Buying a sex doll isn’t like buying something cheap from Amazon. A majority of top sex doll brands don’t sell on Amazon, Ebay, or Aliexpress (which are free-for-all marketplaces with lots of stolen photos) so it’s best to avoid them. Instead, you want to find a trustworthy vendor, who are authorized distributors of well-known sex doll brands. Although it’s possible to order directly from a brand, I recommend ordering through a vendor for more buyer protection, better customer service, and sometimes lower prices as well.
Where Do I Buy a Sex Doll?
With the rise in sex doll popularity, many Chinese stores have opened up to sell imitation or counterfeit dolls. You’ll see this a lot on marketplace websites like Ebay, Amazon, and Aliexpress, as well as their own domains. Basically, they sell cheap copies with another brand’s photos (like selling fake iphones with Apple’s photos). Knockoff dolls won’t look the same as the photo, are made of inferior quality, and will fall apart quickly.
I don’t recommend cheaping out when it comes to a sex doll. Sex dolls aren’t just for sex, but also for love, companionship, cuddling, photography, and so much more. You want something that looks good, feels good, and lasts for years. That’s why it’s important to buy an authentic doll from the original manufacturers and designers.
How Do I Find a Trustworthy Vendor?
Having run my own store in the past selling name-brand dolls, I have a good idea whether a website is legit or not. After scouring through hundreds of vendors, I created a list of my personal favorites. Not only did I personally vet each one, I gathered data and reviews from real customers on The Doll Forum, Reddit, and more. Both the doll community and I can guarantee these stores sell authentic dolls with excellent customer service and reasonable prices. They all have their own specialties, and you can’t go wrong with any of them. I recommend visiting each one because they’re all slightly different.
Tip: Don’t be afraid to contact vendors! Feel free to email them and ask them anything!
Trusted Sex Doll Vendors
Sex Dolls Shop™ is a highly prestigious sex doll vendor to order from. Their customer service is top-notch, and they offer an excellent selection of dolls at reasonable prices. You’re not just getting a doll; you’re getting a team that cares and helps you every step of the way. They’re one of the safest vendors, and although on the slightly pricier side, their customer service is hard to beat.
My Robot Doll is a trusted vendor that ships worldwide including Europe. They have the most up-to-date selection of top brands, including more elusive brands like Shedoll, TAYU, and Aotume. They’re the leading vendor for Sino Doll, and offer the hyper-realistic Top-Sino series. With many satisfied customers and reasonable prices, they’re the place to check out the latest dolls.
Silicone Lovers is a popular and rapidly-growing vendor from the UK. With over 30 top brands to choose from, they have one of the largest catalogs out there. They offer both TPE and silicone sex dolls, and have friendly and helpful customer service. Combine that with a huge selection of dolls at great prices (including their exclusive Lushdoll brand), you have an almost perfect sex doll store.
Better Love Doll is a global vendor with extensive doll knowledge and strong relationships with factories and manufacturers. Up-to-date with the latest brands like Evas Doll and IDO Doll, they offer many name-brands, as well as affordable in-stock dolls. Based in Hong Kong but fluent in English, they serve as a valuable link between you and top brands, with quick and professional customer service. They’re also a longtime supporter of my blog.
The Doll Channel is the only vendor with an active Youtube channel, who livestreams every week. They specialize in smaller sex dolls, and can ship dolls domestically to avoid customs issues. Based in the US, they have many in-stock dolls ready-to-ship including mini dolls. They also sell doll wigs and various accessories.
Don't Get Ripped off!
When it comes to sex dolls, there are two important things to keep in mind:
- Avoid cheap and counterfeit sex dolls from unknown sellers.
As they say, “You get what you pay for.” Most dolls under $1000 (except for mini dolls) aren’t authentic, name-brand dolls. Many stores out there sell cheap replicas using another brand’s photos to trick customers. Not only do they not match the photos, they’re of inferior quality, and break quickly. More and more of these websites are popping up. A general rule of thumb is don’t purchase sex dolls from Aliexpress, Ebay, or Amazon. Because they’re free-for-all marketplaces (both good and bad sellers), you never know what you’ll get.
2. Customer service is as important as price.
Although there are many sketchy websites out there, there are also many trustworthy vendors. But which one should you choose? The one with the lowest prices? Probably not. When it comes to luxury products like sex dolls, you need a vendor who has your back if something goes wrong. Customer service is extremely important because in the doll industry, things are unpredictable. A reputable vendor can resolve problems quickly, and make sure you get what you paid for. Having personally been ghosted by several vendors in the past, sometimes, it’s worth paying a little more for the peace of mind.
