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How To Tell If a Sex Doll Website is Legit?

After long hours of searching, you finally found the perfect sex doll. She has a pretty face, sexy body, and you can’t wait to own her. There’s just one problem: You never heard of the website and don’t know if you’re getting scammed or not. Are they legit?

Did you know that 90% of sex doll websites sell counterfeit/imitation products? Keep reading to learn about red flags, and how to tell whether a website is legitimate or not.

1. Do Not Buy From Aliexpress/Alibaba, Ebay, or Amazon

Top sex doll brands DON’T sell on marketplace websites like as Aliexpress, Temu, Ebay, or Amazon. These are free-for-all marketplaces where people can sell anything. 99% of the time, they’re selling cheap imitations with stolen photos. (Imagine buying Adidas shoes on Aliexpress, and you receive low-quality “Abibas” shoes – that’s basically what knockoff dolls are like)

2. Check For Legitimate Prices

Price is a good indicator of whether a website is trustworthy or not. Sex dolls under $1000 are clear signs of a scam (unless it’s a mini-doll). Name-brand TPE dolls usually sell for around $1500-$2000+ (depending on the brand and size), while silicone dolls are usually around $2000-$5000+.

I recommend visiting some reputable stores here to get an idea of brands and prices.

3. Brand Names Are Shown

Authentic sex dolls all have a brand, such as WM Doll, Piper Doll, JY Doll, etc. Since these brands are popular and well-known, there’s no reason for a legit vendor to hide them. Websites that don’t list brand names are usually selling knockoff, generic, or unbranded dolls (with stolen photos). If a website lists themselves as the brand (when the photos clearly belong to another brand), that’s a clear indication of counterfeit or knockoff dolls.

4. Good English/Grammar

This only applies to sex doll stores in English. Usually the English and grammar can be an indication of whether a website is trustworthy. There’s nothing wrong with a few typos, but primarily bad English and grammar is probably a red flag. Many Chinese marketplace or knockoff doll sellers create English websites to sell to the West, but their poor English makes it obvious. Avoid expensive mistakes by choosing a vendor you can actually understand.

5. Fast and Good Customer Service

Before buying from a website, always contact their customer support first, preferably through email. Most websites have live chat, but they may not always be online. Ask them any questions you have, and see how quickly and well they respond. It’s also great if they have a phone number, and you can try calling them. If they reply fast, answer all your questions in detail, and are professional and polite, that’s definitely a good sign.

Other Tips

Here are some additional common red flags to look out for:

  • Height Options: If the customization options have height options, that’s usually a red flag. The photos show a specific doll, and height options would be misleading.
  • Specification Tables in the Description: If you see a table in the description showing the specifications of many different heights (usually comparing 6 or 8 different heights), it’s probably a marketplace seller.
  • Fake Reviews: Most customers don’t leave reviews. If there’s an unusually high amounts of reviews (like 10+ on several dolls), then the reviews are probably fake. Fake reviews usually consist of short undetailed reviews, female reviewer names (from name generators), reviewers from many different countries, or reviewer names like A***n (common “name censoring” on Chinese marketplaces).
  • Incorrect Customization Options: Every brand has their own set of customization options. If a website uses the same or wrong customization options for various brands, then the dolls probably aren’t authentic.
  • Keyword-Filled Doll Names: Websites that name their dolls with a ton of keywords like “160cm Real TPE Sexy Big Breast Silicone Sex Doll” are usually Chinese marketplace sellers.
  • “Same Doll As the Photos”: Aliexpress sellers love to write something like “You will 100% get the same doll as the photos.” It’s super common in their descriptions. Meanwhile, trustworthy vendors will never say this.
  • Low, Low Prices: Again, I want to emphasize that websites where most dolls are under $1000 are knockoff doll sites. The only authentic dolls under $1000 are Kimber Doll, mini dolls, and some specific low-end brands. There’s no such thing as a huge sale that drops a doll’s price by more than half.
  • Weird Domain Names: While it’s not always true, sometimes weird domain names are a sign. Names that don’t make sense (like sexdollon), have a bunch of random letters put together (like ldoex), or a bunch of keywords thrown together (like topbestsexdoll, although this isn’t always true because some legit stores are named like this) can sometimes give off red flags.
  • Stolen Content: Many knockoff doll sellers (and scammers) steal content from other websites. If a website clearly has bad English, yet their doll descriptions are written in perfect English, then it was probably stolen/copy-and-pasted from another website. You can copy-and-paste some sentences into Google to find out if it was stolen. I noticed that a lot of doll descriptions and About Us sections are copy-and-pasted.
  • Fake Sales Tactics: Avoid websites with plugins that say “x sold in the last 24 hours,””x people are watching this item,” unnecessary countdown timers, etc. Those are fake, deceptive, and unprofessional.

The more you visit and browse trustworthy websites, the more you’ll recognize different brands, dolls, specifications, prices, and customization options. These can all help you distinguish legit websites from scam ones. Price is usually the easiest way to tell if a website sells authentic or knockoff dolls. Don’t buy a $500 sex doll and expect to receive an authentic one. You get what you pay for, and it 100% won’t be authentic at that price.

