-Doll (the owner of MITICA in Taiwan) as their main vendor.

Will they ever sell in the West? Time will tell, but that seems to be an eventual trend with many brands. Since there wasn’t much news this week, here’s a little after-New Year’s bonus/special, where I show some of their dolls.

163cm-A Xiaojuzi (Little Orange)

The 163cm Xiaojuzi (Little Orange) appears to be their flagship head and body. With a cute face and realistic body, she’s a youthful Asian beauty. So popular, they featured her in 3 photosets with different makeup each time. Also note that all their bodies are categorized with letters (like “A” or “B”) – it doesn’t refer to the breast size.

163cm-A Xiaojuzi Photoset 2

Little Orange’s 3rd Photoset

➤ Video 1
➤ Video 2

153cm AIO Mengyue

Next, they surprisingly have an All-in-one (AIO) doll called the 153cm Mengyue. Seamless-neck dolls seem rare nowadays, so they’re always a plus. We need more AIO dolls! They also have some AIO mini dolls (like figurines), which I won’t show, but this doll looks quite nice.

165cm-A Mengfei

Another interesting thing is that most their heads begin with “Meng” which is a recurring theme (with some exceptions). Mengfei here looks interesting although maybe a bit generic to me.


Next, the most recognizable head from their expo is Mengqi. She’s pretty attractive, and maybe it’s the hairstyle that reminds me of Resident Evil’s Ada Wong.

165cm-B Serena

Maybe a sign of interest in the West is their first “Western head” called Serena. Unlike the previous photos (which presented the dolls pretty accurately), this one appears heavily filtered (and you can see the difference in the video). Oddly in the video, she looks a bit more Asian, so while these photos look good, they’re pretty misleading.

➤ Video 1
➤ Video 2

163cm Mengxi

Although there are more heads and bodies, I’ll wrap it up with the 163cm Mengxi. With a slightly more-mature look, she’s their most realistic-looking head in my opinion, which I quite like.

➤ Video from KD

Bodies Side-By-Side Comparison

MMX Doll Bodies Specs Side by Side Comparison


That’s just a quick look at a few of MMX’s dolls. Although I’ve seen some of their photos before, I never paid much attention until now, so I don’t know much about them. KD-Doll has made several videos about MMX, and I believe is also one of their photographers. Right now, they look like a medium-end silicone doll brand with Asian aesthetics, realistic designs, nice makeup, and also “Real Skin Texture.”

(Update) Supposedly, they’re made in the same factory as Normon Doll (which explains the Normon Doll head at their expo booth), so the quality should be similar (and likely to ship to the West?). They definitely look interesting, and brands with AIO dolls score bonus points with me. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this little photo-filled segment as tomorrow’s news post will be quite empty. Until next time!

Official website:

Thoughts on MMX Doll and their Asian-inspired dolls? Comment below!

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. nopxl

    Belated Happy New Year Steven! Thanks for covering the news on lesser known brands to go along with the established ones. Really liking the head designs this brand is offering especially the flagship one Little Orange. This is a new manufacturer to look out for this year for western audiences

    1. Steven

      No problem and Happy New Year! After finding out which factory makes them, I think they’ll likely come to the West one day. Looking forward to covering more of their dolls.

  2. Jackson

    163cm Mengxi looked so hot and realistic

  3. @Itzthedollover

    Man I thought Mengxi was really very pretty, always preferred mature asian heads. She reminds me a lot of asian FANREAL dolls. Thank you for presenting this brand, Steven🙏✨

    1. Steven

      No problem. I also liked the realistic and natural look of her too. Since there wasn’t much news this week, it was the perfect opportunity to show them, although they don’t sell to the West yet.

  4. Odo

    Thanks for covering it. AIO is so rare, I’m intrigued by this doll. Is there a vendor selling those yet? Besides they’re own websites/taobao.

    1. Steven

      The only vendor that carries them right now is KD-Doll, but they only sell in Taiwan and China. I wonder if it’s possible to get one through Normon Doll since they’re made in the same factory. Usually, what happens with brands like this is Japanese vendors like Kumadoll will start carrying them (since MMX sells to Japan), and eventually it comes to the West.. hopefully.

      1. nopxl

        Good catch! I can confirm this. I asked Normon Doll and they said yes to same factory. If anyone is interested in ordering an MMX Doll, you contact Normon Doll to place an order. These are their contact details if you have any extra questions:
        Wechat/Whatsapp:+86 13631573180

  5. Stephan

    Really like the 165cm-B Serena. She is totally hot, especially in the videos. Where do we get one?

    1. Steven

      Not available in the West yet, but I wonder if it’s possible to get one through Normon Doll, which is made in the same factory.

    2. Lisa

      yes, this one is same as Normon doll’s 165cm B body Mary,but change the head from Tammy, you can check it

  6. Bruce

    The AIO doll is great. I like their various body proportions and they have some nice Asian faces.

    1. Steven

      I thought so too. We need more AIO dolls! 😆

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