Vendors to Avoid
SexDollGenie: Formerly a TDF vendor, they scammed me over a year ago. With non-existent customer service, they pretended to “look into” issues (for over a year) but never actually did anything. Once they send you a doll, you’re on your own – you’ll never hear from them again.
FFdolls & bestsexdollstore: Scammers who cloned my entire blog, and changed my name to theirs. People have stolen my content before (which is why I watermark everything), but never my entire website. Don’t let them steal your money next.. (I contacted the brands they carry, and none of them ever heard of them, and their contact forms don’t even work)
Now that you know where to buy a sex doll, it’s time to start enjoying life again! Feel free to comment below if you have any questions.
Are acsexdolls ok?
Hi Brian,
They sell knockoff dolls so they’re not a website I would personally order from. If you want to take a gamble on them, it’s up to you. All their photos are stolen from other brands so you really don’t know what you will receive. If you do order from them, be sure to ask for factory photos of the doll you’re interested in (before you order) and have a back-up plan in case something goes wrong.
I already ordered, so it’s too late I guess
They should still send you a doll. Maybe you’ll get lucky and get a decent one for the price. Just be sure to inspect the doll when she arrives. Look for damages and whether she matches the photos/description. Someone emailed me once- his knockoff doll looked completely different than the photos and rather than documenting it, the first thing he did was have sex with it and it broke after one use. Needless to say, he couldn’t return it and was out a lot of money.
Do they normally sent good dolls thou?
Unfortunately, I don’t know anyone who has ordered from them. You can try to cancel the order or just wait and see what you receive.
Hi, I was thinking of purchasing a sex doll myself and I found myself in with dolls like Aune and Tammara that I am interested in. I think the prices seem too cheap to be true. Do you know any other legit sites that can sell me those the cheapest?
Hi Matt,
That website indeed sells knockoff dolls with stolen photos, and is one of the worse ones I’ve seen. Aune is a Piper Doll 150cm Akira Big Breast. You can find her on many of the websites on my list. Tammara looks like an Aibei doll. You can try asking MyRobotDoll about her. The prices of the authentic versions will be significantly higher than that website.
Any info/opinion regarding Tenderdolls
Site looks good.
Prices on Piper seem okay.
WM prices seem too low.
Hi Kevin,
I used to think Tenderdolls was legit. However, you are right. The WM Doll prices look suspiciously low. The Piper and Doll Forever prices look about right, but their WM prices are super low now. Thanks for the heads-up. I would be hesitant ordering from them now.
How’s rosemary doll in your opinion?
Hi Shane,
Rosemarydoll looks legit to me. They are based in China but they’re probably safe to order from.
I found a California based warehouse at there is a doll named “Anne” .I’ve only seen at a few places couple a years ago… Any word on them? Thank you
Hi Tommy,
Based on the price, “Anne” is probably a knockoff JY Doll. The quality of knockoffs are a gamble so make sure you have buyer protection or a back-up plan. I personally would not order from them but it’s up to you.
Hi James,
What’s your opinions on climax-doll branded dolls and site? I looked at their history and site, most of their stuff isn’t to my taste but their recent doll, Savannah and Fukada, were a huge jump in (visual) quality. It made me actually want to consider them for purchase for the future. In the mean time I saw they were having a special on some in-stock dolls they were liquidating from a closed/closing US location. A Fukada body with 3 head options for like $649. Please tell me what you think. I’ve been trying to get some expert or knowledgeable people on this subject to give me takes and opinions to see if I should take a leap on this special deal. I also emailed their contact and have been getting more details on this but I would still want to hear what you can tell me anything about these dolls, site, or in-stock disposal doll warnings or whatever.
Hi Noh,
Like you, Climax dolls never really appealed to me so I haven’t followed them much. I don’t know much about them. This forum section will be your best bet in finding reviews and information about them: Good luck.
UPDATE: Yes I’ve received my order from, everything went perfect, and they were with me every step of the way until I received my Mila. If I could post pictures on here I would show it to you, so I’ll share you a link to my reddit instead where I’ve posted pics of my new doll…. Please update to the legitimate vendors list, cause they’re indeed legit.
Hey there,
Just wanted to leave a message to thank you for this. I bought a doll from and after I received it, I thought it was a bit different from what I had ordered. I could tell the quality was meh at best. After reading through all of this, it was easy to realise that I had been scammed with a knockoff, sold at a full price.