Some Visual Examples

Small Update (2024)

A lot has changed over the last 5 years in the sex doll industry. While most of the above still holds true today, there’s one important new trend worth mentioning. Nowadays, many brands (including name-brands like WM, Irontech, etc.) mass-produce and ship dolls to various warehouses that vendors can draw from. This practice greatly reduced doll prices (mainly in-stock TPE dolls), resulting in name-brands in the lower $1000 range, and smaller brands under $1000. This means that low prices, and even full-sized dolls under $1000, aren’t automatically red-flags anymore, but that’s just one of the many factors to consider.


Found a website and would like to know whether it’s legit or not? Feel free to comment below and I can give my opinion on it.

Trusted Sex Doll Websites

You can also find our list of trustworthy sex doll websites here: Trusted Sex Doll Websites

This Post Has 517 Comments

  1. Terry

    hi again steven… Terry here…I checked out celes dolls unfortuatly a little out of my price range…But I found some nice ones on ussextoy,,, for around 1100.00 canadian…have you heard anything bad about them

    1. Steven

      Hi Terry,
      We don’t sell sex dolls so I’m not sure which site you looked at. We just recommend trustworthy websites. As for Ussextoy, they sell counterfeit dolls so the quality probably won’t be that good. Their photos are just stolen from other brands. Despite their name, they are actually based in China. Unfortunately, most authentic sex dolls cost more than $1000. KimberDoll is a good $500 sex doll but I don’t think they ship to Canada. I don’t know much budget dolls other than small dolls. The risk is up to you if you want to gamble on a knockoff doll. Their quality varies greatly.

  2. Terry

    Hello steven Have you heard of jiggley adult store out of florida and are they a legit business

    1. Steven

      Hi Terry,
      Someone asked me about Jiggley before. I’m pretty sure they are a scam website similar to PridefulColors. PridefulColors has hundreds of complaints on BBB, people order a sex doll and receive a random item instead, and Jiggley looks exactly the same as PridefulColors in terms of products and prices so I suspect they are operating the same type of scam. They are also in the same city and zip code. If you see sex dolls for only $100, that is a very big red flag. They are definitely not a legit business.

  3. Kenneth

    Hey steve im looking at sexdollalley out of ga to buy a doll, any word on how good or bad they might be

    1. Steven

      Hi Kenneth,
      I looked at their website in the past. It’s possible they could be legit, based on their brands and prices. However, it seems they sell both authentic and counterfeit dolls, because some WM Dolls are listed as very cheap with the “Generic” brand option, which is basically a cheaper, knockoff version. They lose a lot of trust by doing that, but some of their dolls could be authentic. I can’t find much info on them online other than two 1-star reviews on BBB here indicating a scam:

    2. Kenneth

      Thanks steve

    1. Steven

      Hi Rick,
      I heard good things about Tantaly. They sell sex torsos and half-body dolls. I’m pretty sure they are legit. There are many reviews about them online.

      1. Matthew

        Is legit??

        1. Steven

          Hi Matthew,
          They don’t look legit. Their prices are extremely low, they have very spammy product titles, and many stolen photos. I assume they will send a very low-quality product, if they send anything at all.

  4. Thomas

    Hey Steven , do you know where comes from ? I cant find anything on them. But they must be a scam when you check those almost for free prices.
    Have a nice day

    1. Steven

      Hi Thomas,
      Based on their prices, Jiggley definitely looks like a scam website. It is impossible for TPE sex dolls to cost only $100. The shipping alone costs more than that. Their website reminds me a lot of PridefulColors, who sell very similar items at the same prices. PridefulColors has a F score on BBB with tons of reviews and complaints from people who were scammed. Customers ordered sex dolls and received random, unrelated products. You can read some of the stuff on PridefulColors here: Jiggley looks very similar to PridefulColors so I expect the same type of scam.

  5. Bob

    I drive a truck for a living and am gone for up to six weeks at a time and am looking for a cheap full size doll to put in my truck. I don’t care if counterfeit or not. I won’t have the storage or ability to care for it the way it should be cared for. That being said I don’t want to spend a lot of money on it. Do you have any recommendations on a web site to buy one from that will send me a doll that is will ship a doll with some similarities as the pictures shown does not need to be exact

    1. Steven

      Hi Bob,
      That sounds very interesting. I heard that many truckers are looking into sex dolls as well. In your case, I guess a high-end sex doll probably isn’t the best choice because as you mentioned, you won’t be able to store or care for her properly. Hot temperatures, constant sitting, and sun exposure won’t be good for the doll either. In your case, I would recommend the $500 KimberDoll. They are decent quality and very affordable, but only come in one style. If you don’t like the way she looks, I normally wouldn’t recommend this, but if you just want something cheap and dispenable, you can try getting one on Ebay that ships from the US (if you live in the US) so you at least have Ebay buyer protection and fast shipping. It will be a counterfeit doll, but might be more your style than the KimberDoll. I don’t know your budget, but all the high-end dolls cost over $1000.

