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Sex Doll News: Sino Miyan & Miju, MMX Enya, Qita’s Back, & More

As spring blooms on, it’s still all gas, no brakes in the doll industry, although things cooled off just a touch. Working nonstop since CNY, a fuel break wouldn’t be unexpected, but you wouldn’t guess it from the amount of news here. This week, Sino Doll celebrated their 7th anniversary with some new heads, while other name-brands were largely MIA (or only had new photosets). Perfect time for smaller brands to take over, and they certainly seized the chance. Top-Cydoll, MMX Doll, SY Doll, and Ridmii continued to make a name for themselves, while Qita Doll rose from the dead. Without further ado, let’s keep it going with another photo-filled week of sex doll news.

SE Doll

Starting with SE Doll, who returned with 2 new photosets. This includes the bunny-themed “silicone T163cm Yuuka” and goth girl “TPE 168cm Maggie.”

Elsa Babe

Elsa Babe released yet another anime head called Kira Chiyuki. Looking stylish yet super familiar, she’s designed for the 160cm body, which is rarer these days for them. An interesting choice for their taller body.

Irontech Doll

Attending every expo possible, Irontech Doll debuted at the 2025 Intimi Expo in Sao Paulo, Brazil last weekend. Possibly the first time a doll brand has appeared there, this was interesting since Latin America is a fairly untapped market, though many vendors don’t usually ship there (due to risky shipping and some country’s laws).

Irontech Doll had a fairly small booth with 4 dolls, which they shared with Erovenus. Since Erovenus’ recent Max Series greatly resembled Irontech’s style, it seems likely they’re made in the same factory now.

Sino Doll

Sino Doll celebrated their 7th anniversary with 2 new heads in their ACE Soft-Max series. On the 167cm body, they released Miyan (T40) and Miju (T41) – two realistic Asian beauties with Artist Makeup. Sadly, there are no nude photos in any of the sets.

T40 Miyan

T41 Miju

They also brought back some old heads with Artist Makeup, including their very first Top-sino head, Miyou (which is still one of their best in my opinion) and Mitang.

T1D Miyou & T39 Mitang


Fanreal also revived some old heads, including the original tan-skinned Maria. After having the restyled blonde look for so long, Latina Maria is back, looking better than ever.

They also showcased their 159cm Yao. With a delicate or impish face, she looks fairly interesting in black lingerie.


Starpery began pushing out the photosets that they had previously teased. Well, only one came out so far: the 163C Qingwen, which they’ve promoted a lot recently.


TOP-CYDOLL released a new head called Tanya, shown on the 168cm body. Quite similar to Amber, she has a youthful and radiant face, possibly Latina or Southeast Asian-inspired?

Funwest Doll

This week, Funwest Doll showcased their silicone 159cm A-cup body with 2 new photosets. Starting with Sophiemina, it’s the first time they put a different head (that isn’t Alice) on this body – and it fits well. With nice winter photos (similar to Eira’s release), they also highlighted the Real Skin Texture.

They also returned to their roots with what initially made them famous, the anime/gaming cosplays. Still with the 159A body, they dressed up Alice as Hinata from Naruto. While it isn’t an exact match, these vibrant photos turned out well.

MMX Doll

MMX released their 3rd Western head, Enya, on a newish 168cm body that I never showed. More sophisticated and mature than usual, she looks quite interesting and weighs 38 kg (84 lbs).

Speaking of mature, their 165cm Mengfei returned with a new look. Somehow, their dolls keep getting more realistic with each photoset. Originally, she looked pretty generic and didn’t stand out, but now, she has a realistic, mature look.


Back from the dead, Qita re-emerged with a new silicone, AIO 163cm Qianmo. It’s not their first-ever AIO doll – which I believe was a male doll – but it’s an unexpected comeback. Although she’s quite pretty, Qita seems a bit outdated nowadays (noticeably less detailed compared to the other silicone brands).