I quickly filed a refund claim with paypal and to my surprise, I was refunded the whole purchase in less than a day.
Glad I used paypal to pay. Thanks again,
Has anybody bought anything off Amazon? I found something called sakurai susu that I wanted lol but I’m not sure if the thing is legit
Sex dolls or partial sex dolls on Amazon are usually knockoffs or generic/unbranded products. I couldn’t find it on Amazon, but if you trust Amazon’s return policy, you could take a chance on it.
Hi, any experience with, and The latter two apparently offer Paypal and mysmartdoll looks kinda professional, but i’m still not sure…
Hi Raphael,
All 3 websites sell knockoff dolls. Mysmartdoll is a separate section of Ainidoll for their mini dolls. Depending on what dolls you’re looking for, mysmartdoll would be the better choice out of the 3 since they are at least based in the US and have some decent feedback. I have not heard anything about the other 2 websites.
Is a counterfeit or scam site? They are unusually cheap like dolls such as the 101cm half legs etc. They have pictures of the dolls taken from their warehouse and sell cheaper dolls that are damaged from shipping. Thanks in advance
Hi Lucas,
Lucidtoys is a legit seller but I’m not 100% sure whether they sell knockoff dolls or not. Their Neodoll brand seems like knockoff dolls based on the price, but judging from their warehouse photos, it’s possible they bought them in bulk to sell at lower prices. Those legs are listed as “Neojoy,” which like “Neodoll” is questionable. They seem to be unbranded or generic, and probably ordered in bulk, which is why they are so cheap. I don’t know if the quality is good or not, and whether the Neodoll/Neojoy brand are knockoff dolls. It seems like a gamble to me judging by how cheap they are. You can always try contacting them.
Thank you foot the help. Appreciate it
Hello Steven. How about
are they legitimate? Thank you
Hi John,
Their website does not load for me. I tried opening it multiple times today. I’ll try it again tomorrow.
Hallo Steven,
wer oder was ist die Webseite Catdoll? Vertrauenswürdig? Nach den Preisen ist sie das schon. Doch zum Beispiel wie Wahl der Optionen und die Erreichbarkeit ist echt fragwürdig!
Mfg Rolf
Hi Rolf,
Catdoll is a brand and the only trustworthy vendor that I know of that sells them is HGDoll. However, it looks like their website is down right now.
Hey, is a legit site?
Hi Vince,
The dolls in their in-stock section are knockoff dolls based on the price. The dolls in their “Brands” section are priced more correctly, but I don’t know if I can trust the authenticity if they also sell knockoffs. They are also missing a lot of customization options. There are much better websites to buy from in my opinion.
Are the mini sex dolls not appropriate to buy?
I was also wondering about sex Angelbaby, hot sexy dolls and kanadoll. I was led to this site
because I am worried about getting scammed.
In my opinion, mini sex dolls are perfectly appropriate to buy but it depends on where you live. Certain countries and states in the US have laws against child-like dolls and dolls under a certain height. I’m not a fan of any of those websites you posted. KanaDoll might be ok for smaller brands like Aibei, but I don’t know if I would trust ordering a name-brand doll from them. The other two I would not buy from.
Thanks for the quick reply, I found some other ones since that I like better. I am concerned about getting ripped-off. I can’t afford the expensive ones. i really just want a 100-140. I also don’t like fake boobs so I prefer the flat chested dolls. The sites that seem to be legit don’t offer these dolls.
I see the pics, so they must exist somewhere. Is there any issues trying to buy one of these dolls that look under age? I just like the smaller feet tbh. My ex-wife looked 18 at 30 and had 6 inch feet.
Naturally, these dolls would attract me for those reasons only. Is there a specific place you would recommend to get the dolls under 130? I’m afraid they will rip me off for sure, but someone must actually be selling them, right? Do the legit places not sell them?
Hi Vince,
Many trustworthy websites don’t sell smaller dolls which is why you see them a lot on shady, Chinese vendor websites. The only trustworthy vendor I know of that sells smaller dolls is TheDollChannel. While you can take a chance on knockoff doll sites, it’s always a gamble. I recommend checking out TheDollChannel first to see if they have anything you like. They have many in-stock dolls if you live in the US.
Thank you so much for your information. So by what you told me, I’m guessing lovedolls4u would be a bad idea too.
Are you able to tell me where you would buy a 100-120 cm doll?