  6. William

    So after a long time of contemplating it and talking to the wife, I’ve decided to start shopping around for a TPE sex doll.
    The only website that ever stuck out to me was MyRealDoll, mainly cause it was the first I had come across years ago.
    Was wondering if they are a legit company/supplier.
    Getting ripped for $1500+ would financially hurt like hell, not to mention put me in the doghouse with the ol lady so I definitely want to be sure I’m getting what I pay for.

    1. Steven

      Hi William,
      Do you mean MyRealDolls? I looked at their website before and I don’t really like them. They could be legit but there are many red flags, such as their material is listed as “Medical Silicone TPE” which doesn’t exist, they have many cheap, unbranded dolls using WM Doll’s photos, and the customization options on all their dolls are wrong. Some of their dolls seem legit with the proper brand name, but the other red flags are hard to ignore especially the incorrect customization options. Which doll are you looking at? You can probably find her on more trustworthy websites.

      1. William

        Thanks Steven, I appreciate the advice. After reading and going through reviews and forums I’ve come to the conclusion that if I want a legit doll, I’ll just buy from WM Dolls. It seems that everywhere I turn they are said to be the leading company in legit TPE love dolls.


        1. Steven

          Hi William
          WM Doll is indeed a very high quality brand and one of the most popular. I recommend ordering through a trusted vendor rather than the official website for better pricing and selection. If you look at our home page, I have several popular brands listed in case you were curious about other brands. You definitely can’t go wrong with WM Doll.

    1. Steven

      Hi Joe,
      I believe LoveDolls is legit. They are fairly new there aren’t much reviews about them. I heard mixed things about their customer service, but mostly positive. The risk is up to you since they are very new, but I think they are probably legit.

    1. Steven

      Hi Terry,
      Tenderdolls looks legit to me. Their brands, doll specifications, customization options, and pricing all look correct and accurate to me.

      1. Rog

        Ordered from but no reply from them regarding the doll, got a confirmation number thats it, says free worldwide shipping should i cancel the credit order? Also,what are some official sites that sell this?

        1. Steven

          Hi Rog,
          How long has it been since their last reply? I looked at oksexdolls a few times already. Some of their dolls seem authentic and some of them seem counterfeit. It can really go either way. Their pricing is very inconsistent and they also have fake reviews. I’m not a big fan of them. Canceling it is up to you. I also don’t know which doll you bought so I can’t answer your last question. I have a list of some reputable vendors here:

  7. Will

    Hi Steven
    I was lookin around and i like the 100 cm doll for around 700 -tanabe reiko
    But I can’t find it on a site that you deem legitimate, do you know of one that carries this doll, and if not how risky is ordering through urdolls or uloversdoll?

    1. Steven

      Hi Will,
      Most Western vendors don’t offer small dolls anymore which is why 100cm dolls are hard to find. I don’t know of any trusted vendors that carry that doll. Urdolls could be legit (the price seems about right if you choose the correct height option) but I don’t like websites with height options because it’s misleading. You don’t know what height that doll in the photos really is. Different heights have different proportions so the body won’t look the same on a different height unless you ask them. They are apparently both a vendor and a manufacturer which usually doesn’t co-exist. I went on their WM Doll section and saw that they actually copy-and-pasted some of my content, and probably content from other websites (they have poor English so sections with good English are probably stolen) so they get a no from me. If you want to take the risk, it is up to you. Uloversdoll likely makes counterfeit dolls and holds the same risk.

  8. Ruairi

    Is legit they seem kinda suspicious because off all the huge discounts from sales

    1. Steven

      Hi Ruairi,
      I looked at oksexdoll in the past and determined that they probably sell counterfeit dolls. Some of their listings seem legit (based on pricing and brand), but generally their pricing is all over the place, with some WM Dolls being priced way too low. Also all their reviews are fake. In their Reviews section, it’s just a bunch of the same reviews duplicated for different dolls. Inconsistent pricing, fake reviews, product names written like Aliexpress titles, and poor English are enough reasons for me to avoid this website.

  9. Anonymous

    Hello there,
    Is lovedollpalace a legit website for selling love dolls? I am curious about the prices which seems too low for 80 – 100 cm doll being in the range of $500 to $900.
    Thank you

    1. Steven

      I checked out their website a few months ago and I believe they are legit. This link shows all their authorized letters to sell the brands they offer:
      The reason their prices are low is because some of their dolls are from unknown brands. The 80cm Dollhouse168 anime doll is a good doll that goes for ~$500-$600. They also have some small, cheap JY Dolls. I assume they are legit. It’s just the brand of the doll you have to be aware of. If you live in the US, TheDollChannel has those 80cm anime dolls in-stock in the US.

  10. eddie

    I have another question, is trustworthy and legit?

    1. Steven

      Hi Eddie,
      TheSilverDoll is probably legit. They have been around for a long time. However, they had some controversy with 6YE in the past which prevented them from becoming TDF-approved. They sold inferior 6YE dolls in the past and 6YE didn’t recognize them as an authorized reseller. That was back in 2017. I’m not sure if anything has changed but I’m assuming they’re legit now.

