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Game Lady Releases New Seamless Neck 100cm Tifa Mini Doll

On October 18, 2023, Game Lady released yet another 100cm Tifa mini doll, but with a twist. This time, she’s All-In-One (AIO) with a seamless neck. As their Tifa army grows (with another addition to the lineup), this is also their first ever AIO doll. Along with the recent SGD Studio Tifa figure, it’s looking like a mini Tifa paradise lately. The new 100cm Tifa with Head #03M is basically the same 100cm Tifa as before (the updated one). The only difference appears to be the seamless neck, and possibly lighter than before at 8.5 kg (18.7 lbs). Overall, this could be an interesting addition for the Tifa collectors out there.

Game Lady Doll 100cm Body with Head No. 3M (AIO)

Factory Photos

The 100cm Tifa returns, and this time with a furry companion. If I remember correctly, this is Game Lady’s 7th Tifa variation now. Not that there’s anything wrong with Tifa, but they can only release so many before people get bored or tired of her. Tifa aside, the seamless neck is really the highlight here. If you’ve ever noticed, Game Lady’s head-neck connection doesn’t look great. There’s a pretty jarring “seamline” in how their head and neck are designed. The AIO design is a nice solution, but I’m curious if they plan to add it to their full-sized dolls as well. Judging by how popular their Tifa dolls are, I could imagine an AIO 167cm Tifa. Whether they’re just testing the waters or not, it’s nice to see them try something new, even if it’s on something old. Which AIO doll or new Tifa head will come out next?

Thoughts on the new Game Lady AIO 100cm Tifa with seamless neck? Comment below!

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Kar

    I don’t understand why Tifa is everywhere, why they don’t make a 100 cm Lara, for example, or another model.


    I own an old 100cm Tifa doll.
    The doll’s knee joints have become weak and she is unable to stand.
    Improvement in joints is also desired.

  3. Robert

    I’m so glad Game Lady/Zelex decided to do a doll with seamless neck. If I am not wrong this should be their absolute first doll that has this feature. Hopefully more brands try to do AIO dolls. Angel Kiss did two recently so it might be a trend other brands will follow suite.

  4. Adam

    There is no enough Tifa in this world heheh

  5. IconOkee

    It should have been seamless from the beginning and yep, that’s a nice cat.

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