The kanadoll one is a MeSe. It’s $953 for a 145cm with no add ons. From what I’ve seen, I think it’s a good deal, but I’m just guessing. I tried forever to buy a doll on the doll channel. When I click add to cart, it resets my choices back to nothing. I tried at least 5 times. I sent them a message with no reply. Maybe they are on vacation!
Lovedolls4u looks like they sell Aibei dolls and WM knockoffs. It’s always a gamble ordering from sites like that. If I wanted a smaller doll, I would get one from TheDollChannel. His emails are a bit slow, but you can always try calling him. I’m not sure why it’s resetting your choices. As for MeSe, I never heard of that brand before, but it might be ok to buy that from Kanadoll since it’s a more obscure brand. You should contact them and ask to see factory photos of the doll (to see what it looks like in-person) and to get an idea of their customer service.
I really appreciate all of your help. I’m not sure what happened on the doll channel, but I see now that all of the dolls I tried to add are in my cart now so maybe the problem was on my end. That kimber doll will probably be the one I buy because she has the prettiest feet I have seen yet. They are bigger than what I was looking for ( 21 cm ), but probably a perfect fit lol. I’ll wait to hear back from The doll channel first. I sent them another email about the foot sizes on the girls that I liked. Such a tough choice, lol.
Actually, the doll I want the most is on the doll channel. I’m just worried about this site because
they don’t take paypal. Do you have a code or some way to get a cut, because if they send me the
doll that I ordered I will buy many more. You led me there so you deserve something for sure. Is there some way for me to verify through my credit card that this is a safe transaction? It just seems like an issue where they won’t take my cards. No way I’m sending WU no matter what someone says. They do seem shady, I must say, but if that is just because of the territory, I understand. I never bought something like this online, but I am street smart. The site seems to good to be true to be honest. Based on my searches…
I’m glad you found a doll you like. Don’t worry about me getting a cut, although I appreciate the gesture. 🙂 TheDollChannel is definitely legit. The owner, Ricky, has a YouTube channel here if you want to see what he’s like: Some of his in-stock dolls are cheaper brands like DollXES which have a more simple skeleton (with a goose neck and wire wrists) which is why their price seems so low. They also don’t have the prettiest website, but you definitely won’t get scammed. Not sure about the credit card problem, but Ricky no longer accepts Paypal. I recommend giving him a call. He’s a nice guy.
Sounds good to me. I’ll give him a holler. I was just saving up for a hooker anyway, I live in Vegas lol. I travel through Texas when I go to Costa Rica. Maybe I’ll save a few trips. The girls in NV aren’t cheap! I’m okay with the cheaper doll since it’s my first one. I don’t have enough experience or money to get a good one. Seemingly you saved me from getting scammed for sure, I was ready to pull the trigger, but you got me to play it safe and take my time. Thanks again Steven, I’ll probably send a lot of people that way!
Yes, I can confirm that TheDollChannel is legit. I paid by bank transfer in advance, and all the transactions went OK and I got my goods and there were no problems. If there are problems, email them (Ricky) and he will sort it out.
That’s a relief. ThankYou. I was hoping my instincts were correct. He is really easy to talk to and can also answer questions about dolls in general. His youtube channel is also informative and can be hilarious at times. I am getting ready to order a 100cm doll from him and still have enough to buy kimberdoll too. This would not have been possible without your help so I am very thankful to you being there for us doll lovers.
No problem. Glad I could help. 🙂
Dollhouse San Antonio? Are they legit?
Hi Tracey,
The Doll House San Antonio is owned by Ricky, who also owns The Doll Channel. They are legit.
Yes, I can confirm that the Doll House San Antonio is legit.
Hello, nice site and I am glad that I stumbled upon it. I found several websites and I wanted to know if they were legit. You answered one already from another request: However there were a few other sites that I was curious about:,,, and Thanks in advance.
Hi Jason,
Premiumdolls sells knockoff dolls at authentic prices. You can tell from their lack of brand names and “Aliexpress customization options.” I would definitely avoid them. The other 3 sell knockoff dolls at the usual, low prices. As far as knockoff dolls go, MistressLoveDolls has been around for a long time and apparently have a lot of happy customers in this 17-page thread on Dollforum: I also heard good feedback about Ainidoll, but again, these sites do not sell authentic dolls seen in the photos. For the price, they might be good enough, but I still think it’s a gamble.