  11. Paul

    Hello Steven
    I’ve just come across your site and I welcome the advice you’ve given. Having looked at various sex doll sites over the last six months I was tempted by kikdolls due to their prices. I now know not to bother. Also have a look at They are definitely not legit. I emailed them querying the (ridiculously) low prices and they still haven’t replied. Keep up the good work.
    Regards, Paul

  12. K

    Hi Steven
    I have a good question to ask. What is a legitimate website where I can go and customise one at that you recommend? I ask because there are a few characters from some anime and/or games that I would want, like Morrigan Aensland from Capcom for example.

    1. Steven

      Hi K,
      Creating a custom sculpted doll is very expensive. Usually when websites say “customize,” they are referring to mixing and matching premade options such as already-designed heads, bodies, skin color, eye color, etc. Creating a new doll based on a character you want would require building a new mold that the manufacturer may never use again, which is why most manufacturers won’t do it (since it’s time-consuming and expensive). If you have money, you can get a custom sculpted head and combine it with one of their premade bodies. A custom head would probably cost in the $1000s. I don’t really know which factory will be willing to do this. You can try asking some vendors but they are retailers, not manufacturers. You will have to find a factory willing to do it or find a similar-looking doll and cosplay her.

      You can find my list of trusted vendors here:

  13. David

    Hello Steven,
    so i already purchased this doll i now know it is definately not gonna be official cause i see it for 1200 on other sites but they have been very prompt with me through email good english and grammar and they showed me 4 after production pictures of the doll sitting on a table in the factory that look like they were taken from a phone not glamor shots or anything and it was the doll i wanted they asked me if i was satisfied i told them i approved they said they would begin the shipping process i read some reviews on trust pilot but i heard those website reviews can be fake as well what do you think?

    1. Steven

      Hi David,
      Absolutesexdoll indeed sells knockoff dolls. They put their own name as the brand while using WM Doll’s photos so that pretty much confirms it. The decision is up to you. It will be an imitation of the original, half the price and probably half the quality but for some people, that’s good enough. I would personally pay more for a good quality, authentic doll, but again, it’s up to you. It’s like buying an imitation iPhone- It looks similar and works, but clearly isn’t as good as the authentic product. Also yes, Trustpilot reviews can be faked. Anyone can leave a review and I heard companies pay them to remove bad reviews, but that’s just what I’ve heard.

      1. David

        Okay well thanks for checking that out for me much appreciated

  14. John Hesse

    Is legit?

    1. Steven

      Hi John,
      Sexdollbrand sells counterfeit dolls based on their prices. One of my readers purchased from them and liked the dolls he received, but they are definitely not authentic dolls.

    1. Steven

      Hi Rick,
      Most sex dolls on Amazon are cheap, counterfeit dolls sold by random Chinese sellers. Those torso dolls are probably cheap in quality (random unknown brands), but if you trust Amazon’s return policy, you can take the risk if you want. Those photos just look like generic photos that appear all over Aliexpress, Ebay, and other websites. I heard sells good sex doll torsos. I really don’t expect Amazon to have any good quality sex dolls or torsos.

  15. Daniel

    Hi Steven, I have found your articles are really useful.

    I’d like to know if would you recommend the website: or
    Because it seems legit but, when I tried to buy some products in the website .com they offer options to customise, however in the website .uk the don’t show that option, so not sure about the site.
    I also saw that there is a Japanese version of the site, but that one seems to be scam.

    1. Steven

      Hi Daniel,
      I don’t really recommend KanaDoll. They claim to be a manufacturer but also sell other brands’ dolls. It’s usually one or the other. Also their prices seem too low to be legit. A lot of their dolls are mislabeled as the wrong brand (For example, they have dolls in their WM Doll section that aren’t by WM Doll). My gut tells me they are a manufacturer of imitation dolls. It’s possible they could be legit, but I don’t think they are.

      1. Daniel

        Thanks Steven, honestly I did my best to find some more information, but yes, as you say, might be legit, but was very hard to gather information, and also if you check their social media all brought me to a Japanese version of the same site.

        Thanks a lot for your help.

    2. Kenneth duncan

      Was wondering about absolutesexdolls & weather their legit

  16. George

    Hi Steven, I just purchased a doll “Emma” from and I’m kinda suspicious that they
    Are either a scam completely or I won’t get the doll
    That I ordered. Can you please help and tell me if
    They are at least legit and I will get something similar
    To what I ordered or something totally different or nothing at all. I’ll be awaiting your response

    1. Steven

      Hi George,
      I think you meant Kikdolls. They aren’t legit. They sell cheap, counterfeit dolls based on their prices and customization options. I think you might get a doll, but it will be an imitation of what you see in the photos. You can try cancelling the order if it’s not too late or contact their customer service.

      1. George

        Yes I tried to contact their customer service number and it just kept dropping the call. So you think the “Emma “ doll they do send me will be a totally different one than the pictured one ? Which site do you recommend for a mini tpe. or silicone doll 100cm or so ?

        1. Steven

          The one in the photo is a 100cm WM Doll. Authentic ones usually sell for around $800-$1000. A lot of counterfeit manufacturers make this doll (using WM Doll’s photos). The one they send won’t be an authentic one but may look similar, although the quality is probably worse. Most websites don’t sell mini dolls anymore. Beautiful-dolls (which I believe is legit) has that doll for $850 here: The Dollhouse158 80cm anime doll is pretty popular. You find it here: TheDollChannel or Unfortunately, I don’t know too much about small dolls other than most vendors don’t sell them anymore.