They also released a new head (and maybe a new body as well): the silicone 170cm Aisa. She looks pretty cute though a bit generic. I wonder if this is a comeback for them (after they went silent and haven’t updated their website in almost a year).

➤ Videos
170cm Aisa
163cm Qianmo

HR Doll

Meanwhile, HR Doll has been quite active, and released a new silicone 163cm D-cup body (not to be confused with their 163E body). I believe it’s their first chubby body – which has been trending among brands recently – and it’s not overly “fat,” though you can’t escape the hefty 49 kg (108 lbs) weight.

SY Doll

SY Doll released a new head (M44) with ROS mouth. In a punk theme, she looks pretty cute and reminds me a bit of Pip’s Ariel – but maybe that’s just me.


Back-to-back, Ridmii released another interesting silicone head this week called Fiora (on the TPE 164cm body). Like the girl next door, she has a cute, seductive, and hypnotic gaze.

➤ Video + Factory Photos


Last but not least, LilyDoll also had 2 new photosets of their hybrid dolls. First, their 158cm Aria returned in a fuzzy, summer theme.

Next, their 159cm Freya rejoined looking oddly pale in their Natural skin tone. She still looks cute though.


That wraps up another week of sex doll news. While name-brands didn’t release much, smaller brands certainly did. Sino Doll celebrated another year with realistic Asian heads, though I wonder what they’ll innovate next. Meanwhile, this week was mainly smaller brands like MMX Doll, HR, and SY/Ridmii. In terms of forgotten brands, Qita showed signs of life, but not every brand has returned since CNY. JY Doll is still nowhere to be seen, but will probably randomly appear at the next Chinese expo. Speaking of expos, Irontech Doll attends more expos than any other brand, especially Western ones, which is commendable. It seems they have many connections, even in Brazil. Could Brazil be the next big market for dolls? If so, brands would have to focus on more BBW BBL Brazilian dolls. I guess time will tell.

Thoughts on the never-ending news spree since CNY? Comment below!

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Rass

    Wish Fanreal figured out a way to make ROS head looks as good as the regular one.
    Elsa Babe gave up of regular fantasy dolls sadly.

    1. Steven

      Yeah, maybe that could be a future innovation. Right now, it seems like ROS adds too much bulk inside the head/mouth that it changes the face for most brands. As for Elsa Babe, I think they went the lazy “slightly editing each sculpt” for a new head route, rather than the more unique stuff they used to do. Or maybe their anime heads just sell really well.

      1. Rass

        I’m not a fan of anime style, but theirs look the best, and it doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of competition so they might be taking advantage of a good segment of the market.

  2. Jackson

    MMX Doll Mengfei looked so hot!

    1. Steven

      I agree. They really brought her to life in the latest photos. Every photoset has gotten more realistic somehow.

  3. The Brazilian

    As for the dolls themselves, love TOP-CYDOLL’s new girl – she looks LatAsian to me; as well as Fanreal’s Maria new set – absolutely alluring. Funwest and Sino Doll also kept up the great work with their beautiful ladies.

    But MMX Doll takes the cake today: both Enya and Mengfei are drop dead gorgeous, each on their own, and so realistic, to the point that I would love to see them on a freeze modeling gig with real human models on a department store display. I would pay to see that, on a heartbeat.

    1. Steven

      Dolls have definitely gotten more realistic lately, and you’re right, it was very noticable this week. Huge upgrade from years ago, though a lot of it is makeup, lighting and angles, and some photo editing. I still think that side-by-side with humans, they tend to look less real.

      Also, pretty cool to see the Brazilian market potentially open up. I’m curious how Brazilians would view sex dolls, especially in the public like you described. I know that here in the US, they’re generally stigmatized and looked down on.

  4. The Brazilian

    Now there’s a legit shocker for me – I never expected realistic dolls to appear here in Brazil. But this actually gave me a glimpse of hope…

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