Thank you so much for your quick response and taking the time to do so. It is very much appreciated. If I am going to be investing a significant chunk of change in a doll, I may as well spend a little more to make sure it is of higher quality. Better to spend $2000 on something legit, than $1500 on something inferior. It’s already hard-earned money. I should be content with what I spend it on. If I had the extra money to try the knockoff without worrying too much, I might try it, maybe try it just to review it, but I don’t have extra money for that sort of thing. Thank you very much for this wonderful service you have provided. Again, I fully appreciate it.
What do you think of
Hi Alex,
I’m not a big fan of them. They sell cheap sex torsos, most of which are miniature sizes so make sure you pay attention to the dimensions. Most of their reviews are fake, the mini dolls are knockoffs, and it’s hard to find any real reviews of their website. You can take a chance on them, but they aren’t a website I would personally order from.
Hi is a legit site
Hi Jason,
Yourdoll has a controversial past but they are probably legit now. I haven’t heard anything bad about them recently. Their website looks legit.
Is FoxloveDoll Store legit or do they sell knockoff dolls?
Hi C.J,
If you mean the one on Aliexpress, then yes, they probably sell knockoffs. I live in the US so I can’t see their dolls (Aliexpress banned doll sales in the US) but it’s safe to assume 99% of Aliexpress dolls are knockoffs.
Ok good to know,was not sure if they where cheap just because there direct from factory and not from a resellers that puts tax/customs and chipping cost to the price.
Have you any information on I’m looking to buy my first doll and definitely don’t want to get ripped off.
Hi Andrew,
They are a typical knockoff doll seller. Everything on their website is copy-and-pasted from other websites with no effort. I’ve seen so many sites with that same “300+ employees” About Us section. Their reviews are fake and stolen from other websites (some reviews even mention another vendor’s name). I would not order from them just because they are very deceptive and untrustworthy, like the usual “100% same as in photos” bs.. But if they do send you a doll, it will be the usual counterfeit doll gamble.
Can you tell me if theyre legit?
I ordered a doll fron them and am a bit worried after doing a little research. I guess its out of my hands now but i guess it cant huet to ask right?
Hi Cristian,
They sell very cheap, knockoff dolls. They will send you a doll, but it will be an imitation of the doll in the photos (so it won’t look exactly the same). If you’re lucky, you’ll receive a decent doll for the price, but it’s really a big gamble. A lot of times, people receive a completely different doll or a doll that breaks quickly. Hopefully, you receive something decent.
Do you know if this company is legit?
They seem to be, even have a youtube channel.
But their prices seem to be very low… makes me wonder.
Hi Luis,
I’m not a big fan of them. While some of their dolls could be authentic, their “Neodoll” brand is basically a knockoff doll brand. I would be hesitant to trust them or order one of their Neodolls. They also don’t have any customization options. I don’t know if it’s true that have every doll in-stock or not, but that would be a good option if you live in the UK. They’re a legit company but their “Neodoll” and “Neojoy” line definitely looks like knockoffs to me. But you never know, the quality could still be decent for the price. It’s just a gamble.
Hello Steven, do you know what the best place to deliver in south america?
It will be my first experience buying something like that.
Hi Dre,
Unfortunately, I don’t know any vendors that ship to South America. It’s usually risky and troublesome importing there so most vendors don’t want to take the risk. You might have to ask around and contact various websites, or try to find doll owners in your country. I don’t think any vendors on my list ship to South America.
Steven, i found this vendor who already shipped to my country for a buyer this month and apparently it’s all ok with his product. What can you say about this doll? Seems legit? I don’t know about brands, but this is an option that would be affordable for me and the only one far now I found that sends to brazil. LINK: A PICTURE HE SENT TO ME: Thanks for the help.
Hi Dre,
Unfortunately, I can’t see the Aliexpress link since Aliexpress banned sex dolls in the US. Since you said it is affordable (and because it’s on Aliexpress), then it is probably a generic doll with no brand. It might be good enough for the price, but it’s always a gamble. Make sure to do some research about the seller first.
Can you tell me about
Hi Robert,
FineLoveDolls is legit and has been around for a long time. They’re not on my list since they’re based in China, but they should be safe to order from.
Is this company Silicone Sexy Doll ( legit?
From what i researched they seem to be, though they have low prices.
Hi Luis,
Silicone Sexy Doll is most likely legit. However, I don’t recommend ordering a 6YE doll from them because they had conflicts with 6YE in the past. Some of their doll prices do seem a little low, but not unrealistically low. They also carry a lot of smaller brands that I have never heard of. You should be fine as long as you order a well-known brand from them (except 6YE).