          1. George

            Thank you steven I’m going to try the site you mentioned beautiful-dolls-com to get “Bonnie”
            Which you believe is legit. Please let me know if
            They are not.

    1. Steven

      Hi Rick,
      Sexdollbrand is not legit. Their prices are way too low. Full-sized TPE sex dolls usually sell between $1000-$2000, depending on the height and brand. All the dolls on Sexdollbrand are under $700. That is very unrealistic. Also they used some of WM Doll’s 100cm photos. They’re definitely not authentic at that price.

      1. Daren

        Ummm, well I’ve bought two dolls from since Covid-19 forced me to work from home and they’re awesome and legit. One of those IS a 100cm WM Doll (the blonde, black eyes, w/ pink tube top and pinkish choker in picture). It came with a Half Chinese Half English WM product pamphlet and an ugly bikini and shipped from a New Jersey address. I was half expecting to have to call my bank to cancel payment because the price is “sketchy low”, but it showed up in about two week and shipping was only $8. Yes, 8. After it arrived I googled the address it on the box and the location apparently also ships Hammacher Schlemmer Christmas trees and party supplies. I had noticed in the second half of 2020 that eBay and Aliexpress pulled almost all of their smaller, cheaper dolls 100cm including the WM doll I wanted so I’d just assumed either they were getting seized or Chinese covid shipping times were too lengthy for people to wait.

        1. Steven

          Hi Daren,
          Thanks for sharing. That is very interesting. I feel like it’s not possible to get an authentic WM Doll at their prices but I’m glad you got what you ordered. Did the dolls by any chance come with a WM authenticity code? All WM Dolls come with an “anti-fake code” that you can enter into their website to see if it is authentic ( That is one way of figuring out whether it is an authentic WM Doll or not.

  17. Addy

    I personally haven’t heard anyone talk about it, and I want to be on the safe side, is legit?

    1. Steven

      Hi Addy,
      I haven’t heard much people talk about either, but they look legit to me. Top brands at reasonable prices, correct specifications and customization options, and a professional-looking website.

  18. Jim

    Hi Steven, do you know if is legit? I am leaning towards finelovedolls. Also if you could recommend websites that has more selections on 6YE and Sino dolls? Thanks!

  19. gary

    Is Japan Love Dolls a legit company?

    1. Steven

      Hi Gary,
      What is their website or where did you find them? I don’t see them on Google.

      1. Gary

        Hey Steve, I didn’t find them, it was sent to either my email or promotion, they say it’s a annual sale so I can buy a sex doll for $69, instead of paying $948, sounds kinda fishy if you ask me.

        1. Steven

          Hey Gary,
          That is definitely not legit. You can’t get a real TPE or silicone sex doll for only $69. Maybe an inflatable one. I never heard of that brand or company, and can’t find them online.

    1. Steven

      Hi Jack,
      Sexdollslab is not legit. They sell counterfeit WM Dolls. The prices are too low and there’s no customization options.

  20. Michael

    What about, is that a legit site?

    1. Steven

      Hello Michael,
      Uloversdoll is likely a counterfeit doll seller. They don’t show the brand name of their dolls, all their dolls have the same few customization options, and their prices are a little low. It’s not a website I would order from.

  21. Chris

    Hi Steven, What do you think about or are they legit?

    1. Steven

      Hello Chris,
      Both those sites sell counterfeit dolls. Racyme is a very famous one. Premiumdolls is not as obvious but their prices are also too low, they don’t mention brand names, and their customization options are not correct. Both sites use photos of WM Dolls but are selling knockoffs.

      1. Chris

        Thank you for your insights, So which websites do you recommend?

    1. Steven

      Hi Steven,
      TheDollChannel is legit. It is owned by someone named Ricky who also makes youtube videos. He seems like a trustworthy guy and has dolls in-stock in the US which is a big plus.

      1. Steven

        So I already purchased the doll and he sent me a video and pics from the factory. I told him to go ahead and have the factory ship the doll. If I were to forward you the email would you be able to determine if it is a counterfeit?

  22. Travis

    Is legit?

    1. Steven

      Hi Travis, is not legit. Their website is full of red flags, including extremely low prices, stolen photos from other brands, and incorrect specifications and customization options. They also claim to be located in Japan when they are actually in China. I don’t recommend ordering from them.

  23. Kevin

    Hi Steven,

    If it turns out I have a defective doll, can Piper’s customer service help me directly? I don’t trust the retailer I bought the doll from at this point, but I am having difficulty getting through to Piper.

    1. Steven

      Not really. Unfortunately, Piper Doll, like most manufacturers don’t interact with customers directly. They focus on manufacturing and have vendors/retailers handle the sales and customer service for them. You can try contacting them but they usually don’t reply.

      1. Lou

        Hi, Steven
        Is legit?

        1. Steven

          Hello Lou,
          Here is my comment about Sexdollalley that I replied to someone else that asked about them: “SexDollAlley seems like they could be legit but they apparently sell both authentic and counterfeit dolls. Their WM Dolls have an option between the WM Doll brand or “Generic” (which is noticeably less expensive). Their WM Dolls could be authentic if you choose the “WM” option, but I don’t like websites that sell both authentic and counterfeit dolls. It makes them seem less trustworthy.”

  24. Anonymous

    Steve, since you are an alleged expert, you need to be 100% transparent and detailed about what you’re telling buyers and potential buyers, because it’s a little more complex than ‘counterfeits, fakes, prices, etc’. Of course, a lot of companies, sellers & manufacturers sell crap dolls, but you cannot generalize! Your lack of information is biased. In many cases, there are legit manufacturers selling ‘generic’ or OEM – they have the MOULD for the Brand-Name Dolls. To add to this and what is common is that an engineer will start his / her own doll manufacturing and craft the same exact doll with the same standards, without the Brand Name due to legalities. Revise your statements to reflect the above – if you’re an expert, you know that that’s 120% factual. Again, it’s true that you can’t trust everyone – as in any businesses with poor reputation, but you can’t say that all non-Big Branded or Generic dolls are low-quality, trash, scams, etc.

    1. Steven

      HI Anonymous,
      I understand what you’re saying but I don’t agree. There are multiple ways of getting scammed. For example, if a company lists a doll as a WM Doll but don’t send you a real/authentic WM Doll, then you are getting scammed. If a company doesn’t claim it is a WM Doll but uses WM Doll’s photos (which most counterfeit manufacturers do), that is a scam. In that case, it doesn’t matter if the quality is good or not. Those aren’t their photos so they are deceiving the buyer. Imagine a website uses photos of an IPhone 10 but sends you an imitation of an IPhone 10. That is a scam and counterfeit product.
      In terms of quality, there is so much proof out there that counterfeit dolls are poor quality. Reports of the skeleton breaking quickly, poor quality control, and almost none of them look exactly the same as the photos because those aren’t their photos.
      When I say scam, I’m mainly referring to the fact that counterfeit manufacturers are using photos from other brands to trick customers. There’s no such thing as a generic WM Doll. If you’re using another company’s photos, then it’s not generic/OEM. If they use their own photos, then I would not consider it to be a scam or counterfeit.
      If another company somehow obtains a mold from a Name Brand, they cannot/should not use that Brand’s name unless they actually own the brand or have permission from Brand owners. If they don’t use the Brand name, then they shouldn’t use that Brand’s photos either otherwise it’s misleading customers.

  25. Alphaneos

    Are these websites “” and “” trustworthy?

    1. Steven

      Hi Alphaneos,
      HGdoll is owned by someone that used to work at Doll House 168 and she is a friend of Mizuwali (owner of Piper Doll) so they are legit, but the last I checked, their website is not secure so I don’t recommend ordering from their website. Dollto-China is trustworthy.

      1. John

        Hi I came across “” I talked to a employee in live chat and he seemed very helpful and friendly. Answered all of my questions and have a great site, but one cant be to safe. Do you think they are legit? I also came across FineLoveDolls but pretty sure you said they were legit already.

        1. Steven

          Hello John,
          FineLoveDolls is legit. I don’t have personal experience with Tenderdolls, but I looked at their website and they look legit to me. I don’t see any red flags.

          1. John

            Thanks for the quick reply Steven. Im pretty sure they are legit, but in a sea of sharks you have to be careful or you will be eaten. Not many sellers seem to carry OR dolls is there a reason? One of their models caught my eye but having a hard time finding trustworthy sites that carry it. FineLoveDolls is one, but I want to shop around and see what pricing I can get, obviously nothing $900. If you have any sellers your could recommend that carry them it would sure help.

            1. Steven

              Hi John,
              OR Dolls are manufactured in the Jinsan factory, the same factory that produces WM and YL Dolls. They are mostly overshadowed by WM and YL, and aren’t as popular so most vendors don’t carry them. SiliconeLovers carries OR Doll, but you won’t find anything at $900. I don’t think they have every model listed, but if you contact them, they can add the model you’re interested in.

  26. Stephen

    whats the best site to go to im confused

  27. Patrick

    Hello, is a good ordering site..? made an order and little scared bow after looking deeper into this stuff..

    1. Steven

      Hello Patrick,
      Absolutesexdoll is not a legit site. You will receive a low quality, counterfeit doll from them. I would cancel the order if it’s not too late, but it’s up to you.

  28. Michael

    Is it possible to buy doll not made in china?

    1. Steven

      Hello Michael,
      RealDoll by Abyss Creations is made in the US. As far as I know, they are the only sex doll brand not made in China.

    1. Steven

      Hello Mike,
      Kikdolls definitely sells counterfeit dolls. They take other brands’ photos and manufacture imitations of them so it won’t look the same as in the photos. I did a bit of research and the doll you linked appears to be either an ALY doll or Hanidoll. These are more obscure brands so I don’t know much about them, but Beautiful-dolls (which should be legit) offers ALY dolls here: I’m not sure if it’s the correct brand though.