What’s the best trustworthy site to buy WM dolls from? Is legit?
Hi Fa,
I’m not a big fan of joylovedolls. They’re probably legit, but they have misleading prices (due to height options and the smallest height selected by default), fake reviews, and the wrong customization options for every brand. The vendors on my list above are trustworthy and most of them sell WM Dolls.
I bought one from absolutesexdoll I tried to cancel my order after purchase and no response
Hi Steven,
I was wondering if is ok to buy from? Found sex doll there I really like. When I first went to their site they answered all my many questions. They also sent warehouse pictures of the dolls I was interested in. I’m really glade the did as one doll that looked really good on the website was not so pleasing in warehouse pic. I’m getting really frustrated with blow up dolls & am looking for a good TPE doll. I don’t have much money as I’m retired. Also I’m looking for one that doesn’t weigh more then 55 to 60 lbs.
Hi RJ,
ACsexdolls sells knockoff dolls, which are basically imitations of what you see in the photos. Therefore, as you discovered, they can look very different in the factory photos and in-person. If you’re looking for a doll under 55-60 lbs, it will have to be a fairly small doll. Probably 140cm or less. You could check out Kimber Doll, which is around $500 and weighs 63 pounds. If you live in the US, you can also check TheDollChannel who has some affordable and smaller dolls in their in-stock section.
Thank you for the quick response. I live in the US so I will check out TheDollChannel & Kimber Doll also. I Will let you know how things turn out.
Hello Steven I’m looking to buy 2 silicone Piper doll’s, I was wondering if Dollto-China is a trusted website?
Hi Keith,
Yes, Dollto-China is a popular and trustworthy website.
Is legit? seem to have quality stuff in stock in the U.S.
Hi Ash,
Yes, they are on my list of trusted vendors.
Any opinions on
Hi Michael,
They are a very shameless knockoff doll seller that photoshops their logo onto other companies’ photos. Most noticably the photo from RealDoll. Their prices are very low, all their content is stolen, and their reviews are from Aliexpress. I personally wouldn’t order from them.
Hey, Thanks for your help about the Ahri doll.
I saw the factory photos and its obviously not an authenthic. Do you have any websites recommendation for Video game/manga cosplaying Dolls?
Hi Terra,
It’s hard to find dolls that look like video game characters. You can find a similar looking doll and then cosplay them. As for anime/manga, DollHouse168 has some anime dolls, and the brand, Aotume, specializes in anime dolls. You can find Aotume on TheDollChannel and MyRobotDoll.
Hi Steven any website where I can buy talking sex doll full size at low price or deal
Hi Imran,
If you mean sex dolls with an AI head that can talk, there aren’t many options right now. There’s RealDoll with the RealDollX AI Heads, and there’s the cheaper Chinese version by AI-Tech called the Emma Sex Robot. Both are still in the early stages and quite expensive.
Hey I was wondering if is legit? I was looking for Anime/cosplaying sex dolls and it’s the only website that has what I want.
Hi Terra,
Shoppingdolls sells knockoff dolls. Most of their dolls (such as the WM Dolls) are counterfeits with stolen photos. That Ahri doll is from a very rare brand, supposedly called “Lastorder,” but you won’t find any information online about them. It’s possible it could be an authentic “Lastorder” doll since that is not a name-brand, but there’s no way of being sure. Try contacting them for factory photos of the doll, that will at least let you know if it matches the promo photos. Also all the doll reviews on that website are obviously fake. I personally wouldn’t order from that website, but it’s up to you.
Is their any good DXES dolls under $500?
Hi Orion,
If you live in the US, I recommend DXES dolls from TheDollChannel. According to Ricky, they are good quality, but they have a goose-neck and wire wrists to cut down on the costs. TheDollChannel also has many budget-friendly in-stock dolls in the US. For around $500, you can also look into Kimber Doll, which is an affordable full-sized doll.
Hi is legit? Because I’m looking to buy a mini doll
Hi Orion,
That website sells knockoff dolls with stolen photos so I have no idea if the quality is good or not, but it probably won’t look like the photos. There are many signs that they are an Aliexpress seller from the customization options, specification tables, and reviews. I personally wouldn’t order from them but that risk is up to you.
Hi is legit?