      1. mike

        Good call, I actually found that exact same doll’s face but on a more reasonable (has breasts) body.

  29. Tom

    In doing research and due diligence I came across a site called which seems to be a well designed site with a wide variety of dolls by most all manufacturers. It is China based from what I can tell, but is is not on the legit list. What is your opinion of this site?

    1. Steven

      Hello Tom,
      FineLoveDolls is a legitimate seller and should be safe to order from. They are based in China and I’m usually not a big fan of China-based vendors, but from what I’ve seen and read, FineLoveDolls is a legit vendor.

  30. Kevin Hughes

    Good morning
    What about California sex dolls.

    Is that a legit site?

    There prices seem to be in line with what you say is the correct price,
    Usually between 1400-3000.

    They also offer payment plans too.


    1. Steven

      Hello Kevin,
      Do you mean California-Dolls? Their pricing seems correct but they don’t mention the doll brands which is a big red flag for me. If you look at dolls a lot, you will easily recognize WM Dolls and JY Dolls, but California-Dolls does not mention the brand name so you don’t know if they are authetic or counterfeits. They also don’t offer all the customization options. For example, you cannot choose skin color, eye color, breast type, etc. I personally wouldn’t order from them.

  31. Paul


    I have been spending a couple months doing research and looking at many websites that sell sex dolls. I also joined TDF and have scoured their site, as well. What is mind boggling is how many dolls there are available in seeming every body style and size. It’s amazing. Where I get confused is when I see some websites sell models of dolls that are appealing, but they may not be offered at mainstream websites. A couple of the websites I am looking at that I am considering ordering from (but only after doing due diligence) is: and I have not seen much of the former, but I have read that the latter is recognized by TDF–but that there have been some complaints.

    Can you comment on either of these websites? Also, I have noticed from perusing different sites, that some manufacturers produce dolls that are featured on some sites, but not on others. For example, I saw what is clearly a Piper Doll doll on a few sites that is not to be found on others. It’s confounding to me why this is. Maybe that is simply the choice of the vendor. I dunno.

    Well, thanks for providing this service to us doll hounds.

    1. Steven

      Hello Paul,
      Firstly, I do not recommend They are the only TDF-approved vendor that I do not trust. Many people have been scammed by them. Like Yourdoll, Beautiful-dolls is also based in China (but they are probably more trustworthy, they have been on TDF for 9 years). Because of this, they have more access to and knowledge of not-so-well-known brands in China. Most vendors just have the mainstream top brands because they are the most popular and the best in terms of quality.
      In terms of why certain sites have some dolls and not others, it’s because they choose which dolls to add to their catalogues, and may omit dolls that they don’t think will sell, dolls with potential legal problems, or maybe they just haven’t had time to add it yet, among other reasons. Dolls have to be manually added and it ultimately comes down to the vendor’s choice.

  32. Mike

    Hey Steven do you know where I can buy a small doll like 100cm or torso for around $500?

    1. Steven

      Hey Mike,
      Unfortunately, I am not an expert on small dolls or torsos. A Kimberdoll is a full-size doll (158cm) that costs $500, and DollHouse168 recently released a 80cm doll for around that price ( I heard good things about it but it’s very small. Otherwise, I don’t know too much about mini dolls or torsos unfortunately.

  33. Hector

    I just read through this and I bought a doll on Amazon for like $420. It shipped on Monday and I await its arrival. I really hope it’s a good doll and not a crappy fake. Trying to find a good one with a low budget it hard XD

    1. Mike

      alright, thanks, yes Kimberdoll is a sweet value a bit overwhelming tbh lol, I’ll check Dollhouse 168 again, thanks again

  34. Tom

    I have seen some of the most beautiful dolls at jsdolls. They almost look too real and priced right at $1000 or so for full size 165cm dolls. My guess is too good to be true. What is your opinion?

    1. Steven

      Hello Tom,
      You are correct. It is too good to be true. JSDolls sells counterfeit/imitation dolls. Their prices are way too low and they use photos from a variety of brands including WM Doll, JY Doll, and Irontech. SiliconeLovers is a trusted site that sells all those brands so you can get an authentic one from them, but authentic ones cost a lot more than $1000, but the quality will be much better. Most of the trusted vendors here ( also sell those brands. You can also send me the link to any dolls you like on jsdolls and I can tell you the actual brand name. Hope that helps.

    2. Tom

      Thank you. I am currently looking at some extremely beautiful dolls at sex doll shop but they are right at $2000 so since this is not a need but something that would be very nice, I think it will be a while before I can justify paying for a doll. They sure are fun to look at though. Thanks again. By the way, you did mention that Kimberdoll is a good quality doll, would you suggest that would be a good place to start since the price is in my ballpark.

      1. Steven

        Yes, KimberDoll is a good quality doll at only $500. It’s a good beginner doll to get an idea of what sex dolls are like and whether or not you should invest in more expensive sex dolls. The only downside is that KimberDolls only come in 1 head and 1 body style so you either like the way she looks or you don’t.