Hi H.,
That website supposedly belongs to the brand BBDoll, also known in the West as CST Doll. I don’t know if usbbdoll is legit but their contact domain does have their company name (which is Chun Shui Tang). According to people on Dollforum, is the US website, so I’m not sure why there is a If you want to find a vendor, google CST Doll, or if you want to order directly from them, I think is the correct website. Note that the prices are a bit misleading because of the height options.
Awesome, thank you
Hi, we all belong to the CST, if you don’t believe in us, you can ask Abby who is the owner of
So far so good, they’ve been with me every step of the way, and have just sent me a video of my doll I ordered from them. I’ll keep you guys updated when she arrives. #usbbdoll dot com .
If everything goes well i’ll order some more dolls from them…
Yes I agree I’ve recently done business with you and you guys were great, you’re not scammers and you’re indeed a legitimate business. Also Abby the manufacturer of the cst doll confirmed that she’s indeed affiliated with
Celeste if you can please add to your legitimate selling list.
Is legit comes from czech.
Hi Willy,
They look legit to me. I don’t see any red flags. I also recommend MyRobotDoll for a EU vendor.
I see the customization on exceeds almost everywhere. Prices and Brands look legit. Would love to know your opinion
Hi Ed, is legit. They offer a lot of unique customization options that many other vendors don’t offer (supposedly because they have a team at the factory). All the options can be a bit overwhelming for beginners, but as far as I know, they are legit.
Any info on They are on Reddit, pintrest and recommended on other random sites. I started a chat with them and they answered all my questions in almost perfect English. Very basic options like the legit sites I’ve checked out that are listed on here. Is it possible that they are legit?? A bit more pricey then others but the products look to be good quality. Let me know if you don’t anything about them! I would appreciate it. Thanks!
Hi Danny,
They could be legit although their JY Doll prices seem suspiciously low. I did find them on HR Doll and SE Doll’s Authorized Reseller lists so that’s a good sign. However, they are missing a lot of customization options and I suspect that many of their doll reviews are fake. Ultimately, it’s up to you. If you want peace of mind, I recommend going with a trusted vendor, or you can take a chance on them. They are a Chinese vendor and being on Reddit and Pinterest doesn’t really mean anything. They just made a couple of posts there to advertise their website.
Hi Is a legit website to buy a doll?
Hi Sam,
Dollsclub is probably legit, but they have height options with the shortest height selected by default which makes their prices misleading. If you select the same height as in the photo, the price will go up. Otherwise, they are probably legit.
Hey I was wondering if was a trustworthy site, as they are having a sale on mini sex dolls. They take Paypal so if it’s a scam I should be able to open a complaint, I assume
Hi Charles,
They sell knockoff dolls, which are basically imitations of what you see in the photos. Judging from the description and reviews, they look like dolls from websites like Aliexpress. If you want to take the risk, it’s up to you.
Is Sexdollcenter a trusted website or are they knockoffs? Thanks for your help.
Hi Justin,
They sell knockoffs based on their low prices and lack of brand names. The picture of various brands on the bottom of their website makes them rather shameless. They are definitely not authentic dolls.
Thank you for your help.
What do you think about, they do sell rather cheap, but I haven’t found anything on reviews for them, and they have the legit web https//… payment info is actually secure on their site… and all the bells and whistles. The issues are always that the for sure, legit sites all don’t offer the ability to put on lay-away, or pay over time deals. Sure, save up, save up, and then buy, but sometimes some people have holes in their pockets. So lay-away options help the ADHD people actually eventually purchase by kind of, in a way forcing us to save the money. Get what I am saying? Lol… either way, let me know. And thanks.
p.s. it also shows on their site the price they are usually selling them at, and then gives you the discounted or sale price.
Hi Onyx,
Based on the low prices and lack of brand names, they definitely sell knockoff dolls, which are cheap copies of what you see in the photos. The photos are stolen from other brands, mainly WM Doll, so you can’t trust any of the photos. The reviews are also fake, 30+ reviews for every doll is just unrealistic. Most people don’t leave reviews. The slashed out price also means nothing. Those numbers are just made up. If you are on a really tight budget, you can take a risk and gamble on a knockoff doll, but you can easily lose your money if they send you a crappy doll. You can take a look at Kimber Doll, which is an affordable authentic doll, or some of the budget dolls at TheDollChannel. Otherwise, the risk is up to you.
Doll newbie here, boy am I glad I found your post!
I have a few quick questions about a specific model from axb dolls. I’ve looked at each of your recommended sites and axb dolls don’t appear to be sold on any of them. They have a unique doll that has really piqued my interest, enough to finally get a real doll. seems like a reputable, legit site. Axb manufactured dolls also seem to be around and of notable quality. Is it possible for an entire manufacturer to be fake? Is axb dolls a fake manufacturer? Do you have any experience or knowledge of them?