  35. Billy

    I want to purchase the Olivia doll from and am not sure if I can trust it. Can you take a look at it and tell me what you think. Or where i could purchase that exact doll from a trustworthy site. I want her so bad! Lol thanks

    1. Steven

      Hello Billy,
      Kikdolls sells counterfeit dolls the last I checked. They are not trustworthy site to order from. The “Olivia” doll from their site is a 100cm WM Doll with Head #103. You can technically get her from any vendor that sells WM Doll, but many of them do not choose to sell 100cm dolls.

  36. Azurel Wynd

    Any good sites that offer a midget doll?

    1. Steven

      Hello Azurel,
      According to Wikipedia, any adult under 147cm is considered a “dwarf” (that’s the term they use). Most sites have dolls under 147cm, so check any of the trusted sites here: and you should be able to find some.
      For most brands (except Piper Doll), you can mix and match the bodies and heads so you can have a short body and older-looking head.

  37. Eric

    Is a legitimate site for sex dolls?

    1. Steven

      Hello Eric,
      Do you mean They seem to be a doll rental site with an option to purchase the doll. From what I saw, I don’t think they are selling authentic dolls. They use photos of JY Dolls and WM Dolls, but there’s no mention of the brand name, the specifications aren’t entirely correct (The “Mia” doll is supposed to be a WM Doll 166cm, but is listed as 158cm), the prices are too low for an authentic doll, and their customization guide mixes and matches JY heads with WM heads, which shouldn’t be compatible. If you plan to purchase a sex doll, I would not recommend their website.

    1. Steven

      Hello Steven,
      Kikdolls is not a legit site. They sell counterfeit/imitation dolls, and it’s easy to tell from their unrealistically low prices. Unfortunately, I do not know where to find that doll. It is not manufactured by a well-known factory, and it is not a brand I recognize. It’s probably from a brand more recognized in China and Japan but not in the West. There’s no way of knowing if Kikdolls is even selling the real version of that doll or just an imitation. Probably an imitation since they don’t mention the brand name.
      If you want to find a similar looking doll, take a look at the brands: Doll House 168, Piper Doll, AXB Doll

      1. Mike

        Thanks Steven! It was an AXB Doll and I found it! 😀

        1. Steven

          Hey Mike,
          Glad you found out the brand name. I thought maybe it was an AXB Doll because they are most well-known for making “those” kinds of dolls. From what I heard, AXB Doll makes pretty good quality dolls, but it is pretty much impossible to find an AXB Doll vendor in the West for obvious reasons. I will leave it at that. Good luck.

        2. Brian

          Hello Mike! I was curious if you could share with me where you found the Zara doll as I am looking for the same one, thanks for your time.

  38. Michael

    Great site,hope people find it before they get screwed.gemsdolls seems very shady but to be sure ask the man who knows,what do u think?scammers? They may be in cahoots with xqueen who also seems to be unsavry.

    1. Steven

      Hello Michael,
      What is gemsdolls? I tried looking them up but couldn’t find anything. Xqueen definitely sells counterfeit/imitation dolls. Their prices are far too low. They use photos from top brands like WM Doll but what you get is a low-quality, imitation of what you see in the photos. Basically a bait-and-switch.

      1. Michael

        GEMSexdoll seemed like good site but so many sites seem legit.real life sex dolls had some new dolls i dont think i,ve seen before,an a few I see on most sites.

        1. Steven

          Gemsexdoll is definitely a counterfeit doll seller. If you see a WM Doll 166C (166cm C-cup) for under $1500, then that pretty much tells you it is not an authentic doll. WM Doll used to require vendors to price the 166C above $2000. That has since changed, but you will never see it under $1500. It’s usually around $1800-$2000.
          As for Reallifesexdolls, I don’t trust from them because they don’t mention the brand names. All legitimate vendors will at least mention the brand name. Most of their photos are of WM Doll and JY Doll, with a few other oddballs in there, but no brand names tells me they are probably not authentic dolls. Also all the customization options (including wig options) are the same for every doll which it shouldn’t be if those are real WM and JY Dolls. I recommend taking a look at my trusted site list if you plan to purchase a genuine doll.

  39. Dmitriy


    Is sex doll alley a legit website?

    1. Steven

      Hello Dmitriy,

      I looked at their website and they are clearly a imitation/counterfeit doll seller. Their extremely low prices make it very obvious. I would not order from them.

  40. Dave

    I’ve been researching for a doll for a while now, actually purchased one from Kikdolls – yet after the transaction was made, I was informed the doll was out of stock. I cancelled my order, and had to verify with my credit union that the transaction was refunded. I am now looking at ESDOLL, and they have a good coupon deal. I am also considering VeaLove dolls, what do you think about these two sights?

    Thank you for any information,

    Dave –

    1. Steven

      Hello Dave,
      Sorry for the late reply. Both ESDOLL and Vealove Dolls are counterfeit doll sellers. Their prices make it very obvious to tell. They have WM Doll photos but are selling them at a fraction of the price. You won’t ever see a WM Doll under $1000 (except the 100cm model). WM Dolls are usually $1400-2000+. If you order from these sites, you will get a sex doll, but it will be a low quality counterfeit/imitation doll and won’t look like the photos. It really depends on your budget and whether you would settle for an imitation doll. I think it would be a waste of money.

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