I was avoiding all the scam sites and went directly to their main site and their customer service was quick and knowledgeable. Any help with regards to this website and specific manufacturer would be of great help!
Meanwhile I will be creating a doll forum account seems like they really know what’s up there so if I’m going to dive in I may as well haha
Thank you 🙂
Hi Layre, is the official website for AXB Doll so it should be safe ordering from them. They are a real brand/manufacturer. Usually, it’s recommended to order through a vendor for more buyer protection and better customer service, but as you noticed, not many vendors offer AXB Doll. If you want to order through a vendor, I found one recently that sells AXB: (they are listed under Zelex, which is the parent company). They may not have every doll listed so you might have to contact them. They seem trustworthy and are very active on The Doll Club discord server. It’s up to you whether you want to order directly from AXB or through a vendor. Both options should be safe.
Wow thanks for the quick response!
Well unfortunately the model I’m looking at is not listed at northern doll.
The model I’m looking for is listed at:
Not sure if you’re able to see those links but if you are, of those three which do think would be the best place to buy? It’s questionable because one is more expensive but the other is the same price as the manufacturer itself.
Hope I’m not asking too much, if you know of a safer place to find this one that would be incredible.
Thank you so much for your help with this again and for all the help you’ve given newbies like me with these replies 😊🙏
Hi Layre,
I personally would not recommend YourDoll or uloversdoll. The only 2 trustworthy vendors of AXB I found so far are NorthernDoll and Dollto-China, but they don’t have that specific model listed. You can either contact them to add the model or buy directly from AXB Doll. Either of those options should be fine.
Hello Steven,
Thank you for your website. I just discovered it and the blog articles are really a pleasure to read. Are you sure sure that is a legit official website? While the prices are correct, the customers reviews seem faked. Furthermore, there is no mention of zelex. I’m interested by a product with minor defect and price cut, thus cheaper than on, but I fear being scammed…
Hi Marc,
I am sure that is AXB Doll’s official website. Zelex is the parent company of AXB. Since the dolls are AXB Doll brand and not Zelex, that is probably why Zelex isn’t mentioned. Their website has some fake things like the box on the bottom that says someone just bought a doll, and probably some fake reviews too as you mentioned. However, that is still the official website of AXB. As I told the other commenter, if you are worried, you can order through a vendor like Dollto-China or NorthernDoll for more protection.
Hey, I finally saved up enough money to buy my first sex toy. I don’t want anything too expensive so I decided I will purchase a torso instead of a doll. I found this torso named Rosie in Tantaly which costs about 300. Are they legit or not.
Hi Jason,
Tantaly is legit and has good reviews. I’m not very knowledgeable about sex torsos so all I can add is be sure to look at the size/dimensions. Sometimes I see torsos that look big in photos but actually have small dimensions, so make sure you know how big it actually is first. Good luck.
hello steven, its me again
last time i asked about a webstie from dloex and i actually had one on the way when i was looking for alternatives
if you would like me to i could show you the one i got so you could have at least some information to add to before you decide
just hit my email if you want to talk about it
i messed up that whole message cause i was changing topics so frequently.. o_o
what i meant was i bought a doll from dloex before i asked you about it. do you wanna take a look at it, if it would help you in whatever way
Hi D,
Nice to hear from you again. I would love to hear about your experiences with dloex. Feel free to comment here or if it’s more personal, you can email me at Thanks.
Hi Steven,
Is legit? Thank you!
Hi Leo,
KanaDoll is a bit hard to tell and can go either way.. The main red flags with their website is they don’t clearly display the brand name, some dolls are listed as the wrong brand, and certain models like the WM 166C are way too cheap. I personally wouldn’t recommend ordering a name-brand like WM Doll from them, but their smaller brands like Aibei and “Kanadoll” (which looks like Aibei) could be authentic.
Hey, im looking to buy my first love doll and saw some pretty decent deals on,are they legit and if not where should i go,i cant afford over 2,000
Hi James,
They sell knockoff dolls so they aren’t selling what’s actually shown in the photos. The photos are stolen from elsewhere. You can contact them for factory photos of the doll, but it’s always a gamble ordering knockoff dolls. For cheaper dolls, you can check out Kimber Doll, TheDollChannel, and even SiliconeLovers sells most dolls for under $2000.